Computer history - 1927
Updated: 10/18/2022 by Computer Hope
Major computer events in 1927
Philo Taylor Farnsworth became the first person to successfully transmit a TV signal on September 7, 1927.
Computer and technology-related events in 1927
Bell Labs performed the first long-distance television transmission from Washington, D.C., to New York City.
The first automatic gang punch was developed.
Computer pioneers born in 1927

David Wheeler was born on February 9, 1927.
Gerard Salton was born on March 8, 1927.
Allen Newell was born on March 19, 1927.
Dudley Buck was born on April 25, 1927.
Glen Culler was born on July 7, 1927.
Theodore Maiman was born on July 11, 1927.
Marvin Minsky was born on August 9, 1927.
Bob Evans was born on August 19, 1927.
John McCarthy was born on September 4, 1927.
Robert Noyce was born on December 12, 1927.
Wesley Clark was born in 1927.