
Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
Akamai Technologies

Founded in 1998 by Randall Kaplan, F. Thomson Leighton, Daniel Lewin, Preetish Nijhawan, and Jonathan Seelig, Akamai Technologies is a CDN (Content Delivery Network), cloud, and cybersecurity provider. Akamai owns and operates many servers globally, and provides server space and services to clients wanting fast website response times by utilizing distributed content. Their powerful Akamai Intelligent Platform utilizes over 275,000 servers, operating in over 130 countries and over 1,500 networks to gather data about Internet traffic and areas of congestion.

Contact information

Phone: (877) 425-2832
Alt Phone: (617) 444-4699
Support: List of global support numbers.
Fax: None or unknown
TDD/TTY: None or unknown
Website: Akamai official website.
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Akamai Technologies, Inc.
145 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02142
Stock: AKAM

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Company news

February 15, 2022 - Akamai Technologies announced on that it had acquired Linode for approximately $900 million.