Older Computer Hope visitor comments

Below are just a few of the recent comments that Computer Hope receives each day. This type of feedback are what help us continue to provide a free service to everyone, thank you. The following opinions are those of the individuals who have written them and to protect their privacy we've only listed their first name or alias.
Hi, and good morning. I just found this site, I didn't know where the lexicon was. So I asked on my iPad in the second attempt asking for a computer lexicon I was led to your site. I am excited to find computer help, as an old timer growing up with a M radio, technology is a challenge :-) I will look forward do examine Computer Hope. Thank you for this site, God bless all of you! And thank you! Have a very very blessed day :-). (Peter)
Straight to the point, gotta try it. Thank You. (B. A.)
Thanks for giving me the accurate answer. (Okeowo)
Computer Hope is the best knowledge provider in the field of computers. (Sanjeev)
Best computer studies site For sure its good for research. (Alionziwilfred)
I recommend this site for everyone. It's fast and convenient. Thank you to the owner of this website. (Kushmoni)
Keep it up please, and thanks a lot for your contribution to boosting computer literacy. (Musa S.)
Perfectly short and good guides. U're doing a great job!. (Dorin)
I got to learn what a form feed was in seconds! I do wish that this would show up higher on google search as this website is very concise. (S. N.)
I just searched up what I needed and this popped up and it was very helpful. It was easy and simple. Thank you. (Sophie)
Looks like a good website for computing, cheers! Keep up the good work. (Jamie C.)
This site helps me a lot. (Kavita)
Computer Hope has been a great asset to me in my understanding of the novel world of computers. (Pedro)
This is simply exactly what I was looking for and need .. thanks for whoever made this. (Anonymous)
Very useful and extremely helpful in improving computer knowledge. Thank you. (D. N.)
Figured out how to do text files! I know it's basic and seems trivial but for this 52yo man this was a huge lesson learned! I'm hunting for things I don't quite understand atw yet! Thank you. (Michael)
This actually helped me a lot. I have to take notes on Excel spreadsheets and turn them in tomorrow for my test in my ICT class. All I had to do was copy down the functions of it listed in the artical I used and I'm already half way done. Being a 9th grader, assignments are starting to get more and more challenging, so having a trustworthy and easily accessible source is extremely helpful. Good job :). (Nia)
It had exactly what I was looking for, all other websites where talking about arp on mac or linux soooo, it helped a lot. :) (Gavin M)
Great! All I needed to know. Thanks. (Thomas)
Very simple, easy instructions - with photos. brilliant! (B. F.)
Your page is the only page that helped me in this situation. This page helped me a lot. Thank you so much. (Adithya K.)
Amazing job, perfect for a kid like me who is writing an essay on why computers are good. Advantages and disadvantages pages have really helped me. (Glen S.)
I searched several sites and this was the only one that hit the nail on the head!! Thank you! Excellent. (T. B.)
This site is truly a Very clear, concise, and useful study resource. I will continue to use it, as I move forward with my studies. Thank you for everything. (Perpetual Student)
Just found your site while nosing around. Sounds like my life savior. Got to come back. THANKS. (Don)
A useful page with pleasant surprises; like all forms of conversion. CONGRATULATIONS and THANKS. (Metralla)
Instructions on how to find files in Linux were great. Simple, plain language, and to the point. (Anonymous)
Really easy to follow advice. Step by step instructions are perfect. Well done. (Robert)
This is by far the best and most helpful page I have ever found on the internet. I was so pleased to find this amazing information about Task Scheduler. Thanks. (Chris)
I had no knowledge of how to install a web cam & had meandered across all possible sources of help until in utter desperation & exhaustion I stumbled across my saviour -"Computer Hope." (TECHNOPAUL)
You have a REALLY useful service. So many tech companies either hide or make it extremely difficult to find any contact information. (The Frog)
Thank you for this wonderful site, I learned a lot and was able to understand it. (N.)
Fantastic-had all the info I needed. All on ONE page. Thank you. (Ron P.)
Clear explanations, brief and to the point. Thanks. (Roland)
Just what I was looking for! Very helpful!. (Alexandra L.)
Instructions was quite simple to follow. I was looking to find out how many "Bits" my PC was running. Thanks to your instructions on this site it was easy. (Don P.)
Everyone can increase the knowledge about computer with only computerhope.com. Thank you. (Tony W.)
It was good and understandable thank you!. (M. P.)
Othere sites claimed to have the answer. Your site had the answer, clear and concise, and it just worked. (EBX)
As a senior citizen (old man) I wish I had found the site years and years ago. My mental wellness could well have remained at a higher level and my finances likewise!! Many thanks. (Plodwinkel)
Hello Computer Hope! Its been 10 year since I first started using Computer Hope. I learned a lot from you guys, solved many problems and my confidence with computers has improved multi-fold. I really want to thank you for all the knowledge you bestowed upon me. Thanks once again! Cheers (Venkat G.)
