Computer acronyms and abbreviations

One of the most confusing things for computer users is the computer terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. Below is the most complete list of computer acronyms on the Internet, with over 2,230 abbreviations and acronyms and their full meanings. Clicking these links opens the full definition of each acronym for further help. You can also use the Computer Hope search to find and open any acronym page immediately. If this list is too overwhelming, consider starting with: What are the most important computer terms I should know?
The capitalization of some acronyms may have different meanings. For example, Mb (Megabit) and MB (Megabyte) are different measurements. However, "MB" is shown as "MB (Megabit, Megabyte, or Motherboard)." Clicking an acronyms link shows a full page of information, including capitalization details.