Computer Hope visitor comments

Below are just a few of the recent comments that Computer Hope receives each day. This type of feedback are what help us continue to provide a free service to everyone, thank you. The following opinions are those of the individuals who have written them and to protect their privacy we've only listed their first name or alias.
I love that you guys provide so many options on what the issue might be and also provide a solution for it. After going through some of them I could not find the solution to my problem until I got to the section on the Touchpad settings and hardware. The steps were easy to follow and got my issue solved. Thank you so much for your help. :). (Mariah)
This article was the only place that accurately showed how to change keyboard layout for windows 11. (Hex)
I have literally been trying to figure this out for months but for some reason no other website knows what to do for my specific computer, so thank you so much. (Judah)
I've had troubles finding a page that would give me the exact thing I need but this one was superb. I had no difficulties. (Neisa)
I like the easy explanation without much long and winded sentences. Concise and straight to the point. (Prince)
Only place I found that had the Microsoft Works 6-9 converter that would install on my windows 10 computer. (ZeldonJ)
This is the first article I've read anything about binary systems. I'm impressed with the simplicity of explanation. I have a firm basic grasp of the code now. Thank you!. (Melinda)
Perfect thanks. Just needed to know sizes of bits, bytes etc. (Margaret)
Looking forward to more study on this site. And more organization on my computer. (Li_way)
Thank you for the Efficient Explanation!. (SJM)
I re-enabled the quick-launch feature on windows 10, which I thought was gone. This page showed me how to move it to where I wanted it - on the left near START. For the life of me, I couldn't figure it out. THANKS!. (Jeff)
This page helped me so much that l'll love to keep coming back here and learn more. (Ebude)
As one of the original Fidonet sysops 1:163/131, I am pleased to see there is still some history of the network available. (Art Hunter)
I found more information, than I expected. Thank you. (Alexandra)
I found your information clear, uncluttered, useful. (Tez)
Thanks for saving me some money. (Joetex)
First time seeing Computer Hope; will probably try it again at some point. Thx. (ZumZumHouston)
I see how it works with the tildes in Spanish names. THANKS for the Information. (Greta)
I did a lot of searching and finally found the symbols printed on the back of my PC. Lots of other useful information.Thank You! (Paul)
I actually was able to follow the clear directions that were given. I received my answer. (Cjanette)
Simplest, clearest presentation ever of the coding - and of various coding options. (Bryan)
Thanks for your well-structured content, I appreciate it. (Edgar)
I followed the steps to reset my computer due to it freezing. It worked beautifully. Thank you so much. (Christeen)
I am 82 years old and I never had chance to afford classes or time, Thanx for the website. Always had the feeling I was being hacked but I found out more on your website and people are trying to help me, and they are far ahead me. Thanx. (Carole)
I've found your site before (lovely name). Always helpful. Will bookmark it to Favourites. (Fliss)
Thank you for not having a million pop-ups before accessing the information, it was very nice to look at and honestly a good experience compared to other websites. I hope you have a good day! you matter to the world :). (Possum)
The best educational presentation of the layout of a motherboard I've seen. (Jakewvulaw)
I understand very easy. Explanation is very simple and good. Thank you! 100/100. (Ananya)
The topic was written in simple, clear, understandable terms. I got the answer I needed pretty quickly. Thank you for that. (Connieb48083)
The explanation is more clearer and easier to comprehend. (Fayizom)
Truly, Computer Hope's help is a really awesome source of knowledge for me and a trustful tech encyclopedia when I wish to know about something computer related. User interface is minimalist yet easy and comfortable to use. Computer Hope's team really do a great job with this site. I feel so bad about using it and don't giving anything in exchange; I truly appreciate the effort put on this sublime web experience. I wish the best for all the people behind this and I hope Computer Hope is up for a long, long time. My best regards, Carlos. (Carlos)
After trying to work this out on my own and typing the question in Google, to no avail, your solution helped me immediately. Thank you. (Pamela)
Icons page is a great resource! Thank you for making it!. (Brigitte)
Thank you for this application easy to understand which is the holy grail when it comes to Tech world. (Joe)
I love the simple approach you use in simple language format. Thank you. (Jane)
Used to write programs in college. Pascal, Basic, and C+..C++. Looking for available downloads. This helps!. (Mr. Riley)
I just wanted to say, "Thank You," in all of my 57 years on this earth, I learned everything I know about computer by YOUR SITE! It's been a number of years since I've been back here, but it feels like visiting an old friend. Thank you again & God bless. (Anthony)
Finally was able to fix the issue with my mouse no longer scrolling on the page. Holy moly, I'm so happy right now, I just can't find words. Thank you!. (Sheila)
Hmm, Just found your website. I searched for the difference between 24 bit and 32 bit images. Found this website on 2nd or 3rd rank. The explanation was very simple and the article was straight to the point without wasting any of my time. Thanks (Hooman from Arth)
I'm so glad I found your website. Thank you for your free and, most important, accessible technical help. Following your clear instructions, I was able to fix a simple but problematic keyboard issue. Until now, my husband, who was an IT professional and who died last year, took care of all our home technology repairs, major and minor, so I have very little experience or skill fixing computer problems. I'm so grateful for your help!. (Leah)
Great website. Thank you for helping society instead of trying to defraud everyone!. (Cricket)
Thank you so much for creating this website! It's helped me find the things I was looking for, like keyboard shortcuts and megabytes conversions. (Harris)
Airplane icon appeared in place of network icon I COULD NOT GET RID OF IT. Went on to 12 + sites to resolve the issue. NONE gave me YOUR instructions to resolve the problem. I HAD WASTED AT least 5 HRS in RESOLUTION ATTEMPTS. My HEARTFELT THANKS. (Alexa)
I was looking for creating a new file using Notepad++ in ubuntu linux. Thank you for new information. It was easy to follow the instructions. (Olga)
I could have used this in the 1980s. (Cosgrove)
Nice... the first website of tutorials that helped me within a minute.. thank you. (Jb)
Found exactly what I was looking for. (Joel)
I was immediately able to find the information that I was looking for. I located your site via Google search. I wanted to know how to resize the windows that I open (Windows 11). Even without the screenshots/snippets I would have been able to easily follow the written directions. Thank you! Great job. (Lowcountrybuttafli66)
Thanks for the color combination suggestion! If it hadn't been for you, I would have chosen a color that probably does not pair as well. So useful! (John F.)
I teach computing to kids and depend on the Computerhope website so completely. (Cassy)
Very clear through explanations, easy to read and comprehend. (Profharris)
Used your website to download a couple files that Microsoft no longer provide and they worked great - thanks. No viruses as far as I can tell. (Andrew)
At a time when sponsored listicles masquerade as tech tutorials and search results are littered with garbage, Computer Hope is a modern treasure. Just wanted to give props to youse for keeping this up. (Hank)
Thanks so much! My trusty laptop wouldn't boot up. Your recommendation worked like a champ! Thanks!. (Gene)
Computer Hope It's very nice to find a knowledge source like Computer Hope. Thanks for being a great place to find the answer to my elusive questions! WillyRare. (WillyRare )
No suggestions. The process was simple and easy with good search facilities. We had three monitors in my house, a combination of old a new so you can imagine the various cables including the newest monitor with audio/visual capabilities. I had all cables connected and after reading the tips now have just a surge protector and HDMI cable and everything works perfectly. (Evolving techy)
Found the solution here in few seconds Thanks a lot, team!. (Hemra)
It was right there. Took less than half a minute. (Timeswimmers)
Amazing. I love people who always answer my questions and don't give me something else. And you have done that...Thank you so much. You also have given me simplicity not simpler. but very easy to understand and follow..I am so happy for you guys Feedback: Not matter what you do, guys always AD PERSONALITY, my rule for success, and thank you for that. God bless you, I LOVE YOU.. :). (Angelica)
Sir / Madam, I was introduced to computers in my 60's with very little support - I was given help when 'I found myself in trouble' and it has been 'trial and error' ever since. As a result, my experience and knowledge is very limited. I require answers to be given in simple, basic, easy to understand language. Thank you for your understanding, it is greatly appreciated. Regards and have a nice day. (Colin)
No suggestions. This is the fastest I've ever found info related to my needs. Keep up the awesome work ya'll, and remember raise hell, praise Dale. (TheRoamingRedNeck)
Very clean, succinct site. Explained very well! Thanks!. (Tacitus.unum)
Thank you. Especially as there were no confusing ads or items mixed in with information. (Kevin wendar)
I stumbled upon this website by accident. I've learned more in the past five minutes than I did using Microsoft products for the past 40 years...WOW! Love the practice portion, and the examples are outstanding... thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!! (Pat)
I am a visually impaired student, I love your site so much. I find your website very useful, and I love how you people explain things. And I love how you set an example for anything you post. Continuing the good job. I am an upcoming blogger so set an example for me to learn on your website. I love you guys. (Francis)
This was amazing thank you!!! These steps went straight to the point and did not disappoint. (Holo)
I love the way you give information to me! Thank you! (Anonymous)
Nice experience. I clarified my doubts. (Helen)
Exactly what I was looking for. (Akshay)
Great simple page. No beating around the bush. Thank you! (Tim)
Really helpful and I learned a lot. Thanks. (Francis)
Very clear and concise - a great help. Thanks! (Steve)
It is very useful since the terms which we don't know are underlined for more information about that term. I really like and was exactly searching for this sort of Page. (Najeebullah)
Thank you for explaining each line of code. Very useful to me. (Jessop)
I had no idea. Concepts, information about WORD, college, technology! I learned how to save then upload my files. Awesome resource! (Ashlee)
I got nothing bad to say. I had info in under a minute and it answered my questions and was easy to understand. That's huge because most of the time it takes me a while to get what I need to know. I had no problems at all as I said, answered my questions and the answers were correct and easy to understand. Thanks for your help, it was greatly appreciated. (Jason)
Great job guys. Thanks for being clear and precise. Most sites are horrible! (Dr. Liu)
Always trust Computer Hope. First found you for your excellent HTML colors and codes. Top work all round. (Spud from Kent)
Very good work you make the work of learners easy. (Andrew)
YOU ARE THE BEST! NGL. Ur's pages were very helpful for my exam! what else can I say except thnx u! (Cyanixx CN 2)
Thank you for the straightforward solutions! Plus, you offered OUTSIDE OF THE BOX suggestions, even if they might seem not standard. (Poorrich)
Magic. Easy to find the solution and great advice to implement. I tip my hat to you. (Lou)
Thank you for this information It showed me that the area code was unassigned that Netflix supposedly was trying to contact me from. It proved it was a bogus call. Thanks again. (John)
Thanks so very much, I will recommend your site to people. It is Excellent. (Chap)
I had a stroke recently and I lost my address book. Your instructions helped me in retrieving my e-mail contacts. Thank you a bunch. (Bart)
Great site, provides a lot of information about the advantages of using computer :). (Aliya)
It's a big help to me. I found what I was looking to know. Thanks. More power to Computer Hope. (Anonymous)
It was great to find so much info in an easy-to-read form in one place. Thankyou. (Karen)
Thanks for saving my neck just in time, when other sites disappointed me. Thanks again sincerely. (Edge)
It was very easy to find what I was looking for, I plan on using this website more in the future. (S)
You made this so plain and easy. Thank you. (R.)
