Computer history - 1946
Major computer events in 1946
The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was completed.
New computer products and services introduced in 1946
Jan Rajchman began his work on developing the Selectron tube capable of storing 256 bits. Because of the popularity of magnetic core memory at the time, the Selectron tube was never put into mass production.
The first trackball device was invented by Ralph Benjamin in 1946.
Freddie Williams applied for a patent on his CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) storing device on December 11, 1946. The device became the Williams tube or more appropriately, the Williams-Kilburn tube. The tube stored only stored 128 40-bit words.
Computer and technology-related events in 1946
On January 10, 1946, the US Army Signal Corps successfully received an echo bounce from a radar signal sent to the moon. Code-named Project Diana, the event proved that radio waves could penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.
Konrad Zuse wrote the first algorithmic programming language called 'Plankalkül.'
Brooklyn New York's National Bank became the first bank to issue a credit card in 1946.
IBM announced the 603 Electronic Multiplier, the first commercial product incorporating electronic arithmetic circuits. The 603 used vacuum tubes to perform multiplication far more rapidly than earlier electromechanical devices. It had begun developing as part of a program to make a "super calculator" that would perform faster than 1944's ASCC (Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator) with electronics.
On October 24, 1946, the first black-and-white photo of Earth was taken from a V-2 Meinel at an altitude of 65 miles.
IBM introduced an electric Chinese ideographic character typewriter, which allowed an experienced user to type at a rate of 40 to 45 Chinese words a minute. The machine utilizes a cylinder on which 5,400 ideographic type faces were engraved.
Computer companies and organizations founded in 1946
Sony was founded on May 7, 1946.
Tektronix was founded in 1946.
Computer pioneers born in 1946
James Thomas was born on March 26, 1946.

Robert Metcalfe was born on April 7, 1946.
Manuel Fernandez was born on April 22, 1946.
Robert Stein was born on April 20, 1946.
Al Lowe was born on July 24, 1946.
N. R. Narayana Murthy was born on August 20, 1946.
Gordon Eubanks was born on November 7, 1946.
Andrew Chi-Chih Yao was born on December 24, 1946.
Carolyn Meinel was born in 1946.
Victor Alhadeff was born in 1946.
Computer pioneer deaths in 1946

John Baird passed away on June 14, 1946 (Age: 57).