Computer history - 1950
Major computer events in 1950
The United States Government received the UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) 1101 or ERA 1101. This computer was considered to be the first computer that was capable of storing and running a program from memory.
Computer and technology-related events in 1950
The first electronic computer was created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito.
Konrad Zuse completed and sold the Z4 on July 12, 1950. The computer became the first commercial computer.
Alan Turing published his paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence in October. This paper helped create the Turing Test.
The NiCad (nickel-cadmium) battery began its commercial use.
Computer pioneers born in 1950

Wayne Pickette was born on April 21, 1950.
Murali Chemuturi was born on June 28, 1950.
Arianna Huffington was born on July 15, 1950.
Richard Branson was born on July 18, 1950.
Ken Kutaragi was born on August 2, 1950.
Jon Hall was born on August 7, 1950.
Steve Wozniak was born on August 11, 1950.
Paul Otellini was born on October 12, 1950.
Mitchell Kapor was born on November 1, 1950.
Bjarne Stroustrup was born on December 30, 1950.
Andy Bryant was born in 1950.
Bertrand Meyer was born in 1950.
Dave Boggs was born in 1950.
Dennis Hayes was born in 1950.
Douglas Lenat was born in 1950.
Steve Bristow was born in 1950.
Computer pioneer deaths in 1950

Leslie Comrie passed away on December 11, 1950 (Age: 57).