The simplicity of the information was a relief from other sites that use "computer talk" understood by those with a high level of computer knowledge. (Kathy)
This is the best page for the example of basic...excellent. (Nawazishntc)
This is the first time I've checked your site. Delighted to find so many easy to understand and super helpful articles! I've bookmarked it for future use...which will, I'm sure, be frequent! Thank you for creating this site. (Linda)
Amazing job! I have been a huge fan of this site for a long time. It is significantly better than all other similar sites and even feels better than going to stack overflow. As a part-time technical writer myself, I understand the time investment required for good content. Thank you! (Darren)
Thank you for lending your expertise to the public!!! (GForce)
I'm absolutely the worst! So grateful to you for direct answers that actually help, and do not send you in circles!!! Ty. (L.Pothof)
I'm not very computer literate but could follow all instructions easily. Thank you so much! (Alison)
Bravo! It's about time someone published clear, concise instructions and examples that the average user can easily follow. I've been a female computer scientist for 52 years, and I've taught the subject. I'm also the victim of ID theft, fraud, impersonation & piggybacking. I've bought 4 PC's in 3 months, just to have the cyber criminal disable them either with passwords on the BIOS and storage devices or stack overflows. I'm the lead investigator on the case, and haven't had time to repair them. At 70, my memory is failing. Your simple instructions will ensure good results. I have one suggestion: To remove the unauthorized passwords, I must re-program the EEPROMs. I have the equipment, but have never before done this task. The only instructions I've found are out of my field of expertise. Please consider posting "EEPROM Programming for Dummies". Thank you!. (70Geekette)
I have tried several sites and yours is by far the best for getting a clear and easy to understand answer. (Anonymous)
Looked all over for this HTML link solution, and tried several different things. This worked. Thank you beyond words! (Painius)
Thanks for all the color codes, I use them always. (Tom)
I am a novice. 67 years of age and had no idea how much my computer holds. Information at my level very helpful. Thank you. (Leanne)
This particular helping page on Action Center, really helped me find what I did wrong. Because there were lots of pictures and instructions to go with. This made it easier to understand how to fix my problem. This page was called "Computer Hope Feedback." Thank You. (JoanS)
I have learned so much from your site, it just shows I am not too old to learn more. Keep up the good work. JM, (Murray)
It was the third result on Google, the article was short and sweet. Had everything I needed, nothing I didn't. (T-CORK)
Thanks! My problem has been solved. (CandyFloss3445)
Extremely satisfied with your tutorials in Academic program for Certificate of Ordinary with Computer Science, thanks. (Twinamatsikoakim)
Answered my question precisely and understandably. (Rhonda)
I was going from site to site looking for an answer. Your yellow boxes, giving me the description and alternate name for the programs is what was key for me. Great job and I thank you. (SRR)
Thank you for 'to the point' explanation! good job. (Sakshi)
Absolutely fantastic. (Aizaz)
A game was causing me to not use my mouse and this helped, thanks a lot. (B.)
A job well done, indeed. It conveys the message in a friendly, easy-to-understand manner! Thank you!. (Prof. Dr. Elias Choueiri)
Thank you for being such a good website with no charge. My elderly neighbor just got his first internet smart tablet, and I've been trying to put together a little instruction manual for him to use for texts, e-mails etc. Now I've found your website and it's wonderful - easy-to-read symbols with explanations. Thank you for your website!. (MsBeast196)
Well explained and some tips I will be able to pass on. I use a mouse all the time, but some tips I was not aware of!. (MC)
I found answers here that I could understand as a 75 yr old grandma. Thanks. (Gloria)
Thank you for making this information available! I've been having a hard day, and this helped solve a problem I was having making the hard day a bit easier. I appreciate what you do!. (Melissa)
Mother of Internet simplicity. (Izik)
Has all the answers I need for my research paper, 10/10. (Alan)
With utmost pleasure, I actually enjoyed my research, and it was pretty easy to comprehend. (Alamin)
Thank you for the list of shortcuts. Amazingly helpful!. (Sheri)
Nice website you have made Proud of you. (Sandip)
This Website is very Resourceful/Informative, simple, and well Organized. (Bryston)
Excellent explanations. I look forward to visiting this site again! (Lorelei)
I had a serious issue with VMWare and Atera not working / causing mouse to not work. Your article helped me get it reinstalled and operational again. Thanks. (IT GUY)
This was a GREAT explanation for SO many of my questions! I'm thrilled to have found you. I was a web designer for years and no-one ever answered my questions on code as well as this article. Now I'm excited to gobble up the rest of your site to learn more! THANK YOU for putting it in layman's terms. (Michelle)
I just wanted to express my deep and heartfelt appreciation for your website. I found I couldn't scroll down cells in excel using the up/down keys. Your website has an article on this where the answer to the issue is provided IN THE FIRST SENTENCE. In a world where the answer is normally buried after seven paragraphs of drivel to get your eyes on as many ads as possible, this was more than refreshing. It gave me hope. Computer Hope. With sincere respect and gratitude Cam. (CJ)
Great layout on page! Easy to understand thank you! (Bev)
I love the well clearly explained computer vocabulary with examples. (Cj)
Keep it this way, it is very friendly and direct to the point. Thanks. (Anonymous)
This was excellent. Just what I needed, a quick syntax example for opening a web page from within a batch file. You provided a quick and easy to use example without any long discussions or anything else unnecessary. Well done!. (Bill)
You are very good at your work. (Hassan)
Fantastic website, absolutely invaluable. (Archie)
Very nicely done, simple and easy to digest covering even the past programs. (Anonymous)
With the help of your dictionary, it was very easy to find everything in seconds. (John)
Very useful info because it gave a well-balanced and through step-by-step process. (D. L.)
I am interested in learning all about coding and computer science. Computer Hope is a Great help. (Poshadlo)
I saved this site 19 years ago. Nice to see it still up in 2023. (Electricjohn)
Thank you for the easy, understandable language and pictures! I think I may be able to fix my computer on my own!. (A. L.)
Thank you again for the simplicity of the language you use! And the diagrams! (A. L.)
I actually enjoyed your explanation that was given me. I'm an IT teacher from GHANA, West Africa. (O. S.)
Great help and tips been using this page over 10 years I was only a child then. I used to spend 10 hours a day reading through computer hope website as I was studying computer tech. Keep up the great work. (Albi)
Perfectly explains everything one needs to know about computer memory and how it works. (Anonymous)
That was awesome, I got more than what I was looking for. Thank you Computer Hope & Team. (Sanji)
I love you! My second monitor screen was dead (or so I thought). Everything I read said the monitor is dead if it gets power and doesn't show the "No signal" notification. This is the only place where it was suggested to use WinKey + CTRL + Shift + B and it worked in seconds. You guys are a hidden gem! Thank you!. (Vlad)
I'm an older woman who often feels left behind in the world of computers. Although I'm not a complete novice, I can maneuver my way around with basic to average skills. Your article was very helpful in explaining some of the nuances I never learned in school. I am relieved and will definitely look at more of the things your website has to offer. Thank you for explaining things in a forthright but simple way, without condescension, that even I can understand. Very sincerely, Mary Loller. (Mary)
Thank you and your team for me, please. I have been trying to fix my mouse for a week now and couldn't. I followed the directions on the website (issue 819) and holy s...batman it worked (turned out I had the buttons backward) Thanks again for your help and support. All the best to the team. (Y. A.)
Very clear explanation. Many thanks. (Kate)
I've been using the information on this site for years and have never left any feedback. It's about time I did because I've NEVER been disappointed. This is an incredibly useful site and I seriously appreciate the effort you took to put it together and maintain it. My hat is off to you! (J. M.)
Logical order and well written with good links. Thank you. (Stavros)
My experience was excellent. Thanks. (B.)
I would really recommend a lot of students or anybody who really wanna get to know or study the computer because everything is just so detailed much love. (Mwaka)
Thank you for your 'sh' explanation page. Best source of knowledge found for an long-years-experienced DOS & Windows programmer to switch easily to Linux shell. (E. L.)
Nice rundown of pc history. More info in one spot than I have seen before and I am a 50 year old geek. (Jimstone)
Thanks for the help on the Linux/Unix nohup command. (KMP)
The best site for computer learning so far. (Anonymous)
My first use of HTML code and managed to center align an e-mail generated by Power Automate. I'm pretty impressed with myself! Thanks for helping me :). (Sourceresss)
It's always an easy experience trying to find an answer at Computer Hope, my place of choice, thank you. (Sean)
What a great site you have! I am not a "techie", far from it. Your site is so easy to navigate and understand that I must say it is the best site I've yet to see for helping me find help, and thereby understanding, what I'm doing on my computer. Thank you so much!. (Cooper)
It really saved my workday; I put my keyboard behind my laptop for eating and accidentally pressed scroll lock when getting it out. I was panicking for a sec, before quickly finding the solution here. (Babett)
Nice read about the history of networks - Have a good day. (Xavier G.)
I am amazed that I did not know this site existed. I have just discovered it and I have been working with computers since the mid- 60's. I am now 82 years old. (AJC)
Finally, some good site for looking up linux commands! No annoying, no unnecessary, no ads, just info! Thank you very much. (Anonymous)
A nice, quick and short explanation of what 'hard copy' means. Thanks. (S. C.)
Nice experience. It clarified my doubts. (RMA)
Perfect; well done and thank you. [The Altair computer] was before my time so I learned something new. (D. C.)
