Computer history - 1924
Major computer events in 1924

The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (C-T-R) was renamed to IBM on February 14, 1924.
Computer and technology-related events in 1924
CATV (Community Access Television) and cable broadcasting began being used in some European cities.
IBM introduced a self-regulating time system.
Fred M. Carroll developed the Carroll Rotary Card Press to produce punch card blanks at high speed. At a rate of 1,000 cards every 60 seconds, the press produced a dollar of revenue for IBM every minute it was in operation.
Computer pioneers born in 1924

David Evans was born on February 24, 1924.
Donald Shell was born on March 1, 1924.
Enid Mumford was born on March 6, 1924.
George Pake was born on April 1, 1924.
Evelyn Granville was born on May 1, 1924.
Donald Davies was born on June 7, 1924.
Friedrich Bauer was born on June 10, 1924.
Gerrot Blaauw was born on July 17, 1924.
Max Palevsky was born on July 24, 1924.
Leo Fantl was born on August 8, 1924.
Georgii Lopato was born on August 23, 1924.
Jean Hoerni was born on September 26, 1924.
Paul DeMaine was born on October 11, 1924.
John Backus was born on December 3, 1924.
Charles Bachman was born on December 11, 1924.
Jean Bartik was born on December 27, 1924.
Computer pioneer deaths in 1924

George Fairchild passed away on December 31, 1924 (Age: 71).