Computer history - 1990
Major computer events in 1990

In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee, working with Robert Cailliau at CERN, proposed a 'hypertext' system (HTML), which started the World Wide Web as we know it today. Later, Tim Berners-Lee successfully set up the first web server at on December 25, 1990.
Alpha Waves, widely considered to be the first 3D platform game, was released for the Amiga and Atari ST computers.
1990 computer and technology top terms
The following are some top computer and technology-related terms in alphabetical order that were introduced or popularized in 1990.
New computer products and services introduced in 1990
Microsoft released Windows 3.0, a completely new version of Microsoft Windows, on May 22, 1990. The version sold more than three million copies in one year. Microsoft Excel version 3 and Word version 1.1 were released. Excel version 3 was also released for Mac in 1990.
A screenshot capture program named Snagit was released in 1990.
Creative Labs introduced the SoundBlaster Pro in 1990.
Quarterdeck released its memory management program QEMM386 version 5.1, which quickly became the fastest-selling program in the United States.
GNU Hurd began its development in 1990.
The Haskell programming language was introduced in 1990.
IBM introduced XGA (Extended Graphics Array) in 1990.
IBM released the POWER1 microprocessor, which features out-of-order execution.
IBM introduced the System/390 family consisting of 18 Enterprise System/9000 processors ranging from midrange computers for office environments to the most powerful computers IBM had ever offered.
IBM scientists discovered how to move and position individual atoms on a metal surface using a scanning tunneling microscope. The technique was demonstrated at IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California, where scientists created the world's first structure: the letters "I-B-M" - assembled one atom at a time.
IBM announced the RISC (reduced instruction set computing) System/6000.
IBM announced the Personal System/1 (PS/1).
IBM scientists created a technique for producing blue laser light to increase the capacity of optical data storage devices.
Adobe Photoshop 1.0 was exclusively released for the Macintosh on February 19, 1990.
The first search engine, Archie, written by Alan Emtage, Bill Heelan, and Mike Parker at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, was released on September 10, 1990.
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) was launched on October 17, 1990.
Intel introduced SMM (System Management Mode) in October 1990.
The first Commander Keen game, Mooned on Mars, was released on December 14, 1990.
Intel released the 80386SL and 80486SL processors that used low power and found in many portable computers.
ISIS (Image and Scanner Interface Specification) was introduced in 1990 by Pixel Translation, now known as EMC Captiva.
Sega released the Game Gear on October 6, 1990, its first handheld video game system. The device was later released in North America and Europe on April 26, 1991.
The CMA (Computer Misuse Act) was introduced.
SCSI-2 was approved in 1990.
The xxd command was released by Juergen Weigert in 1990.
Computer and technology-related events in 1990
Microsoft exceeded $1 billion in sales and became the first company to do so in 1990.
Godwin's Law was conceived in 1990.
The Hubble telescope went into space in 1990.
Microsoft released its first product for the Russian market, Russian DOS 4.01.
The World, the first commercial Internet dial-up access provider, came online in 1990.
Microsoft Office for Windows was released on November 19, 1990.
Tandy and Microsoft introduced the MPC (Multimedia Personal Computer) standards in 1990.
Microsoft and IBM stopped working together to develop operating systems.
ARPANET was replaced by NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network).
The first http server, CERN HTTPD, was written in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee for the NeXTSTEP platform.
GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) standard was defined.
Microsoft's Solitaire, the first highly successful casual game on the personal computer, was released in 1990. Since its release, approximately 400 million gamers have played the game.
The NiMH battery was first used for commercial use.
Gopher was developed at the University of Minnesota. The program was a menu-driven search-and-retrieval tool for Internet users to locate information online.
Computer companies and organizations founded in 1990
The EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) was founded on February 16, 1990. See our EFF company page for company and contact information.
ABS (Always Better Service) was founded in 1990.
ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) was founded in 1990.
CHEM USA was founded in 1990.
Eidos was founded in 1990.
Gericom was founded in 1990.
MagicRAM was founded in 1990.
Media Vision was founded in 1990.
Ositech Communications was founded in 1990.
Panda Software was founded in 1990.
Rambus was founded in 1990.
Rocket Software was founded in 1990.
Synchrotech was founded in 1990.
Team 17 was founded in 1990.
TimeWarner was founded in 1990.
TRENDnet was founded in 1990.
Trilobyte games was founded in 1990.
Computer company events in 1990
Peter Norton sold his software business to Symantec.
The AFIPS (American Federation of Information Processing Societies) organization was discontinued in 1990.
Hitachi acquired the Dataproducts computer peripheral company in 1990.
Computer-related TV shows and movies released in 1990
Cyberpunk, a stylistic documentary about the cyberpunk movement, was released in 1990.
Discontinued products and services in 1990
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was decommissioned on February 28, 1990.
Computer pioneers born in 1990
John Collison was born in 1990.
Computer pioneer deaths in 1990

Alan Perlis passed away on February 7, 1990 (Age: 68).
An Wang passed away on March 24, 1990 (Age: 70).
Robert Noyce passed away on June 3, 1990 (Age: 63).
Joseph Licklider passed away on June 26, 1990 (Age: 75).
Arthur Samuel passed away on July 29, 1990 (Age: 89).