It's so easy to find what you're looking for. (Vickie)
I thank you for what I asked was what I received. (Ada)
It was interesting to learn more about smartphones. Thanks. (Derek)
Thank you so so much, I was able to finish my assignment in time because of this article. Thank you so much. Much love from the opposite side of the world. (Alias)
Great site, glad I found you. (John)
Thank you so much for the great info on adjusting screen brightness... I just bought a Asus laptop and didn't know how to make adjustment. Then I found your site and it was so simple to understand as well as the great amount and value of the information you provide. Thank you very much and God bless!!!. (Margie)
I'm going to pass my assignment. Thanks (Samson)
I wanted a list. That's what you gave me, no extraneous information, Thanxs.(Uppity)
This was the third site I visited and the first to have the answer to my question. (How to set domain name). It was also simple to understand. Thank you. (Bobbie)
I like the explicit explanation. (Halma)
I am very glad I found your site. I have passed it along to others who I feel might benefit from its contents. (GEFlynn)
The main reason I am writing to you is to tell you that your site is the only one that quickly gave me the solution as to why I could no longer use the F4 key without having to use the Fn key with the F4 key. I was able to do this before but I must have unknowingly undid it and I couldnt remember who to fix it. Thank you so much for this. I will check out your site for other applicable knowledge. Thanks again. (E)
You guys tackle problems from all angles. The best part is you give suggestions on best option. (Krachii)
I must say it was a good experience so far so not bad buddy. (Mylkie)
I am a senior citizen and grateful that when I ask such simple questions, I am not made to feel like a moron. (Anonymous)
Hello, your web page looks great. Minimal and simple design approach, very handsome. (Turgut)
Amazing website helped loads in my research. (Miloni)
Thank you so much. I was able to remove the battery and put it in after holding the power button and it worked,my PC was able to on again. (Promise )
Perfect suggestions and guidances, I already solved my problem by your page contents, thank you for your nice work. (B.)
It was easy finding the solution that I was looking for. (Roll)
Best concise information I have found on the web in a long time. I gained a wealth of knowledge in a very short period of time. Excellent!!. (Candy)
I was able to understand all hardware components and functions through the inlinks provided. Thanks. (Karen)
Things are easy to find in the search bar and the definitions are clear and easy to understand. (Maggie T.)
Very helpful, I was very desperate to know about computer history in the right order, and here I get to know everything in an excellent easy way. (Mayank)
I will definitely make this site one of my favorites!. (Alysa)
Wow every person will enjoy to read from this website. Thank u it was really helpful. (S.)
I've been looking for how to disable my mouse pad for ages and finally figured it out. This website is a lifesaver. (B rad)
Actually I have found this to be good information among the alternatives. Thanks. (Anonymous)
This is what I've looked for so long!! intelligent English clear statements, explanations worth reading. I appreciate this so much and Apple should never stop bowing to you. They owed us this much from the beginning. Darn their stinky arrogance. (Jalal)
Liked it so much that I added it to my favorites. (Alias)
Very good, short, clear and to the point definition. No fluff. Excellent. (Anonymous)
Excellent. Keep up such a high standard. Thanks. (Osvaldo)
Thank you. It solved my problem. (R.)
Good stuff...couldnt get pc to turn on with new batt but did it for 24 hrs as works and charges great... (Anonymous)
I'm so glad that I stumbled upon this site. I'm not very good with computers and your site has already answered so many of my questions. So thank you so much for that! (Kay)
I've been on the edge of programmers and languages for 20 yrs but never deep dived. [I like how you] keep it simple... this gave good insight on how and where to get started, in terms of what to learn to program what types of applications, even if it was broad in scope, it was what I needed rather than a "learn everything" bit. Thanks! (Elmdi)
Information was well organized, easy to read and thorough. Thanks. (Mike)
I really satisfied for the information I have got from Computer Hope I was never thought I could get the helpful information like this one.. thanks Computer Hope keep it up. (Charli)
Great support and information!. (Barrie le Roux)
Thanks guys love your work !!! (Jardini)
It was a good experience for me to see what I was busy searching for within a second, I appreciate this site, keep up the good work. (Abdul)
Fine, well organized, and very useful overview of this most interesting branch of the history of computer OSes. (Carsten)
Was searching for how to stop making Excel/Google Spreadsheets convert "=" to a formula inside a cell. The page I found via Google on your site answered this exactly! Thank you!. (Ammy)
Easy to use, and got a lot of useful information. (Sam)
This perfectly solved my problem! I downloaded the anti adware program and now I can get back on the internet!. (Papi)
Thank you. I thought that this was really helpful. (Anonymous)
Computer Hope is a best website which gives the best information with simple language. (Benjamin M.)
Keep doing what you are doing. Thank you for your hard work. It is much appreciated. (Stephen G.)
Content is simple and easy to understand! (Nitesh)
Very helpful guide. I was facing the problem of stuck out my laptop during work. I followed the steps as directed by you and all the problems solved... Thanks alot. (Anonymous)
You provide excellent basic content and it is explained with the user in mind. Thank you so much for your consistent and dedicated work. (Trouble in Mind)
Hello, I saw your article about reasons a computer may turn on and then turn off, and the computer was lasting shorter and shorter spans of time staying on while I was troubleshooting driver errors. the first fix in your article was to check the power strip, and that was the problem. thank you so much for your article, it was a problem I was troubleshooting for several hours the computer being very slow while it was on and finally searching your article made me very happy. (Anonymous)
I love the simplicity, the explanations that are simple and spot on, detailed explanations and examples, this is the best study website, kudos to you guys, and keep it up. (Anonymous)
Really great! Quick, informative, and to the point without blah, blah, blah. Thanks so much. (HmSki)
I found the answer immediately. (Dorothy)
It was nice and it was ok by me with all the information I got from the site. Thanks. (H. B.)
I have been looking for a resolution for months, but I could not access a particular website. It was listed in the "hosts" file in the etc folder. THANK YOU!!! (Gary)
A very good guide line with a simple english for easy understanding. (Dongy smart)
It could still take ten to twenty seconds for the unresponsive program to be terminated after choosing End Task. Worked perfectly, thanks. My PC is now again alive. (Anonymous)
I read the 'Top 10 internet tips and tricks' updated 02/01/2021. It was so helpful learning the different shortcuts. I already know a few of them, but it's awesome how computers can do that sort of thing!. (K)
I am really grateful for this page. I have understood most of the symbols and their functions. Please, keep up the good work. (E. N.)
This is a very useful website I like it so much there's no need to improve this website. (Anonymous)
Computer Hope is without doubt the best self-help program for beginner and experienced computer users alike. Simply the best, and very much appreciated by those of us who use CH when looking for a technical solution. Kudos to you good people, and many thanks. (Don C.)
I bookmarked the page because I like the recommendations towards the end. It had a few things I was already thinking about looking into. (Becca)
Thanks so much! The first suggestion worked to fix my computer! (Kathryn)
First-time visitor. Easily found the information I was looking for regarding Windows Media Player. I'll be back! :) (Joe)
First query brought instant success. Great stuff! Nick. (Nicholas)
Wow! I fixed the spacebar. Thank you. (Ellen)
Thank you for making it easy to get the needed information :). (Bandzile)
Quick and easy! Keep up the good work guys as a first-timer I will spread this page of you guys far and wide. (Dirk)
First time I've done a search on your site, it was excellent. All the information was there for me, perfectly outlined and well written. Thank you. (Griff)
Simply beautiful web pages/website. Congratulations. Simple, Logical, Clear, Unscattered, Intuitive. Again, congratulations. (PR)
Very good definitions; I found something I was looking for a long time; really helpful. (Pedro)
It worked! (How to delete autocomplete history.) Whoever you are... THANK YOU. (C. B.)
Thanks...this was a nice page to go to! (D. Q.)
Excellent presentation! Well organized and presented. Easy to understand. (Anonymous)
Thank you for your support, I love it. (C. N.)
I can't believe how quickly I found the solution. Before this website, every other one was 10 different steps and so many reasons and was not as clear at all. 10/10 definition will be using again. (Olivia)
Grateful for your help with file transfer. thank you. (D. C.)
Really appreciate Computer Hope having this Linux section, and presenting these related module commands together. Makes it easier to understand their purpose and power quickly. This is always like Computer Hope, but now met for Linux, not just Windows. Thanks! (Faith)
I really enjoyed using this website. I used it for a research project and got 100!. (Shadow)
I fell over with laughter when I saw the name of your site "Computer Hope." It's exactly how I feel when dealing with technical issues sometimes, and I often have to research my woes away. The fact there's a site that encourages a user not to give up hope and to 'look here, there's likely an answer to your problem' gave me such joy. Thank you and take care my friends! :). (Jessica)
Really very help full for my college exams. Thanx. (Deepak)
For an aspiring coder, like myself, this information was quit the refresher on how to use my PC to a more fulfilling standard. Thank you! (T. S.)
I have 2 different model Lenovo laptops. Both have had touchpad problems. I have tried many online solutions usually referring to function keys that I did not have. This site provided an understandable solution using device managerbthat worked on both computers. (FL Panhandler)
Getting the information I needed was easy and straightforward. I really like that. (K.)
I love how easy this website is to use I can find any color I want in HTML code! I've been looking for a website like this and I found it! 10/10 stars!. (Bryan)
Able to find exactly what I needed - Many thanks. (Harryg)
This page makes it easy to study IT subjects. Very useful. (H. S.)
An excellent resource for the elderly to understand computers. (Paul)
Found this page via a search. It provides the info I needed. Thank you. (Kirk)
Thanks guys 4 your work done to help us. (K. I.)
In Computer Hope I get Knowledgable articles. Keep it up! (Anonymous)
Just wanted to say "Thank you" to all at Computer Hope for providing invaluable info on an extraordinarily user friendly site. I, for one, appreciate the efforts and proficiency of all who collaborate and contribute to a much needed resource. (Abitbratti)
Loved the explanation and order of commands. You get to the point, straight forward. Other websites muddy the things on the way. Thanks. (Stan)
It's great to have such information shared on the internet because it helps many people to have knowledge of the new trending technology. Thanks. (L. A.)
After 10 years You May have shown me a way to understand enough to allow me to learn how to use this thing. Thanks. 84 years and still hopeful. (Walt)
My Windows 10, from version 190? to 20H1 and 21H1(now) was missing the "date search" option for more than 2 years, I followed your steps and type in "datemodified:". The "date search" appears. Thank you so much. (A. L.)
This is exactly what I was looking for. This information saved me hours of work. Thank you!!! (Dolly)
Great informative website. Lots of information with tips and tricks easy reading. Thank You. (Load2ReLoad)
I'm not a native but it was easy for me to understand the explanation about audio good job! And thanks. (Adira)
Thank you so much for putting this information out here. It's so straightforward without all the extras... (Don)
Nice detailed explanation. Helped me a lot in completing my project. Thank you! (A. L.)
