Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator or Illustrator is a vector graphics editing program published by Adobe. It is useful for designing logos, clip art, blueprints, and other precise, resolution-independent illustrations. Illustrator was released in 1987 for the Apple Macintosh; today it also runs on Microsoft Windows. The current version is Illustrator CC (Creative Cloud).
Additional AI information
The native file format for projects created in Illustrator is the proprietary AI (Artificial Intelligence) format, but it can also save files as EPS (Encapsulated PostScript). It can export graphics to PDF (Portable Document Format), JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), and other graphics formats, although some or all vector editing information may be unavailable if those files are imported back into Illustrator.
Adobe, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe Premiere Pro, AI file, Export, Illustration, Inkscape, Proprietary, Software terms, Vector graphic