Indeed this is Computer Hope.. things are explained in plain language, where every person can get information. Thanks. (Kamalabe C.)
Thanks for the tip that option+space on Mac will enter a non-breaking space! That's the kind of quality bonus content I look for when I search for answers :) (T. O.)
This was the best. It was very easy to find my answer. Thank you (Shane)
Very useful. Upset when computer went down but using goggle it was so easy to connect again with the simple instructions given. (Anonymous)
This is so superb Thanks. (Yusef A.)
I wanted to fix my broken laptop key, and I did thanks to this web page. Thank you. (A. D. J.)
Just keep on doing what you're doing...clear correct and concise. Many Thanks. (Joe B.)
I will be returning to this site when I need clear and concise answers to other questions regarding my computer. Thank you! (Carolyn)
Pretty great! Used this for a school project. Don't worry- I credited you in my works cited :p. (Bee)
I've been surfing Google to solve the missing battery icon on my laptop taskbar that mysteriously disappeared and your site is the ONLY one helpful. I've wasted 45 minutes of my life in frustration so THANK YOU! (Deirdre M.)
Thank you for getting to the point with the information I sought. Good job. (Kdy)
Short words but compeletely useful. (Joe)
I very much appreciate your clear, thorough article. I love the subject, but it most articles are written for the viewpoint of the person who already understands it. You have written this for the person who is trying to learn it. It seems to be unusual to find an author who understands programming yet is able to use English so effectively. Thanks!. (Tom M.)
It was amazing visiting your website... I could simply find answers... It helped me a lot ... Thanks!!! (Anonymous)
This is the absolute best article on bash's version of printf (I've only searched the bash version, by the way) that I can find on the Internet. Thank you for helping me understand this topic. (Dionte)
Thanks for the article about "how to use two path variables in windows 7". That was so helpful! (Navid M.)
Just when I needed it! I accidentally entered my password instead of the username, and could not get rid of it. Your tips were perfect. Thanks a lot!. (Aynur)
Thanks for having easy to understand info that does not assume the reader is already an I.T. expert. (E. S.)
Fantastic article! Thanks a lot. Got more than I hoped. (Amirzadeh)
This was an excellent explanation of the functions of F1-F12 keys. It was written so well that persons with a non-tech background, like myself, can understand. Thank you!. (Kim)
This helped me so much, my 2, w, s, and x weren't working and now they are Thank you!. (Anonymous)
I am soooo pleased to have found your web site! I needed to get some info on the hard drive that was installed in my laptop and your web site is a Home Run! Thank you thank you! I have worked with computers since the 1970s as a programmer, data base developer, systems programmer and your web site provided easy to follow instructions that anyone can follow. Thanks again!! (G. M.)
This website is amazing for reading and study I got my answers from it. Good job to the programmers and writers of this site. (Muhammad A. M.)
I found everything I needed and a lot more about batch files. Excellent information! (Scott S.)
I have been having a problem with my icons on my desktop being about 250 pixels, I couldn't change anything in settings that made any difference. When I looked at your site today, I saw something for the windows f keys on your home page and I used shift and f10 and it brought up a menu and in view on that menu it had icon size and I set that to medium. Thank you very much. (Greg B)
I just stumbled across this site, it's great loving it so far! :) (Chris)
Where have you been all my life? I will bookmark your site. Thanks. (M. S.)
Well designed site; easy to navigate, excellent content. (David)
Thank you for the tips. My mouse just stopped working. Your page helped me figure out it wasn't the mouse, it was a setting in Windows. Thanks. (John)
Thanks very much for the explanation about firewalls; This was very important for me to understand. Your website definitely deserves to be on my bookmarks. :) Thanks again for the help, have a good day. (Chesmu)
Site map is excellent. Crystal clear for finding my way in using your site. (Marian)
You have done a great job. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. (Rakesh)
After looking at 4 or 5 videos and articles, I came across this one and the 1st fix solved my problem after trying for hours. I know next to nothing about fixing computers so I was very happy. (C. W.)
Computer Hope is really enlightening for novices and people with no experience etc. to understand concepts and terminology. I am grateful to the writer(s) of this information and I hope the good work will always be available. (Tom M.)
I was looking up a linux command and found it right away. I appreciate the ad-free experience. (C. D.)
To the point, and accurate...I found a new IT Helpsite! (Bob)
Keep up the hard work Computer Hope, web page was pretty good with various forms of helpful information :) (Jamie C.)
Very thorough article. Thank you for all you do to make this information easy to understand! (B.)