It my first time coming across this site, my brief experience with the site it was really helpful and amazing good work, I give it a 5 star. (O. L.)
Well, Just messing around learning some more stuff about computers, (I intend to buy a computer), But wow, this helped me out a lot! A big thanks! (L. R.)
Outstanding. The information concise. (B)
Good. Easily understandable solution. Thanks. (I. J.)
This was extremely useful. I have this old hard drive and the jumpers are specified on the drive casing but the jumper pins are not labelled. This explained which pins were A/C and C/D and in particular what jumping A/C did. That wasn't on the casing. Thank you. (Raistlin)
Learned some things about replacing my desktop - Will use this resource again. (S. T.)
I recommend this website to everyone who wants to get good grades in ICT. (Tim O.)
Most useful page on the subject I have found - thank you so much! (RKR)
Keep the fire burning, this site is good for students. (Yeboah Godfred)
This article was very useful to me. Thanks a lot. (S. A.)
I really love this page, I am so impressed! Thanks. (I. N.)
Your site immediately gave me the advice I needed. Thank you. (Brian)
I like the search bar function that I use for listing hardware for information about its purpose and place in processes. (Z. V.)
Very informative and educational. Enjoyed reading your site. (Kat)
GREATNESS! Solved a problem I was struggling with since last week. (Dizzy)
Not much I can say, it was really helpful with what I needed. (F. R.)
Best experience and examples!!!. (Susan )
Your page is very helpful and easy to understand. Thanks. (Mike)
Very nice page, very important key information. Thanks. (M. S.)
Excellent site you have going here. It's going to be so much easier now to begin learning how to code and work HTML. (Connor)
Very useful for my needs. Easy to get the info I needed. (Pete)
I would love to keep searching computer stuff on this page. It provides satisfying answers for my computer questions. (L. F.)
I'm a very old man; have restricted movement. Your work brings me great information and pleasure. Thank you. (J.J.)
It was amazing, I know know what wrapped text is and I got through my Digital Technologies Test with ease! Thank you Computer Hope :). (Asha)
I love the chronological structure of the history. I found it helpful as a computer science student. Many thanks for the time and efforts for putting the information together. (Success)
Had no idea this command was available for batch files. Appreciate, again. (Anonymous)
Actually, I was not looking for computer information, I was only looking for the right description of "the wheel of reincarnation" because I wanted to quote it correctly. That's it. So, thanks :). (Ida)
Thanks for this beautiful information. (Anonymous)
Thank you for helping me fix the issue with my system. (D. D.)
Thank you for your help. it fixed my problems. (Anonymous)
I legitimately can't believe this worked! Thank you so much for helping me. The battery thing being greyed out was driving me nuts. THANK YOU!!!. (Rando)
Easy to read and understand. Love it, keep up your good work. (Ibrahim)
Awesome, I got enough information from your page. I'm feeling happy. (Asim)
Thank you, the article was very clear and to the point, it helped me do something I could never work out on my own. (E. L.)
I like the simple but sharp page design, it is easy on the eyes and easy to read. (Henry)
Thank you, simplified, easier to understand than Google information. Must go, it is my birthday. (Maria)
Well organized and quite resourceful. (RAUPH)
Exactly what I needed to transfer updated files to a memory stick for installing at another site. (Peter B)
Very simple and reliable notes for easy search. (Patrick)
Short and concise explanation, easy to understand. Good. (B. A.)
Great place to learn lots of useful information. (Catherine)
Keep up the good work! I love Computer Hope, use and recommend it very much. (Juan)
Good and easy explanation on what I'm confused about. Keep up the good work. (Ash)
Very informative and understandable. Thumbs up. (Ash)
Thanks. The recommendation to add the title to the alt tag was really useful. (Anonymous)
You're great! Thanks a lot for your valuable work. (Carlos)
Comprehensive in terms of the mathematics of the memory sizes and the available options deploying these 64-bit solutions. Very helpful! Thank you! (Arshdeep)
Thanks! This really saved me. My touch screen on my laptop was acting up. It's a hand-me-down hp envy that was supposedly dropped off of a moving vehicle (accidentally) and my dad gave it to me because it still works. Anyway, the touch screen was registering taps on the top of the screen and this helped me get rid of it. I'll definitely come background to this website if anything else happens to this stupid laptop. 10/10. (Evan)
It was quite useful as I wanted information regarding my school assignment and I'm pleased because I got enough. (Tshepo)
I really enjoy this site, it has made my day. I love it and it's so interesting and educating, million thanks. (Udoh)
Satisfied with easy-to-find answer to my question. (AV)
Very understandable and helpful site. Thanks! (Anonymous)
At 85 years of age I didn't know what I was looking for but with your help I found a cable disconnected. From the design and appearance of the plug it looked like it fit into the back of the CD-ROM. It did. All good again now. Thank you. (Bill)
Nicely done! Ty for the excellent summarization of information. It wasn't too long yet it was very informative and to the point in exactly what I was looking for and provided relative easy-to-use links. (Cat)
My computer would not start this morning found these instructions through a Google search-Had my computer up and running in less than five minutes-THANKS!. (Jen)
Am so happy to have found this site because this info is more important than people think. (Oliver)
Thank you! It was driving me nuts not being able to delete an empty folder. Learned something new too!. (Julie)
The information related to the audio-in jack of a computer was very helpful. I looked everywhere and other sites were convoluted and not clear in explaining it. Now, I know what it is for. Bravo!. (Harambe)
The context is well explained to the knowledge level of a layman or an average user. Very well done. (Paul)
I love this site, immediately I found the page, and I got what I wanted. Once again I say, thank u Computer Hope!! :) 8-) :D ;). (Daniel)
This helped me a lot, super simple and solved the problem instantly. (KC)
Thank you for having the HD specs for my ancient conner drive available. They allowed me to get my machine running! TY! (Anonymous)
It was the best experience I've had searching about computers. (Elma)
Thanks for the info about bytes and their values. (Nivek)
Great presentation of the information I was looking for. (T)
This is a clearly written article that helped me understand how to manage multiple search engines. I appreciate the work of tech-savvy people who help educate those of us who did not grow up using computers in school or workplaces. Learning computer skills post-retirement has really allowed me to improve the quality of my life. So Thank You for sharing your knowledge, and thanks also for asking for feedback... that is a sign that you are looking for ways to innovate or improve. I am very impressed. from Hannah, age 74, Canadian citizen and lifelong learner. (Hannah)
Thanks for the useful information you have here on your website, it saved my homework assignment because I wasn't able to use my mouse at first but your keyboard mouse control guide worked flawlessly. (Zanex)
At first this information was not easy to find, because I did not know what I was looking for. However as soon as I saw your web page, I knew I had found what I was looking for. Your list is very comprehensive. Thank You. (Anonymous)
I really love this site, it's simple and easy to get what you are looking for. (A. B.)
Straightforward, easy to access information that solved my problem. Thank you! (W.)
I have been using this website since I was like 9 and it has always been my go to, it is amazing and I cannot think of ever using another site. (Robbie)
This is very simple and very useful. (Yashodara)
This site is very useful to the learner. Particularly, a learner like me. Honestly, I'm so glad. (Abdullahi)
Thanks for the information on multicore processors! (Kate)
I really wasn't looking for anything, just surfing, and was quit pleased with what I found. (P. F.)
This page is very easy to find or search for something. (Janet)
Your suggestions were of great assistance with simple language. Thank you. (Felix)
I had an optical mouse aired out the window and no dust. I read the next recommendation and relocated my usb. WAHLAH or Viola. The usb was under another usb component therefore I brought it up above and closer to my mouse pad. Thanks. (Farmer)
Your site is consistently the easiest and most concise site to surface when searching for computer related topics. Great job!! (HeRodeCBR)
This is a very simple and easy way to understand. (Area)
I was able to find what I was looking for. (Baguette toast breadwinner)
This website will help me a lot to understand anything about computing. (Gerald)
I love it so much because it's gives me a better point. (Anonymous)
Thanks for your help. It was a nice experience. (Anonymous)
So useful for my research. Thanks. (Liz)
I'm very impressed with every aspect of Computer Hope I've experienced so far... I don't have any suggestions or recommendations yet... But if I spend a lot of time here I might... For now, all I can say is Thank You, Thank You. (Grandpa Ken)
Clear instructions for the rusty mind. I did know all this stuff years ago in the world of Windows 98. Thanks for being out there. (Anna)
Perfect, website well designed, it was pretty easy for me to find my own way. Thanks. (Morlaye)
Computer Hope is the best website for computer beginners, I have learned lots of things. (Kamruddin)
Thank you for all the incredible help. (Serge)
I will use this site again. It was recommended to me and I quickly found the answer to my problem. The information on your site is clear, detailed and comprehensive. Many thanks :) (Emily)
I found the exact answer to my question and easy to understand answer. (Aarti)
Keep on telling it like it is. No sugar coating. (Papa)
It was a nice explanation, thanks. (Hikma)
Definitions or information provided on Computer Hope are mostly succinct and relevant. (KFC)
Good job! It took me 5-10 seconds to resolve my touchpad issue. Kudos (Sam)
Thank you very much for making this! Found the solution to my issue straight away. (Ava)
I was amazed seeing different shades of colors, the page exceeded my expectations. (Chivic)
Very informative article with key points for secure use of Facebook account. Thanks. (John)
Great resource for me to use, thank you!! (Kielynn R.)
Keep up the good tips, I sure need alot of help, thank you for the help so far. (Amber A.)
Spot on the information I needed, saved me a whole lot of frustration! Thanks! (L. A.)
I like your explanations, tons of facts and easy to understand, thank u. (S. A.)
You were about 4th on google search under the suggested other relevant searches list from a previous search result. You answered the question simply and with clear steps. Its a short clean read with the perfect minimal set of screenshots. I quickly found what I needed. Thanks!!. (Julie)
I was having absolutely no luck getting things set up. I am not good at connecting wires and all, but once hooked up I can do anything on a computer. But now, I can connect my printer and actually understand what I was doing, and be able to use it. Lol, Thank You. (Barbara)
Your site has helped me a lot. The design is pleasing to the eyes btw. (Nick)
I only knew Apple key commands, I've been trying to learn PC key commands. This was very helpful. Thank you. (Amy)
Really like the layout of the site. It provides exactly what I'm looking for. It's going to be a great help in my class Thanks!. (Amy)
Excellent short explanation of the effects of 32 and 64-bits in performance and limits! Thanks. :) (Anonymous)
Straight to my question answer. No delays. 1st time here. So far so good. (Anonymous)
Great to have such accurate, readily available information. (Anonymous)
Thank You for your support. I did not knew before about ASCII, or even how it is spelled, but now I know more about it... thank you so much! (N. E.)
