
Updated: 05/06/2024 by Computer Hope
AddThis company logo.

AddThis was a social bookmarking service started in 2004 by Hooman Radfar, Austin Fath, and Dominique Vonarburg that helped website owners add social sharing links to social networking sites. Their JavaScript code could be added to each web page to display bookmarks for almost every social network, including Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. The free service was supported by collecting users' data as they visited sites with this code and shared links.

The company was acquired by Clearspring Technologies in 2008, which continued to develop the service and achieved almost 2 billion monthly unique visitors. Later, the company was sold to Oracle on January 5, 2016. Oracle terminated the service on May 31, 2023.


Those who used AddThis should consider switching to ShareThis as a replacement.

Add, Analytics, Bookmarking, Internet terms, Share, ShareThis, Social network, Tools