Well done for the sincere and detailed step-by-step information. Keep it up! (Rhoda)
Well done for the sincere and detailed step-by-step information. I already shared it to my facebook timeline. Keep it up! (Rhoda)
I was able to grasp the meaning at once. (Edward)
I have been looking for a website with shortcuts for years. I don't know how I clicked in yours. You are a blessing in today's computer era. Keep up the good job. EXCELLENT WORK!!. (Olga)
I like what you guys are doing to provide statistics regarding browsers and operating systems. Thank you! (Bob Thorsen)
I really appreciate the speed of this page. (Ibrahim)
Cool and useful article, thank you. (Push.upstairs2000)
Very useful and easy to understand computer jargon. Well laid out categories. Thank you very much. (Bill)
Your company is fantastic. I have had this issue with write protect for so many years and only after a few simple steps of following your instructions, I am good to go! Thank you. (Jeff S.)
Thank you for this page. I'm not tech savvy, but with a little time I was able to get the video I wanted. (Thanks)
Thank you for the very happy surprise I received when I got into your helpful website. I was expecting a long, drawn out day going from place to place to find what I need - that's what I have become accustomed to and I usually shut the computer down and go for a long walk to help settle down. Thanks to all of you, I don't need that walk today. (Jan)
Wow, this page is so helpful for all computer users. (ABDULLAHI L.)
I like the fact that almost every term that I searched had its own examples. And I recommend that the background color of the site changed or can be changed into white. Like "light mode" and "dark mode." (Midnightramen5)
Easy to navigate for a complete beginner. (I. S.)
Very useful site. No suggestions at the time being! (Paolo)
I was looking for how many bits a byte contains. I quickly found what I was looking for and found a lot of additional useful information presented in a clear and concise way. (Teodor)
This helped me so much and it was super easy to find what I was looking for! I wish there was a website like this for everything, and not just computers!. (Anonymoose)
Thanks for not trying to sell me something. (S. J.)
Once I found your site, I saved url to my favorites/bookmarks. However, now that I've been cruising around here, found more pages to save which cover specific topics. So glad I found you all. Keep up the great work! (C. F.)
Better explanation for a BIOS than the course I paid 3 hundred something for. Congratulations, this is a fine project you have made and or taken a part of. (Guylaurent)
For someone who knows very little about HTML/CSS and trying desperately to learn (and trying to avoid overblown, overworked answers); all I'm looking for is a simple, straightforward solution to HTML/CSS queries. Your answer was bang-on! (J. C.)
Thank you, I'm glad you guys provide this service to the Office community. (P. T.)
Exellent and detailed analyse of slowing down pc, solutions were outstanding. (XXX)
Your instructions on setting up Automator to launch apps was spot on and super useful. Thank you! (Cordell)
You guys rock!!!!!!!! I appreciate your hard work. Keep it up. :) (S. A.)
It was excellent to explore your blog. this made my search easy and fast. # THANK YOU #. (Naveen)
A very helpful page that every computer use should know. (ABDULLAHI M LAWAN)
I'm doing coursework and this website has helped to explain every single thing that I was looking up. The points are really easy to understand and I have learned quite a lot. Thank you so much! (Anonymous)
Hi there! I don't even know how to thank you! The Windows key + p did it, I got the external display working. I think this may have happened when my cat was lying on my lap top keyboard! Thank you again. (Lisa)
Very easy to understand for seniors like me. Wish all sites were like this one!! (PK)
This site wonderful. I was a novice in computer-related studies but your site got me to a higher level and it's making me fall in love with the wonders of computer use. Thank you. (Dean)
I am doing a school project on computers and this was really helpful. (Anonymous)
I've trusted and used Computer Hope since 2002 when I had to figure out Windows error code beeps. :). (Greg)
Thank You for having this information up and available for use. (M. G.)
The shared shortcuts were a big help for me. They actually save time by skipping tedious steps. (Stephanie)
I was looking for the fundamentals of binary and found the explanation very clear. Thanks. (Anonymous)
Best page to get notes for computer science, excellent service. (Anonymous)
Level of info given was reasonable and importantly accurate. Great clearly designed website, keep up the good work. (Lonewolf3)
Many thanks. Easily made me return back to remember the use of MSDOS commands in command line. Precious help, thanks again. (Anonymous)
This is one of the best sites on the internet. (Kelfie)
Thank you so much I got what I was looking for, such a great website. (Aysha)
It was easy to find on the first search to increase font size in Word. Thanks. (Ashish)
Really glad to find Computer Hope! (Laurie K.)
GOOD information for the non-computer guy. (Anonymous)
Helping someone translating a document, and this is the best website for finding synonyms of computer vocabulary. (Lucy)
The advice that was given was presented simply and there was very little unnecessary text. I could easily skim through the page to see what I thought was relevant to me. Thanks. (HoverShoos)
Thanks I was helping a friend and knew what to do but your assistance here made it possible for me not to have to type it all out for her. Thank you very much. (Wendy)
At last, for a complete beginner in some areas, this is the best by far in giving simple clear explanations, without presuming previous knowledge. Thanks. (Leroy)
It was straightforward, and gave me information that I never even knew. I really appreciated it. (J. G.)