No suggestions. It all worked well and explained in simple to understand fashion. Well done. You are now bookmarked :). (Ukpeterg)
Was looking for ISO definition. Found it easily. Thanks!. (Thomas)
Just learning so everything is useful to me. (Donna)
Thank you so much! I need my laptop to work, but know nothing about computers, so I was desperate to fix it without having to get it professionally repaired. Your suggestions helped me get it to work again, please give whoever wrote the suggestions my sincerest thanks! (Catkin)
I appreciate the simple layout you currently have. Please do not change it. Thank you. (Research Scientist)
Thanks for making it so clear and easy to understand! (Ruth)
After 52 years of working on computers, I RARELY run into a technical article online that explains things as clearly and to the point as you've done. I needed to refresh my memory about the xcopy command syntax to create a new .bat file. Thanks and WELL DONE! It's obvious that you're not employed at Microsoft!! :-) (John)
Please do not remove this page. HTML color codes. Very easy to use. Very useful. (TV)
Excellent direct easy to understand instructions on how to find the settings on what closing laptop lids do and how to change/select their options. Thanks! Good work! (G)
This is the best platform very easy to understand what you're looking for everything is well defined and understandable. (Sylvia)
Thank you. You for making the search so easy and informative and it also showed me some low cost computers that I have been looking for! (C. N.)
Really great information & good site!!! (Nikki)
Didn't have to read through pages and pages to get to the information I needed and wanted. (Jojo)
I did an online search through "duck duck go" and found the answer on your site. I book-marked your site for future reference. Thank You. (W. J.)
Great article saved my work day. Drained laptop by disconnecting AC and holding down power button for a minute. No other websites mentioned this!. (H.)
I was desperate to remove the recycle bin from my desktop as I hardly use it and I think its rubbish on my desktop and I don't like it, and I loved how this informative page helped me remove it. Thank you. (Saaz)
Super actionable and easy to find. Awesome content!!!!. (Dude)
Just great, Hope provides quick, easy to follow answers to my questions. (Nia)
Your information has been good to me in achieving my search. (Richard O.)
A simple question on formatting (NTFS vs ex-Fat) and good answer. (Anonymous)
I was having trouble turning my laptop on until I found this, thank y'all so much for the info. (Jordyn M.)
Looked at a number of site for an answer with no luck. Got it first time here. (Stan W)
Really helpful, sincerely grateful. (Masy)
Very interesting history of pre computer devices. (Lu)
Tells me what I want with a clear and helpful definition and example. (REB)
Thank you for the vivid explanation. (Tim)
I wish I could have known about your website sooner! (Miguel M.)
This was an excellent resource and I was able to take care of the issue. Very clear instructions without getting lost in the unnecessary language. Thank you. (Dmj)
Thank you. Easy to understand and precise too. (Richoco)
It's great what you're doing. Keep up the good work. (Ella)
The concept was easily explained. This article has helped me a great deal in understanding and using both git and GitHub. Thank you very much! (Jessica)
I have recently completed my Basic PC Maintenance and Networking course and I am now embarking on my Level 2 Diploma in IT Essentials CISCO (CompTIA A+ exam optional) and I feel that you have created an excellent resource tool. (Muhammad)
Thank you so much million thank you man I thought I couldn't do anything with my computer!! Fixing it was simple with all the instructions you provided! Nice thanks a lot. (Mahady)
Thank you, your site was so excellent. (K. F.)
This was a very well written page, way better than most explanations of commands etc - thanks. (Anonymous)
I have spent over an hour looking to see how to backup recent files using "datemodified:". Microsoft was useless and worse that other sites. Your site provided clear and ACCURATE rules. Well done! Thanks. (Paul C.)
Easy to read. Well written. Most helpful, matter facts, fast facts, no lengthy story telling. Thank you, keep up the great work. (Armen)
I replaced a hard drive that had stopped working and now the pc runs very slow, average and very fast and doesn't do anything sometimes and I have to power it off and background on. This was the first stop I made looking to find something to test it and I'm going to try the Intel tool you suggested. Thanks! (R. G.)
Found my problem! Thanks for making this guide. My issue was a loose memory that was preventing the start of the desktop. (Hamza )
All this information is helpful. Thanks. (B. T.)
Easy to understand, yet a plethora of information - about the right balance if you ask me! :D (K.)
Amazing! Love this so much. I needed help for studying and it helped a lot! (S.)
Better than Microsoft Help page. Thanks. (A.)
I most say your page is super Amazing. (Anonymous)
For some reason my mouse keeps disabling itself every now and then so I had enough then later on I found this page and it so simple, easy to follow, and tells you everything to do. Now that I know how to move my mouse without an actual mouse pad or mouse, I could write this. Thanks a lot! (Leo)
Clear and concise information, thanks. (Jorge)
This is the best website ever! It really helped me re-fix a key that I accidentally broke. (Anonymous)
Love it - like taking a walk down memory lane. Would love to see more processors listed. (H smith)
This was a great website and your info helped me decide that I am definitely choosing a desktop for my next computer. (M. B.)
I've found your explanation about proxy servers very useful and easy to understand. Thank U! (L. R.)
I got the answers that I was Looking for, thank you. (Beverly)
Your explanations are very clear and concise, and the user interface of the site is very well done. Very good work! (M. P.)
Very easy to follow and 100% successful - thank you. (Erfi)
TY; keep this in terms for those of us that are too old to learn all the new ropes. (CDT)
Thanks for your treasured help. (Raed)
The best informational site I have ever found in many years of my searching for computer info. (Erwin)
I believe this website is the most suitable website to research. (H. B.)
Thank you very much for the help!!! (E. K.)
Simple and direct answer. (Robert)
Thanks for providing this info. (Scattergood)
This site was very helpful and easy. (Anonymous)
I have been searching for a while and this is the only site that gave step-by-step instructions for such a simple issue! Thank you! (KG)
Just thankful for your article on integrating Git and Dreamweaver, I would not have got it going without it. (C. B.)
My issue (question), downloading YouTube audio so I can work (editing manuscripts) and listen to music without having to be online. Your explanation/instructions wonderfully clear. Thanks. (LAWRENCE)
The instructions given were very good, thank you very much. (P. Z.)
Thank you! I found the help that I need. (Max)
This IP article is one of the best one's I've ever read, thank you! (Patrick)
You provide me quick response to my needs... Qudos. (Adetola)
You people are doing great things. Thanks. (B. H.)
Nice looking yet simple page layout that presents the information well. (Buddha)
So simple. Why can't Microsoft make their help pages this easy to use. I'll save this for future reference. (Ray)
Good and useful for me as a computer student. (M. J.)
Thanks for not requiring jscripts, cookies, or recaptcha; and for not overloading pages with many useless videos or images. (Paige)
This app is very dandagonice beautiful. (Anonymous)
Wonderful. I found my answers easily and was surprised at the great results. Keep up the good work!. (Sherlock)
It was very good, highly recommended!! (A.)
Thank you for this service. I found what I need to know the very first time I used this website. I am grateful to you. (A. N.)
My mouse was double clicking half the time I tried to single click, and I assumed it was a physical defect since it is rather old, but this page helped me solve my problem. Kudos!. (Stevey)
Computerhope is the best platform that is use to find all computer related help, question and answers at simple with good understanding. (Abdullahi)
You took on a complicated subject that affected many formats. You did it in an entertaining as well as informative way. You can't do better. (Robert)
Thank you very was a lifesaver.. thank you thank you thank you. (Anonymous)
I like the large text and the plain look of your Web site. No nonsense, just the info, easy to read. Thanks. (Zan)
Thank you soooooo much thank thank thank you man I thought I couldn't do anything with my computer!! Fixing it was simple with all the instructions you provided! Thank you. (K.)
It was good enough that I felt compelled to fill out this feedback form. Thanks. (S. H.)
Everything was great. I give it five stars. (Everly)
Everything was great. I give it five stars. (Everly)
Great information. Liked it very much. (A. G.)
It was a great experience to know how to use ms-dos. (R. J.)
Just what I had been looking for, most helpful. (Conrad)
Best and easiest tutorials I have read. Very well written and understandable. Thank you! I would love to "buy you a coffee," you should add it to your page. (S. K.)
1st time randomly ended up here, this website is phenomenal! Im used to settle for vague or conflicting answers after hours of digging. Im no dev. Dont code,have experience as basic as could be with pc. But Computer Hope just clearly gave me instantly accurate answers, defined every terms I didnt understand, and pinpointed how to solve my issue( that I only looked up out of curiosity, but was not planning to repair a 2007 windows vista hp laptop) I feel confident that can fix this,and ill try my luck at opening it and dig in. At worse, it goes in the trash anyway, at best I will have succeded in fixing a ancient useless crapy pc, and that would be an impressive acheivment, IMO. Im definitely bookmarking your site as the most useful tech diy ever, and if my repair is a success, ill come background and brag for sure. (TattooCat)
I love this site and the simplicity with which terms are explained. (Oracle)
Thanks for helping undo my frozen computer. (Bugs)
First time here, I'm a computer novice but found what I was looking for immediately. (N. D.)
When I use your site to look up various terms, I never need to look at other sites for better clarification. Your site has the clearest information. Thank you. (Bonnie)
Hey, Team! It is VERY nice that this "reeely-old" lady can find your Windows 7 helps online. Have had PC's for decades, and my 2 quit old Win 7 laptops & a 5 yr-old Win. 7 desktop still work great, (fingers crossed). I discovered that my PC's cannot be upgraded beyond Win. 7. (And, even if they were, I would not have the funds, (or the desire), to upgrade any of them. That would entail buying new, updated microsoft word, Excel, etc. Ugh! YOU people are truly techie "gifts" to folks like me.. Thanks a million for all you are doing. God bless!!. (Corky K)
I am planning to buy a new desktop, and this was very helpful. (Eddy)
Being the first time of learning what NFC is and what it does makes me feel confident and happy to know the functionality of my phone and what it is capable of doing. Thank you. (O. Y.)
Thank you so much for the breakdown. I have an idea of what I should be focused on now. Keep up the good work. (Mercy)
Helpful insight advice pointing out cksum should NOT be used for detecting potential malicious file manipulations. Thanks. (Ray W.)
I found it very easy and I was amazed very very much. THANK YOU. (Mava)
Wonderful assistance. Many thanks. Bill. (Anonymous)
The information is very useful new comers. Actions are explained in simple understandable manner. I really learn a lot through these write ups. Thanks. (M. L.)
