Computer history - 1919
Updated: 12/31/2022 by Computer Hope
Computer and technology-related events in 1919
An electric synchronized time clock system was introduced.
Computer companies and organizations founded in 1919
Olympus was established on October 12, 1919, by Takeshi Yamashita.
Computer pioneers born in 1919
Nathan Rochester was born on January 14, 1919.
Russel Ackoff was born on February 12, 1919.
Trevor Pearcey was born on March 5, 1919.
Andrew F. Kay was born on March 22, 1919.
John Adam Presper "Pres" Eckert, Jr. was born on April 9, 1919.
Harlan Mills was born on May 14, 1919.
Jeffrey Chu was born on July 14, 1919.
John Pinkerton was born on August 2, 1919.
James Wilkinson was born on September 27, 1919.
Stanley Frankel was born in 1919.