Solved my mouse problem that I have been struggling with for 2 years. (Anonymous)
It a great site, full of information. (Rebecca D.)
Thank you for your suggestions to get the battery percentage back in the task bar - I looked through so many other websites before finding your page and one of the solutions helped, thank you so much and all the best!. (Leanne E.)
First time newbie on computers, and willing and eager to learn, thanks for the great information. (Joseph)
I had a essay on Computers, this was very helpful, I didn't have to use citations but this was helpful. (Tay)
Information required was spot on. (T. R.)
Just keep up the good work coz only the best can give whatever knowledge you're sharing with the whole world and u're one of the best. (Tony)
I found it very interesting as a desktop beginner. (Russ E.)
Followed the instructions and my PC is working properly again. (Leah)
Something of a learning & know how experience. Never had a depth look at motherboard and the bits locations. Thank you. (Bhupendra)
It was very easy to find the information I was looking for. Overall 10/10 for the whole website. (Jake)
So far this is the best place to learn all about CMD in a matter of hours. I've spent over four hours copying and learning all that's written on this website about CMD. Thanks a lot for providing this useful information with all for free. (Truces)
Keep up the (sensible!) work. The other websites offer "advice" assuming that you already know! I like how you described how the button I needed to locate LOOK...instead of just repeating the NAME. (Dee)
Excellent advice which helped me to fix a broken letter on my keyboard in about 5 minutes! Thank you so much!!. (Angela)
Thank you very much for helping me. (Tim)
I am really excited to have discovered this new, valuable computer info resource. It is one of the best that I have found! Thanks!!!. (Chipperr)
Wonderful content, thanks for making information simple to understand!. (Anonymous)
Computer Hope re-invented the term "technical support" by offering free technical support and information to everyone. Great job keep it going, keep it coming. Many thanks. (Alex)
The Samsung software to clone 870QVO did not work. In desperation, tried your site, used Macruim and success at last - thanks! (Alex)
Wow! I really love the information given here, and it's simple, also understandable, and complete. Thanks! (Okiki)
Thank you very much! This list was extremely useful and would speed up my Google Chrome experience. (Soumya)
Just perfect work, everything is explained in detail and was easy to find. Thank you a lot. (K. N.)
This article saved my day. Thank you so much. God bless you. (L.)
It was very informative and simple to navigate. Thank you! (Diane)
This was a excellent tutorial. Very well explained. I had previously tried to understand umask correlation with permissions. (Z. D.)
Awesome for anybody who wants to dive into this topic for the first time. (Ted)
It was very helpful for me. I was looking for these shortcuts in Firefox. So thanks a lot. (R. A. S.)
Very good page - excellently provided knowledge. Thank You! (Samo)
Got some colors I wouldn't have found elsewhere. (Akeem)
The platform is clear for both practical and theoretical explanation. Thanks. (O. A.)
I am enjoying this site very much. Thanks and stay safe. (K. L. S.)
You do excellent and exceptional work. Keep going! (S. A.)
Keep up the good work guys! So happy with what I found, it was really helpful. THANKS AGAIN SO SO MUCH! (K. W.)
This was just what I was looking for! Thank you very much. (Cheese boi)
I'm 78 years old and very low tech. This site plus my 14-year-old granddaughter is all the tech support I need. You explain things in a way I can understand, using familiar comparisons. (Kevin)
I'm a older person and have alot of anxiety when working with the new technology. This was so easy, to understand! It was answering your next question before you even got to it. Thank you will tell my friends. (Janell)
Thank you so much Computerhope, your information helped me start my PC which wouldn't boot at all. Thanks a lot. (Shadrack)
Was trying to help a friend pull pictures from an old computer (barely works). Did a search on thumb drives as I suspected mine were too new of a version. Found your article (Why am I unable to read a USB thumb drive?) and it explained things very well. Thank you. (Tpab2)
Thank you so much! This tip will save me untold hours editing our weekly newsletter - bless you! I studied computer applications for the office at a tertiary level and never learned this tip until just now :). (Jem)
The best site for computer related knowledge. (Walter)
The battery power icon was not showing on the taskbar. I followed suggestion to disable/enable the battery drivers and it miraculously appeared. Many thanks. (Colin)
Brilliant site been using since 2001. now looking to create my own site. (Wid)
This page is the best. I do not take Web designing but now I'm really interested thanks to your page. I will make use of the knowledge I have gotten here. THANK YOU! :). (Kavana F.)