It helped me a lot in making my assignment. (Iqra)
Excellent explanations for the Linux command I was looking for. I found more information that I was expected to find. Thanks a lot!!!. (MauricioPG)
Your language is easy on this page about computer that's why I like it :). (M.)
Thank you very much! The instructions here were very simple and easy to understand. I thought I'm going to return may laptop to the seller. I'm so happy that I won't spend time travelling. This page is very useful. Thank you and God bless! (N.)
Nice one.. the explanation was understandable. (Bianca)
Gotta love the tips that make excel life faster. Took only two google searches to find results. (Jeanemarie)
Best well-defined web page and good answers to my questions, this site is dope! All thanks to the developers. (Dominica O.)
My experience was good, I gained a lot more knowledge. Thanks. (P.)
It was awesome how fast it was to find out what I was looking for and did not give me like five or more options to go through like on google search. Not to long explanations, just a few lines about each thing I looked for, short and understandable information! ;). (Daynew)
I wish I had latched onto you earlier. (Anonymous)
Very exquisite layout, I love how simple this website is to navigate and find anything. I also enjoy having links to everything as it comes by, it is extremely helpful. 10 out of 10 on the content and how it is presented, this definitely helped narrow down my problems. (Julian)
It is so informative, and so good. I read it in full. Thank you. (S.)
Computer Hope, you are simply the most helpful and easy-to-understand website of computer information around. I would have been lost without it. Thank you, my good people. (Don T.)
Very useful information to deal with the technology era. Five star. (Aarvi)
Nice write up, truly it's Computer Hope. Keep it up. (Cynthia)
Thanks, I didn't even know one line of code.. but now I know more... sooooo thx. (P.)
Wao, my first time searching for something and got all what I want without going to another site. In fact you are super good. (ANITA)
We found this website this morning and cannot believe you actually exist. I am 87 and do not know many things I should know so that I can assemble information about my life for my granddaughters. This will be wonderful and keep us from appearing totally ignorant. Blessings to you. (Fred)
This is one of my VERY favorite and necessary sites. I trust it to the max. Thank You so much, I don't need to take any special course, as this servers me just as well or maybe even better. I recommend it to everyone. (Jenna)
Thanks to the computer Hope Admin. As a student of ICT, I have always learned detailed computer-related concepts at free cost from this organization. I would recommend it to keep posting more & more free computer notes for learners as this will boost their learning! May the Almighty God Bless & Expand Computer Hope!. (ORONO)
Thank you so so much... This website is always useful for my presentations and homework. (Anonymous)
Very simple, to the point chart on comparisons between personal computer and tablet. Perfect. Thanks. (Cathy)
I don't know if this will make it to the kind person who wrote this article, but my computer has been completely cracking me up with the mouse not exactly going to the right place and jumping and the page jumping. I uninstalled old mouse drivers and it's back to normal. I was ready to get a new laptop. Thanks an absolute million. (Aimee)
I am so thankful for this website, it was literally the easiest thing to do. (Wisteriaflowerq)
I am not a computer expert and yet I was able to convert a Word doc to Excel by using your very clear instructions! Wonderful!. (John)
Computer Hope has been around for a long time. when I have visited it, I often remember extremely helpful and hopeful writing. (B. W.)
Keep up the good work! I love Computer Hope. (J. M.)
Thanks for providing this service. (A. P.)
Love this site for info. One of my top favs. Thanks!. (Anonymous)
Thank you. I learned so much from this very simple concise explanation. Really, appreciated how you explained the historical changes of what is most appropriate to use currently from what was used in the past. Bravo, great tut. (Nechel)
Hi, I am not very good with computers and I somehow managed to disable my touch screen on my laptop. I followed your instructions and I am so delighted to say I have managed to enable it. Probably something very easy for those who are young and understand but I have actually done it thanks to you. Woo hoo! I have no idea how I disabled it but I'll be able to fix it if I do it again. Many, many thanks. (Carolyn)
Incredible guide for creating a Nextcloud server, I could get mine up and running in 10 minutes, props to the team! (Joca)
Muy buenos y muy bien explicados y facil de comprender. (Ramon)
Thank you for all the ms-dos information, just leaning on dos to repair boot problem on windows 7, thank you. (Joe)
Your website is absolutely awesome and it really increases my knowledge. (Farwa)
Lovely website. Thank you for providing the basics and more in a nice layout. (Muddy)
Oh my god! No 5-minute videos just simple easy to follow instructions. thank you. (Eve)
I looked at a lot of pages on import and export. most over worded the issue other made it a jigsaw puzzle. you worded it direct and simply. thank you. just like Goldilocks and the 3 bears your porridge was just right. Thanks again CC. (Anonymous)
Thanks for the information, it was really useful. (Neo)
Directions for converting Word to Excel were very clear and easy to understand! I plan to bookmark, as this is a wonderful site!. (Mary)
Useful & practical page. Thank you. (Jacobo)
Please keep doing what you are so good at explaining the things that cause me headaches in such easy to follow understandable language. The pictures are so helpful. (Milly)
Your help sections are simply INVALUABLE to ANYONE WHO USES A COMPUTER! Thanks for it. (Kate)
My touchpad stopped working so I found this article on Google. I just managed to open the touchpad settings as recommended and I noticed it was offline. How it turned out like that I am unsure, but at least I could put it back online and it resolved the problems. Thank you. (Bruno)
Computer Hope is very helpful. its really good I suggest that every student should use it for their researches. thank you. (ARHMARH)
Thank you so much. You gave me the exact info I was looking for without giving me a lot of run around with ads or bloated content. Very grateful. Have bookmarked your site. Hare Krishna to you. (Lalita)
Very clear, without useless talk and descriptions. Well done. (Michael)
Clear directions that easily walked me through what I needed. Wish everything was this simple. Thanks. (Brad)
Thank you all so much for the help! (Vilma)
I don't use 'Hope' much, but when I do it's... Great!. (Dave)
Want to send a hearty thank you. In one simple step, your suggestion got my laptop to re-start when it seemed virtually unresponsive. Bravo! (Alice C.)
Keep more relevant information coming like you've done, simple, direct to the point, and easy to understand. Thanks. (Kiraly)
I've been searching for some answers about Windows registry. I found the topic "Windows registry shorthand and abbreviations." It answered & confirmed all the questions I had. Thanks. (Erik C.)
Thank you!! three different suggestions how to get this to work and yours is the only code that worked. Thank you!! (Christina)
An excellent article. Very educative and well explained. (U. M.)
Quick, easy to understand instructions! Thank you. (S. H.)
This is a very good app indeed in speed and accuracy. (Gerald)
Keeping this link for future use. Easiest ever! Thank you! (M.)
Thank you so so much... This website is always useful for my presentations and homework :D. (S. A.)
Very intresting to me and it helps me alot in my acadamic work. (Anonymous)
I have been programming computers since 1982 and have been addicted ever since. I needed to move some files and could not get it to work, but with your help, now my program works fine. (Joe H.)
Thanks so much for the instruction on how to save sound from website to computer. Very Simple; easy to understand and follow through. (Phil)
I recommend this site to all ICT instructors in the world. (Bernard)
Thank you so much! I asked Google exactly what I wanted to know. Yours was the first website that popped up. The solution was simple and easy to understand. Thank you! (Candy Grooms)
What I liked most is the straight forward answer without the long unneeded story of "why your cat got stuck in a tree and that's why you need to defrag your hard drive". You're doing this and now that happens is all I need to know. Thank You. (Jeff D)
You folks are providing a great service to computer users! I applaud your fine work. What a concept: good information with no b.s. (lol) Please keep up the good work. (T A)
Thank you for the tips. They are very helpful. (Kam)
Thanks, I found out a lot about my chromebook's browser!. (K. S.)
Thank you very much would have paid for nothing. My printer hasn't been used for a long time and it was smudging. I changed cartridges as advised here and problem solved. Thanks a Million!! (Thandi)
Good portal for learners and experts too. Thanks. (V. T.)
Nice way to explain using code with an example of it. Great work. (B. H.)
This site is one of the best sites that I have visited for computer shortcuts and is very helpful. (Marcellinus)
Everything was just as you explained, very easy. Thank you. (Karen)
Instructions were written in clear non-tech language. Thank you. (Florrie)
Got the specific help I needed with minimal effort and zero frustration within an entirely acceptable time frame. Wish I could say the same for the many for-pay services I've used over the years. Thank you! (John)
Perfect for beginners like me. Thank you. Definitely bookmarking this site. (Tanvir)
Thank you so much for this site! I have been racking my brain for a very long time trying to discover why my computer was running slow; both on staring and on running. Now I know and what to do about it. (David)
Thank you!!! I was getting frustrated and didn't have the patience to watch a video. This answered my question / solved my problem quickly! I am grateful. (Lisa)
Thank you for giving such important information. (E. D.)
Make an application of this page so for more conveniency. I suggest the app can open offline so if we dont have internet we have something to read. (Jai)
Great resources & suggestions. Thanks. (I. G.)
Could not highlight on my laptop but your information was simple and easy to follow. (Tessa)
Page info is very useful, clear and it solved my issue. (Anonymous)
I don't feel smart but after reading Computer Hope I think I'm not stupid. (BudBad)
Great! I stumbled onto your page while having a hard time finding simple information about how javascript. I dunno, maybe it's me, but it sure seems like I'm wading through more and more and more mountains of bull on the internet these days. Thanks for straight-forward information and useful tools. (Jeronimous)
Very simple and easy to find. Thank you very much for the hard work. (P. E.)
Your site is easily accessible and informative, keep on with the good work. (A. M.)
Hello Computerhope family, I have been actively following your website from past 2 years or so. I have found your website really helpful in terms of gaining in-depth computer knowledge and exploring different areas of computer science. Starting from the basic definition of a computer, you have wonderfully explained each term in any particular concept and have organized every concept exactly in place. And the more appreciable thing is, you are doing this huge and great work with no cost. This vision of yours, will definitely help the financially poor and medium categories of people in almost all the countries. Thank you so much for your great work. Hope we have the chance to join your community after being highly enriched in computer knowledge. Keep supporting people the same way. The only suggestion is, if possible please provide videos for explaining complex concepts. So that, it help the ones with little or no English knowledge to follow anything. Once again, thank you so much "Computerhope". (Vinutha)
I am a senior citizen and a substitute teacher in North Carolina. I am so pleased how you make computer very easy for anyone to learn. I learned a lot from your site, in fact I want to get into IT support entery level with your help and recommendation how to achieve it. (Yohannes)
Its a very nice page. I suggest you keep it this way or better. No less!. (Anonymous)
Being computer illiterate, it was exceptionally clear and concise for the info I was seeking. Thank you. (Bill G.)
