Linux apt-file command

Updated: 05/04/2019 by Computer Hope
apt-file command

On Linux operating systems that use the APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) package management system, the apt-file command searches available packages for a specific file or files. The packages do not need to be installed to perform the search.


The apt-file tool can list, and search for, individual files in the software packages used by APT. It's similar to using dpkg -L, but apt-file can search all available packages, not just the ones already installed. It accomplishes this by maintaining a local cache of package contents.

Installing apt-file

If apt-file is not already installed on your system, install it with the command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install apt-file

After installation, you will receive a message about creating the apt-file cache:

The system-wide cache is empty. You may want to run 'apt-file update'
as root to update the cache. You can also run 'apt-file update' as
normal user to use a cache in the user's home directory.

You may also receive a notification window:

Apt-file notification window

To update your user cache, click Run this action now, and then Close.

Apt-file update

Or, in a terminal you can run:

sudo apt-file update && apt-file update

To update both the system-wide cache and your user cache.

When the update is complete, you are ready to use apt-file.


apt-file [options] [action] [pattern]
apt-file -f [options] search [file...]
apt-file -D [options] search [debian-package-name.deb...]


find The same as search.
list List all the files contained in packages whose names match pattern. One file per line is listed.
purge Clear "Contents-" files from the apt-file cache directory. If you receive any errors listing or searching, it's a good idea to perform a purge and then an update.
search Search for a file, whose name matches pattern, inside all available packages. Directory names are not searched, only file names.
show The same as list.
update Update apt-file's user cache of package contents from all configured APT sources.


-a arch,
--architecture arch
Different packages exist for different computer architectures. Use this option to specify which architecture's packages should be searched.
-c cache-dir,
--cache cache-dir
Set the cache directory to cache-dir, instead of the default. If you run apt-file as a regular user, the default cache directory is $HOME/.cache/apt-file/. If you run apt-file as root, or if your user cache does not exist, the default cache directory is /var/cache/apt/apt-file/.
-d mnt-point,
--cdrom-mount mnt-point
Use mnt-point as a CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory) mount point for reading package information.
When this option is specified with the search action, apt-file reads the contents of a specific Debian package file, debian-package-file.deb, as the search pattern. This can be useful if you need to compare the contents of a broken package. This option implies -F.
Read the search pattern from the given file or files, one per line. To read patterns from standard input, use a single dash ("-") as the file name.
Interpret all search pattern characters literally. Use this to match pattern exactly.
Treat uppercase and lowercase letters the same when matching the search pattern.
Only display the package names, and omit file names.
If using one of the connection methods listed in the interactive value in the configuration file, skip all interactive prompts. This is useful when running apt-file in non-interactive modes such as a cron job.
-s sources.list,
--sources-list sources.list
Use a custom list of APT sources. The default APT sources.list is often located at /etc/apt/sources.list.
Display additional information when running.
Treat the pattern as a perl regular expression.
Run in "dummy" mode — simulate all actions. For instance, apt-file -y update downloads nothing and creates no cache files, but still examines existing caches and returns some output.
Display a brief help message, summarizing actions and options.
-- The special option of two dashes ("--") indicates the end of options. This is necessary if your search pattern begins with a dash.


apt-file purge

Purge the user cache. An apt-file update will be needed before a search can be performed on the user cache. If the user cache doesn't exist, the system-wide cache can be used for user searches.

apt-file update

Download information from sources, and create or update the user cache.

sudo apt-file purge

Purge the system-wide cache. sudo apt-file update is required before the systemwide cache can be used.

sudo apt-file update

Download information from sources, and create or update the system-wide cache.

apt-file search gimp

Show every file with "gimp" in its name, in every available APT package.

apt-file --package-only search gimp

Perform the same search as above, but list only the names of matching packages.

apt-file list gimp

List every file contained in every package with "gimp" in its name.

apt-file --package-only list gimp

Perform the same search as above, but list only the matching package names. Running this command provides output similar to apt-cache --names-only search gimp.

Relevant files and directories

/etc/apt/apt-file.conf The default apt-file configuration file.
/var/cache/apt/apt-file/ The system-wide apt-file cache.
~/.cache/apt-file/ The user apt-file cache.
/etc/apt/sources.list[.d] The default APT sources list.

apt — A unified APT front end for the command line.
apt-cache — Get information about installed and available APT software packages.
apt-get — Download and install APT software packages.
apt-cache — Change the settings of individual APT software packages.
aptitude — An enhanced APT front end for the terminal.
dpkg — Install, remove, and maintain Debian software packages.