Wow, I am shocked - I followed your instructions on "How to download online videos and audio from over 700 sites" and succeeded in getting the video downloaded. No spam. No click bat, no gimmick! Clear, precise, and straightforward. I never came across any online help with this much accuracy, directness, professionalism, and decency, in the past. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing the know-how, and for being an exemplary role model for how to do things right. THANK YOU SO MUCH. (Charlene)
Everything was good, finding the necessary things is not hard it's just simple and easy. (Simon)
Thank you so much for helping me to fix my keybord, your website is awesome!!!Thank you!!. (Ruben)
A lot of thanks for this kind of greatness. (Ravikant Kumar)
Very well organized and easy to understand. Thank you. (Corey)
Just googled old info and u were there providing info on early DOS days.. (VillageWizard)
This was exactly what I wanted to do. The text was straight forward and the visuals aided in clarifying the directions. Very helpful! (RN)
Exactly what I was looking for. Got it in the first hit. (John)
I appreciate the accuracy of your dictionary. (Anonymous)
Awesome! This site is the best I've ever seen. Thanks a lot! (N. T.)
Keep up the good work! it was a good page all in all! (E. K.)
Thank you so much for explaining why Microsoft Edge keeps reappearing, and why it hasn't been possible to uninstall it with a downloaded uninstall app that has worked well for other programs, apps, etc. My language is considerably improved now!!. (Lelise)
This is the window trick I've needed to keep apps opening the same way, especially Notepad that shrinks with each open and close. Thank you, thank you. (Chuck)
Its very easy to find solutions with your website, thanks. (Aziz F)
Excellent. Excellent to understand and remember to do especially about how to not use mouse so much thanks. (Jennie)
I struggled with none of my USB ports working on my Acer Aspire R14 laptop and tried various suggestions. Eventually used a pin in the reset button hole which I think is the same as your suggestion to remove the battery as my laptop does not have a removebale battery. Rebooted and it worked a treat - all USB ports are now working. (Dino)
Really thanks won't do what this hashelped me. My laptop's booting file just got broke and did a lot of work and forgot some commands I came here with little memory and boom thanks from the deep of my heart. Thank you. I searched for driver packages and executed bash script bcoz of grub problem amd forgot one commamd and I found that here. (C. H.)
Thank you so much for this excellent tutorial how to remove and extend a partition. All went well, without any issue. Thanks!!. (Burt)
Instructions were (unusually) clear and accurate. (Mac)
This was very helpful and gave many email companies and explained the differences in each for recovery of lost emails. (Audrey)
Useful tips and easy to find solutions to a problem. Thanks. (L. A.)
Awesome place not bored at school anymore. (Nobody)
Very good overview of memory types and things to look for if one wants to upgrade. Clearly written for beginners but has advanced information. Well done!. (Klapa)
Managed to find the answer to my question right away. Thanks! (R. G.)
The information helped me to recover personal files before reformatting the hard drive after Windows recovery/restore failed. Thanks. (R. F.)
THANK YOU for building and sharing this site!!! I can now see my screen after my grandson pressed 'something'! Now back to work!!! Y'all are awesome! (Cassandra Gann)
Very helpful, my screen has been misbehaving. This should fix it for now. (Raquel)
This is such a good site I like it and keep it up :). (Anonymous)
Thank you! I am a decent computer user and I am an IT technician myself. I found the tutorial easy to understand and could make use of them. (Nicholas)
Helpful advice that worked first time. (SB)
Thank you for the experience I just got a laptop and I didn't know anything about it but now I'm good. (Maurice)
Great list of system variables. Helps a lot. (Dylan)
I have always found Computer Hope to be an excellent source of information. Thank you. (Yasmin)
Thank you Guys for what is a simple fix (if you know about it). Excellent work! Restoring File, Edit, View, History etc. on. (Frustrated)
Very nice! never would I have thought that was an option, but you know what they say. When there's a need, there's a way. (B)
Much easier than other websites. Thank you. You do give hope and understanding. (OneHitMan)
Thanks for this... My laptop was not starting but I followed the steps and it has started working again. (Smitha)
More helpful than the number of individuals who claim to be computer literate yet couldn't solve my problem. Thankful I ran across this site by accident. (42Angels)
Thanks for your hard work. I got an answer from your website. (Misha VK)
Still exploring the site... Definitely including this site with my other favorites. Thanks for the help. (RJS)
Easy reading and understanding of instructions for a person who is not a geek. (Anonymous)
I was able to obtain the information I was needing easily. Thank you. (Tammy)
Very useful for computer users who are not graduates in computer science, but are inquisitive about how computers work. (S. B.)
I have been using your site for a long time! Thank you for the help needed in emergency situations. It is comforting to know that there is such a website to go to... (A. M.)
I have no formal education in IT sector studies. I go through the literature provided on the internet and collect information regarding IT. I like to follow the instructions, and enjoy the end results very much. Thanks for such a great website. (A. D.)