Thank you - I followed your instructions to boot my laptop after several days of trying to do it without success, and with your information it finally worked. (Chris)
Thanks for all that you have given am proud of you people I wish you could continue with that spirit I wish you well all in what you are doing may God bless you all thanks. (OGANG)
Thank you so much for providing information and instructions in a simple and intuitive manner. Your site allows me to quickly get the answers I need as I continue to expand my knowledge of Linux. I greatly appreciate your service! Take care. Cheers!. (Hopeful student)
The instructions on the use of xcopy were spot on and worked perfectly. Thanks! (Dan W.)
I wanted to know more about how underscore & underline differ. Thanks. (Bruce S.)
I am Italian and find the content very simple and complete to understand. (Dlv)
Thank you. The solution to my question was presented clearly and it worked. (Celeste)
The information is very helpful for beginner like me, keep uploading such useful content. Thanks. (W. D.)
For a person that's not computer literate, this was easy instructions with diagrams to follow - Thank you! (Taani)
Good explanations using examples, thanks. (Jai)
Not much really as you guys do a good job. Keep it up! (R. S.)
Very good - I have trouble copying and sending links like to a program Google classroom. I think I have it now. Thank you. (Tom)
Very useful page, found just what I was looking for, while in a rush! Thanks. (Alex)
I've been visiting Computer Hope for years and I wanted to send y'all a thank you note for the good work on this useful site. (LilJoe)
The clearest and well composed instructions I have seen. Will use this source frequently in the future. (Tom)
Not a complaint just wanted to say how great this site is and how invaluable it has been over the years. I remember first finding it in middle school and now I'm in my 30s in a successful tech career. Never would have happened without this amazing resource answering questions and sparking curiosity. (Quark)
I got hacker problems and this site is helping me. Thank you. (Teek64)
Wow this page was very useful. (Mercy)
You had a very good and simplified write up. It helped my wife make her lesson notes on word processors for her class. Thanks a lot. (U. C.)
... thanks a lot...your precious information was of great help to me... thanks again. (D. D.)
The article was extremely helpful and to the point. (Paapaji)
Thank you thank you thank you so much for this web page. It's been driving me crazy not knowing how to repair the language problem. Thank you again so much. (Roger)
Thank you Sir/Ma'am For these shortcut key ideas. (Anonymous)
A nice article, it helped me to a great extent. Thanks Team. (Moni)
Well explained all steps. Thank you. (Rado)
Very user friendly - well done! (Stephen B)
Thanks for everything you do. (Charity)
What I was looking for was easy to find and well described. Thanks. (T. Y.)
Wow! Thank you for your service to humanity... The information here is worthy of a whole Introduction to computing syllabus!!! (Elizabeth N.)
OMG I love this website I can use it for my youtube channel thumbnails and my school powerpoint slides; it is so helpful!!. (Niah)
Please continue to do what you are doing. (Wil)
Just looking for what was considered first electric programmable comp. got my answer on first page. could not have been simpler. (Kenneth L.)
Best solution I found for my need, and that's after looking at half a dozen other sites before, that couldn't help me. (Cory K)
It's so educative and loved it. (N. S.)
This is where I go when I need anything about computers, it explains everything easily, thanks. (Anonymous)
I asked Google to define computer binaries which led me to your site. You put it in simple to understand terms and highlighted terms that a novice might not fully understand and explained those terms in plain English. It was a smooth, easy to use and pleasant experience, I learned a lot. Thank you! (Bob)
Hello, I stumbled across this website as I needed a glossary of terms for basic IT. This site has helped me immeasurably and I would just like to say 'thanks' for having all of this information available. Everything is written in such a simple way without being condescending - it has been an invaluable resource for me. Thank you again - have a nice day! :). (Rhianna)
Haven't tried results yet, but this was the easiest, best explanation of anything I have tried to find on the computer yet. I will have more challenges to come. Thank you. (Rutherford)
Thank you for the straightforward, easy-to-follow instructions! Good job!. (BAF)
Hi. It's not very often I contact websites but I have to say how refreshing to come across a well thought-out Tech info website with very clear explanations and images of sometime quit complex Tech jargon. You helped me to understand serial ports and what they do and as a result was able to proceed to purchase a 9 pin male 2 female cable. There were other factors to consider, such as drivers for the serial port (e.g. if The cable showed a yellow triangle in device manager) I found that part of the answer here ( . Thank you very much for your help and I shall be returning to your site in the very near future as I want to understand Thunderbolt and what I need to get it up and running for an audio interface that I want to purchase but it ( Apollo two audio interface ) is thunderbolt only which mean I've got to do/add something to my pc to make it compliant ( windows 10/ bios drivers?) ...I but I'll be back and hope I can get some plain common sense answers from you...well done!! and once again thank you. (Gabriel)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I found EXACTLY what I was looking for and it works! (A. N.)
Straightforward and self explanatory. Thanks. (Daisy)
I learnt a bit more about my headset, but mainly about the microphone...Thank You. (Roselynn)
Very quick and simple, thank you! (John)
Very nice keep it up guys. I loved it! It is one of the best apps it just helped my daughter do her computer project. (Hiba)
Thank you so much, you guys are a blessing. (Clark)
You explain to lay people like me. This is great for those who don't already know everything. Thank you very much for your post. (Z. F.)
Thanks for making it nice and easy and clear on how to do this. (Anon R)
Keep it up! One-day your good service shall pay you back. Commitment and dedication is a showoffs form of a hard work. Thanks! (Alpha)
I needed a simple way to make some text blink as a joke. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It worked and made us laugh. And given these strange times, that's a good thing!. (Magreve)
Hurrah! I can't believe the fix suggested worked! Saved the day! And I appreciated that the page got to the point faster than the usual, not too much filler. Thanks!!. (Anonymous)
I am on a massive learning curve at present and have a lot to learn, but I found the layout friendly and easy to read. Thank you. (Anonymous)
This website stood out against the rest because it gave every shortcut in windows. (Herbert)
Thank you for having this kind of site. It is easy to follow and very detailed. It really help me a lot. Thanks! (D. E.)
Just browsing on the train, but was entertaining and informative. (Anonymous)
Great explanation, very helpful, thank you. (LISA)
The only site which give great examples for what I am looking for. (ED)
Great site. Thank you for your plain, uncomplicated language. (Joan)
I find your site very informative. Thank you for helping so many people. (E. V.)
The site is well laid out, no overcrowding of information. It is easy to follow and read the content. (H.)
Thanks for taking your time to provide us with great information. (Helen)
Thanks. Learning IT from Coursera and they drop the term without any prior explanation. Lots of supplemental learning being done on my end, and your page helped a lot. Thanks. (Max)
Let me just say your site is amazing! It is well put together and easy to navigate which is a plus. With such a nice layout you must attract a lot of visitors. I just wanted to give you a heads up because your site inspired me to build my own. I hope everything is going great and much success in your future. Thank and have the best of day!. (Orville W.)
I work for a major health insurance company with the Deskside Support team. Computer Hope is my go-to when I get stumped on a computer issue. Thank you for making this site and keep up the good work!. (Daniel)
What I needed was in the first sentence! Thank you! (Moose)
Your article helped me a LOT .. Thanks For Posting This Blog! (Shahreyar A.)
Thank you for this wonderful work you did by putting this info online.. please keep on assisting people in gaining knowledge. (Anonymous)
Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed. I appreciate how little "fluff" there is on this site... that makes it much easier to navigate and easier on learning eyes. Too many distractions don't make for a good learning environment. (DP)
Thank you. I am not always the best at understanding computers and how exactly they talk to us but you make a lot of sense. I feel more confident that even I can learn to be better at communicating with your help; you've made it much easier to visualise and access. Thank you for the opportunity. (Ashley H.)
I was looking for something like this ( as it was hard to press 3 keys to switch between desktops. Thank You for the Script! (N. S.)
Good user experience, liked your website. Lots of information. Good job, keep it up. (T. E.)
My Go-To site is Computer Hope. There's none better. THX. (Don T.)
Thank you very much to everyone who contributed. You will never guess how much it helped. Life always smile at you. Thank you. (H. A.)
I have got what I wanted. Thank you so much. Shalom. (Kisakye E.)
OMG the content is so good and simple! Thanks.. (Eshaan G.)
This was so filled with information, I couldn't stop reading it. (Cheryl)
Excellent. Solved my problem straight away. (Jennifer)
Thank you for a simple explanation, made it incredibly easy for a beginner. (PHW)
What a superbly helpful informative site, a must-have essential bookmark to keep as a vital reference tool for a relative novice. (Kate V.)
Thanks, this article has really helped me. Continue educating. (Stash)
I'm not a programmer but I work in a software development company. Sometimes I have to do something simple in Linux. Today was one of those times. Someone deleted the files in my home directory and I had to repopulate the directory. Thank you very much for your article about using the cp command and the tree command. (RubyLockes)
Great help for clearing concepts and gaining confidence in troubleshooting!. (Utpal Sarma)
Thanks a lot. It worked for me very well. In a situation like that you helped me... Thank u sir/madame. (Anonymous)
I enjoy so much learning from Computer Hope website, you guys have simplified and easily explained the shortcuts. So easy to learn and understand to a person like me who has no computer experience. Tons of appreciation and keep up the good work. (A. H.)
The comparisons between desktops and laptops was exactly what I was looking for. (Carol)
This site is great! Don't change anything. (Mike)
Lately, has been showing up at the top of my search results and has become a welcome sight/site to see as a useful place for relevant information and needed resources. (Racerx55)
ITS AWESOME! Thanks for doing all this. (Ethan)
I put in browser search CASE change and got link to this page. Magic option I was searching was SHIFT + F3. Thank you team! (Povi)
Your page is very simple but yet very informative. Thanks for your work in making this helpful information available. (Donna)
This was a really great website. My gratitude goes to everyone who made this website amazing. (DMZ)
Everything was good and simple. Loved it. (Ibra)
The site is a great discovery that helps find exact information on computing. (Amos)
I was having trouble with my touch pad on my laptop and after reading the instructions, I knew right away what to do. Fn+F2 key and problem solved... 10/10. (Gabriél)
It is quite powerful and well designed page... Have really enjoyed it. (Anonymous)
This was extremely helpful! Thank you so much for the help! (Tyler A)
Simplified information that's easy to understand. Thumbs up. (Kenneth)
Very informative and concise. (Rumman)
I own a marketing agency and your solution to saving an entire webpage saved me DAYS of work! Your solution solved my problem in about 3 clicks instead of rebuilding the (long, long, long) page from scratch. Thank you SO MUCH for publishing this. I'm bookmarking your site because I love having resources like yours at my fingertips. (Pam N.)