Please keep it up, I just love the history comparisons! (Don)
It is the best computer help website in the internet. It helped a lot on my school project. Keep up your excellent work. (Kajal)
You were able to answer one question, which led to another question etc. Amazing. I guess my next question will be: how do they make those chips? Have a good day!. (Heidi)
Very good article! It bugged me for a week now how to change file association but just 3 seconds in this article and I figured it out. Thanks!!! (N. D.)
The website is very helpful to IT students. Whoever the programmer, to you I say you have really helped me. (S. K.)
Thank you for the clear steps. I got my computer to turn. I totally thought it was dead. (J. P.)
This is great. My laptop was not powering on but now it is working properly. Thanks. (M. M.)
Excellent job & Thank you. (Anonymous)
Bought a webcam from Amazon, it came with only the PRODUCT STRUCTURE DIAGRAM, USB ATTACHED TO THE CAMERA (with no brand name/no name). You guys helped us figure it out - Thanks. (Ricar)
I love the site, at least it helped with my home work. Thanks a lot and well-done. (B.)
The page (https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001724.htm) provided me with the info I was looking for. Thanks. (Anthony)
Thank you for this short but very informative article. Exactly what I was needing to know prior to CPU and operating system upgrade on an older computer. For us non-techies, short and sweet. Many thanks! (JT)
Very helpful instructions on using Robocopy. I especially appreciate the examples. (Bill)
Computer Hope is unique and should have wider exposure. (K)
I found you by accident and just looked at one subject. I was quite impressed! Large easy to read type and the little I know about computers, I got the gist of things. I appreciate this website. Thank you! (Jude)
Excellent and precise information with references. (Waula)
I love this website. I thought a woman made it because it was so simple and I understood everything and it didn't require me to go in and change a bunch of files and undo this and go here and do that. Also, the links opened up on my laptop so I am really impressed with the site. I shared you with all 2.5k of my friends and 1k followers. They all loved you. I hope your traffic Picks Up. Great Job People and Thank You for Doing What it is You all Do. I Am Grateful for Each One of You. May You All Know and Enjoy Many Blessings of Health, Security, and Love Throughout Your Lifetimes in Service to Others. THANK YOU!!. (Mary)
I've made several searches for an answer for my problem. Your site provided the easiest, simplest answer. Great example, and step by step instructions. Thank you!. (Mrs JLY)
I was searching for the keyboard shortcuts for browsers. Interestingly I found that all the keyboard shortcuts are provided neatly and legibly. So I went through the whole website and found it to be good for all sorts of other options including booting up and similar things. Good work. (Anish)
It is just a pleasant feeling to read an easy, well-formed webpage with a definite solution. (M. N.)
I was looking for a way to download and watch a YouTube video from my hard drive instead of the Internet. I came across Computer Hope during my search. It said that using YouTube dl was a more advanced method, but I thought I would give it a try. The directions were so clear and comprehensive that I was able to succeed... thank you so very much, (Nancy)
I get to know the names and identify all the keys and there functions. (Anonymous)
Ur service is better than I thought, love to see this page .. keep it up, u rock. (A. R.)
Thank you so much my keyboard key was removed and immediately search for this and found this website it really is helpful thank you. (J. M.)
It explains concept clearly and it is in simple manner... It is understandable for me... (S. A.)
I found a good explanation; at the level that I needed very easily. It was easy to read and the links included in the test were very helpful. I have a pretty good grasp of computer hardware, but sometimes I need a bit of an update and this was right on the mark, Thanks. (Billc)
I simply just love this site. It's educative and a perfect site to go when having issues based on computer studies :). (Unknown)
Bravo. Just move on with the good work :). (Patience)
Thanks for the website, And I like the simple English used it is understandable Thx. (N. A.)
Worked like a charm and instantly resolved the issue. Also, this was something new that I learned today :) Thanks much! (A. V.)
Everything in this site is clear and easy to follow and understand. Keep it up. (George copter)
Thank you so much, it really helped me. (M.)
Thanks bro for reviving my laptop. (Nilesh)
Thank you for the help, the information was concise and easy to follow. (Beth H.)
Quick & easy way to find out about D-sub connectors, thanks! (N. S.)
Thanks Computer Hope. I was playing "among us" and the game was not at full screen.. I searched google and YouTube, no websites told this solution.. but Computer Hope solved my problem.. thanks very very very much. (S. R.)
Thank u very much for helping me. (Richard O)
Always a top site to visit thanks again. (Groundhog)
Excellent tutorial to provide user with some confidence using MySQL with a desire to continue training to get even better. (M Lim)
I like this website because of the comprehensive details they provide. (Mr. Kufre)
I so appreciate your info on how to convert a PDF to a Word doc on Word 2013 without Adobe. It worked like a charm, and helped me complete my school assignment. Thank you for taking the time to post this helpful info. Jennifer. (Jennifer)
I want to say thank you to all running this page, it is really informative and easy to use. (A.C.)
This is what I wanted to learn. Thanks. (V. R.)
Thank you for optimizing your website for search engines. It got me to the solution within a minute. (Eureka)
For someone who knows little about the workings and make up of a computer, the information made me more comfortable using my desktop and added value to my using my computer. I learnt a few things that I was not aware of. Thank you. (Wilbert S.)
I am so happy because I get what I am looking to round up my project. (Denis M.)
Excellent and very helpful for beginners. (A. O.)
Have a better idea on what's wrong with my monitor, thank you. (Anonymous)
After reading, I was enlightened with the knowledge gained. (Ronald)
The information was helpful and to the point. (Ella)
Explanations are easy to understand, explained in simple terms. (P. S.)
Great article. Thanks very much. I have set up a jitsi server using Linode, and this combined flawlessly with your instructions.(Peter)
Clear explanations, useful references, logically built narrative, extras in the back, etc. (Alexei)
Great work...keep it up...we need you guys out there... You have simplified the instructions... thank you...!!. (Jayaraj)
Bless you! I searched high and low trying to figure out how to turn the touchpad on my laptop back on without using the touchpad. Catch 22. The missing piece of the puzzle: how to click using the keyboard. Did not see that suggestion anywhere else except in this article. Thank you so much. (SJS)
I was looking for help on writing a batch file that opens a program on my computer. This was a good simple-to-follow instruction. Thanks! (P.V.)
Looking for this kind of explanation a long time. Thanks. (Joe M.)
Excellent, thank you for tips, it really worked, have a nice day. (Steven)
Brand new to LINUX - haven't even installed it yet. After using LINUX forums, am looking up items mentioned, so I don't go back with questions I could easily have looked up the answer to, myself. I try to limit my questions to things I can't find, or that confuse me, online. This was very clear and in-depth, yet concise, help to me. Thank you. (AnneF)
Thanks - I thought my trusty old win 7 laptop was biting the dust. Good on you mate!!. (Graham)
Nothing much to say other than Goooooooooooooooooooood!. (E.)
This is the greatest thing that I ever used (https://www.computerhope.com/htmcolor.htm). (Himbjv)
At least I've learnt something today of how to remove write protection from my devices, thank you. (K. S.)
Fixed my problem, THANK YOU! (Keith)
It's perfect and easy to search for information. (Leticia)
Great site! I've been using it for years... (John)
Great yet simple easy to understand ideas to try to stop my printer from printing crooked lines and double print. (R. M.)
I appreciate the content as presented, name specific to the topic in plain language and pleasantly visible text. As a reader who is older than dirt these features are welcome to my fading eyesight and shrinking brain. Keep up the good work! (Judith A. G.)
Thank you, for the easy to locate and easy to follow definitions. (A. W.)
It is very helpful for all students.:) (Jahangir)
When first saw this website I didn't think it would help me but, I scrolled down and I found my answer. GOOD JOB! (M. H.)
Thank you so much. Your website is the best. (Iqra A.)
Computerhope saved me from taking a perfectly good laptop to the recycling center and wasting it. this article should ship with every single new laptop. (Hmazuji)
I wanna send out my Trillion Thank You appreciations. My HP laptop was not switching on and I thought it was all dead, but after I Googled and found you guys, all my HOPE was regained abd restored.I followed the steps by taking out the battery and AC cable off my laptop then pressing the ON button for 30 seconds... viola...it was easy peasy and my laptop was ON...yasssss. Now am battling with gaining access as I have forgotten my password...am afraid to enter anything as I am afraid of losing my data as I have not backed up the stuff I loaded recently...I am still a bit scared to enter anything...hahahaaaa. Am still trying to read and find out more about the safest method. I just wanna say thank you guys kindly for the suggested easy steps to follow. xoxo :-) (Lebogang)
Thank you for being there, we normally do not ask for help, it is against our ethics to ask for help. (The Black Knight)
Computer Hope is the Go-To site for information regarding computers. The best! (A. L.)
Quickly found the solution to an annoying little issue. (RJ)
Great article! Gave me just the information I needed!. (Gregg)
I used this site because I was missing my audio speakers. I tried for days before this, to correct the problem. You people are GENIUS!! After following most of the steps, I was able to resolve my problem. The error was found under System Protection. This was turned off and had no idea why. I now have my speakers back and I'm enjoying "sound" again. Thank you Thank you Thank you. (Relieved)
Scroll wheel wasnt working, this has never happened before. I did exactly what it said and took me 30 seconds and it was fixed. (Austin)
Who knew??? I had no idea the keyboard had all these functions - and shortcuts. Thanks. (Geo)
Disable/Enable drivers worked perfectly. (Jack)
Helped me to develop my skill on Microsoft Word keyboard shortcut.. Excellently. (Sunday ION)
Very helpful, thank you. Disabling and enabling the power devices fixed the issue. (Joe)
It was very helpful and explained in clear and simple terms. Thank you very much for your efforts. It is greatly appreciated. (Mumu)
The content (https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001721.htm) is excellent and work very well. (Ajay K. J.)