Thank you for your information, it's simple but quite effective. Just what I was searching for! Thanks. (Frank)
I am very impressed by the information you published that explains each and every item. Till now I had not found such neat and ordered notes. Thank you. (Kanhaiyalal N.)
I disabled my touchpad and this was the only place with the right troubleshooting instructions. Thanks!!. (King)
I tried what you suggested, and it worked. Doesn't get better than that. (Andy)
At the age of 79, I am still using MS QBASIC 4.5, primarily for text applications. Computerhope has been a handy resource for years for MSDOS on Windows, and for the DOSBOX emulation I use to run on my Mac mini. Certainly far easier and more comprehensive than the Help section of QBasic itself. Thanks a bunch!. (Bill)
Very informative.. I feel I can get a lot of very enjoyable use out of my new computer thanks to this article. (Debbi)
Keep up the good work! We are all counting on you :). (Valerie )
Just want to say thank you so much. (Hamdan)
Hi! I've just stumbled across your site via the bash mapfile page, and wanted to say that I love it- the design is clean, and I find the images and diagrams included in articles really endearing, from the highlighting of mapfile's `readarray` alias on that first page, to the cascading font sizes currently on the home page, and the merged browser icons on the `Clear History` and `Browser Update` pages. Everything feels clean, sharp, and concise. The Today in Computer History section was also a delight. Congrats on 22+ years!. (Antlers)
Your the best website! I made a whole website builder from only a batch file! this was awesome for me. thank you so much!. (Mouaz)
Just wanted to learn about what wildcards were - thank you. (L)
Perfectly clear and the first site I searched. Thanks. (R)
It was a great experience everything was to my liking I loved everything. (Agnes C.)
Great for individuals like me with little to no knowledge of computers and how they work. Thank you. (Alfonso)
Thanks very much for your platform, it made it easy to find what I was looking for, it not only gives the definition but it explains and goes deeper. Thanks so much for this. Am grateful. (A. B.)
In in absolute love with this site, its easy to digest and gives programming examples which I have BEEN VERY VERY GRATEFUL for! Many thanks. (Michelle G.)
Provided your link, in my online discussions, in my class that I am taking on Microsoft Windows, through UMA; (Ultimate Medical Academy Online). Thank you for your link it was very informative and well needed, as I am starting this class and I have not received my text book. (J F)
Your app is very useful. I know that many people will like it. (Jewel)
Well set out. Explained basics simply and precisely. (Greyhen)
I easily found how to fix my problem :) Thanks. (Genevieve)
I really like the simplicity of the site and dark-mode :). (Phoenix)
I'm going to recommend this website to my 14 year old grandson. I think it is important that young people have a good understanding of how computers work so that they are prepared for today's job market. (Dennis D.)
Keep up the good work, clear correct and concise. many thanks. I appreciate no stupid music or bad language. (Joe)
Very logical & accurate troubleshooting information. (Gerh)
Really good, well written and informative article. (Sid)
Really simple to find what I want to know. Thank you! (L. L.)
I have had that stupid activate message on my computer since I upgraded it 3 months ago and could not be happier to find this article. Thank you. (Blake)
This is the only site where I understand the concepts. (Annah)
Thank you for all the information you provide. Making this phone easy to bc by understand. thank you. (Khloe)
Very easy to find my answers, and more informative than other website. (W. A.)
Super easy, no time wasted here! (Tina)
Thanks for these shortcut keys, I learned many new shortcuts. (M. R.)
Great to keep the MS-DOS knowledge and experience alive!. (Rob)
Hi, Been on dz's of forums in the past 25+ yr on the NET & "ComputerHope" is the MOST Professional, Useful, Spot-on design, I have ever seen. Have learned several new techniques on my first visit. I will put your link will be on my & create a custom icon for it. Keep up the good work, klxdrt. (Klxdrt)
Thx for putting the steps in easy-to-WRITE-down format. The middle of an uninstall/reinstall operation is no time to be looking for a web page, or even a .txt file on the computer that is being operated on. Thanks. (Anonymous)
This was really satisfying. kill -9 -1 on Linux makes sense now! Thanks. (Steph)
Wasted 2days seeking an answer - then found... you, helpful - thanks. (Kate)
The information provided was exactly what I needed to make an informed decision on a computer device for my seven year old great granddaughter and it was easy to find. (Sandy)
Laptop was not switching on. The suggestion given here worked successfully. Thank you. (Vijay)
I couldn't find the pause key, but you mentioned opening Control Panel and it worked for me. Thanks!. (Mr. Epic)
Great tip on spreadsheets text formatting. Thanks. (Dan)
Excellent non intrusive site with relevant information. Thank you. (Mike T)
I had a good experience in doing my research here, keep it up. (Anonymous)
Thank you so much. I thought I broke my laptop :) Your info was very helpful. (Sandhya)
Appreciate the help. Easy to understand for this computer illiterate person. (Joanne)
I know nothing about computers.. These articles definitely helped me know how to save to flash drive, and the difference between USB 2.0 and 3.0.. THANKS. (Sam)
I found this site very interesting and quick to use. (Justin)
Very simple and more in detail. Very short and sharp. (Apolonia)
It was great. The information of what I was looking was simply was written here. It was for an assignment and thanks for the help. (Ilakkiya)
I found the computer Hope Feedback site by accident. I am amazed at the amount of information it contains. Why wasn't I told of the treasure when I first bought my computer? It would have saved me hours of frustration. (Faye)
I really thank the manger of this website, I am so grateful for the information. Appreciate it. (Isaiah)
It was really easy to find the solution to my problem on this website. (Kunal)
I actually got what I was searching for and more. (A. L.)
Thank you so much for posting about absolute values/formula and for providing an example. It was EXACTLY what I needed and has cut my work time in half. I really appreciate this post. (S. A.)
This site is one of my favourites for search definitions and topics related to technology. The search engine is simple, functional and intuitive; it makes the research really comfortable. Also, the website design is really good and practical; I really love it! The terms are really well done and are presented in a way that even a non-technical person can understand the information. You've made an absolute great job with this site, my friends! (C. Z.)
The whole operation took only a moment and worked. Thanks. (Anonymous)
Needed a little guidance, and this website explained it clearly. Thank you for using easy to understand words. :) (Geoffrey H.)
The only simple, direct and correct answer. Thanks. (Robin D.)
Brilliant, needed to enable my touch pad after being "angry" with my laptop ha ha. Fantastic site I will share it. (Graham)
This changed my life! I've wasted so much time doing things the long way round!!!!. (Clo)
I was desperate for help and found your page. It was helpful. Thank you so much. (H. M.)
Thanks!!! This saved me a bunch of time and money. (BluntSage52)
You answered my question. Simply and to the point. Thank you. (I. R.)
This was FAR more useful than Microsoft's page on finding a check mark symbol. Thank you! (Kristen)
Thanks for making this. now I can launch a terminal without leaving the keyboard :). (Anonymous)
Very easy to understand. Clear explanation. Thanx!! (Leksi)
Thank you. Instructions were clear and I found my Windows version immediately. (Elizabeth W.)
Thanks for illuminating these terms. I teach computer fundamentals in high school, and these explanations will be invaluable. (Bill)
Found your web page when I was trying to figure out why an Iogear GKM611B keyboard I purchased in 2011 and not really used until now working on Windows 10. It turned out it was a simple matter of turning off the keyboard and turning it on (after turning off my bluetooth mouse although I don't know if that had any impact). Thanks! (Jim in TX)
Very helpful, found in seconds. So great. thanks. (A. N.)
My experience in this page was beautiful. I found the answer I was looking for right away. Thanks... I appreciate it. (R. I.)
Thank you so much! your help is so appreciated and I'm so glad that my browser is now set to normal again! Thanks for your detailed and clear instructions! (Julia)
I am a brand-new user of Windows 10 and Microsoft 365. I find the info the info provided to be impeccably useful. (George L.)
Your succinct, clear definition and examples for "thin client" made it easy to understand quickly. Excellent - thanks! (Anonymous)
Continue the wonderful work of educating the masses on the workings of Excel. Thank you for teaching me something new today. (VIvienne)
Thanks so much!!! I have wasted so much time trying to do this. Your instructions were spot on! (Ann)
I liked this site simple layout and very easy to use, good work helped me a lot. Many Thanks. (Mike one)
This website is an amazing resource, and I can't thank you enough for all that you've taught me. Keep up the great work. (Joshua)
It helped me understand very well about networks... thank you. (Anonymous)
Keep up the good work, I really like that you used examples to make it easier to remember the terms. (S. N.)
An excellent site! Just landed here for the 1st time, sort of by accident - been looking for something just like this, simple to use yet surprisingly comprehensive. Well done! (Jimbo)
I would recommend this site to anyone who needs tech help. Very helpful. (P. F.)
Very useful information (Mohsin S.)
It is really an amazing experience to visit this site. Everything is explained as easily as possible. Thank you so much for your contribution in the world of CS. (Mohammed S.)
The explanation which you give is very useful, in simple words and short notes. Many thanks. (Ramanjot K.)
Nice writeup on the bash read command and all of its options... helped get me unstuck on something I was struggling with... many thanks!!! (Tom)
Helped me to re-display the battery Taskbar icon - thanks for the clear instructions. (Chas)
Thank you so much. I had given up hope and was going to pay someone to diagnose the issue. I don't remember why or how I ended up here but I did and after 3 days of research and trying so many things your very simple suggestion did the trick. I pushed down on the bios chip -- problem solved. (D. T.)
This was a great article. Got the info and set up in no time. Thanks. (Ross H.)
Thanks for your insights and expertise. (David)
Thank you very much, Computer Hope, for sharing. The information on the computer here is of immense help to all, I'm sure. (Iboro-kun)
Again, a delightful article on the "attrib" command. Not all-encompassing, but meets above and beyond the average users demand. (Iboro-kun)
This is a great explanation of what sticky keys are. Hope everyone else thinks so too. (Karina)
It was brilliant the way you showed a diagram as well as explaining in words. Thank you very much. (Anne)
I will use some of the data on this website to complete my assignment. The data is very detail and useful. Thanks a lot. (Anonymous)
Direct and clear. That was the answer I was looking for. Thanks for the help. (Fernando)