Thank you for helping me with my work. Thank you very much. (G. N.)
I subscribe to Computer Hope and I am very glad I did. I've learned so much from Computer Hope and I am very grateful the staffers. (Ziyang)
Very easy to search, and superb. (P. F.)
Bruh, this hella saved me, thx!! I couldn't delete a file, and I knew something was odd. So I searched it up, clicked this link, and it hella saved me!. (Jose)
Best computer website ever! It's super informative and understanding!. (Alan)
I recommend you to continue doing the best because you guys are the best. (Eze J.)
Love it, great source..Stay blessed. (Sanju)
Thanks for the concise and direct information; keep up the good work. Thanks for existing!. (Upoiusadf)
I have just started course of IT networking, and the information you provided is a great resource for me. (Aggrem)
It was so easy to find the answer, keep up the good work. (T. H.)
Thank you very much for the help provided in the form of clear-cut instructions to restore the battery icon which suddenly went missing on my laptop. It was spot on... (Jayanthi)
Hello. I have no real technical knowledge of computers. But had an inclination to ask myself the question... "I wonder how much video ram, does my old (handmedown) system have?" So I duckduckgo'd the following question... "how to find how much video memory I have in linux?" And computerhope.com was the first site in the results list. So I simply clicked the link And it brought me to this web page - https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001307.htm I scrolled down to the linux part and did what it suggested. And I got the results (and answer) to my query. The instructions explained was easy enough for me to execute. And the results I got appeared like magic. Now all I have to do is learn what all the results mean. Thanks Computer Hope. You run a Top Notch web site. Thanks to those who read this. Have a great day. Byeee :). (Newbie)
Thank you so much for your time,I really enjoyed and I hope you guys will help me become one of the best. (Bashir U.)
Just thank you for sharing your knowledge like that :). (Om3r)
It is a very nice and helpful site. Thank You very much. (Rinku)
Best directions and help I have ever found on details like this (mouse pointer customization). Thanks. (A. L.)
Awesome info for users without extensive computer knowledge! (Kathy)
Very good instructions, easy to follow and much better than the official documentation! (Robert)
It took a couple of tries going back and forth through your steps, but I managed to pull out the most dastardly paper chain I've seen in a decade with your concisely written help. Thank you!. (S)
I have built my own computers using recycled parts for 30 years, but most of those sources have since dried up. You are a true 'Hope'. Just the simple answers. Thanks. (Romer)
You provided a very simple answer to my question and it worked fine at once. (Anna)
Keep up the good work! Thank you very much. (Majo)
The site is very well done. I was so stressed when my touch pad did not want to work. I could easily find instructions on how to get it working again. (Mika)
This made me learn more about computers. Thank you. (Anonymous)
I am liking it. I've got more to understand from here. Thank you so much. (Anonymous)
What a wonderful site for the not-so-great at computer stuff like me!! I needed help because I think I need to replace my computer which keeps acting up (or I should say down), but overwhelmed with all the products and lingo. I will most definitely recommend this site to others - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!. (Judy Sayers)
It is a good website. I like this very much. (A. M.)
My comment is that thank u so much for supporting young leaners like me during this process. (Uche A.)
Very helpful. So simple and easy to read instructions for non tech people like me. Thank you. (Luke)
Helpful website, easy to understand, great analogies. Thank you. (M. W.)
First of all I would like to thank ALLAH (GOD) and then I would like to thank you for this information that you shared. (Anonymous)
Thank you very, very much for detailed information. All the steps are explained so well - with links to explain something else that I might not know. This has been the best web search experience ever!! I bookmarked your page. I've already followed you om Twitter and came across keyboard shortcuts that I will definitely use. Thank you again. You are doing a great job. Keep it up. Detailed information is never unnecessary - especially for us "not so computer-wise" people. Blessings!. (MariB4pc)
COMPUTERHOPE is the 'go-to' site for helpful and easily-understood information. Thank you. (A. L.)
Thank you every so much for your help to find an excellent solution for recording the Youtube videos onto mobile phone. Just what I needed. Thumb ups. (Maki S)
When I first saw this website the first word which come out from my mouth was wow. (Samarth)
This site was very helpful with my situation and even offered alternatives if my issue was not resolved. GREAT JOB. (Scott)
Very good and open explanation...it really helped. (Ruwaida)
I am using a Beelink Mini Computer and Windows 10. Following your instructions December 2019, I just blocked Microsoft Edge from working. My purpose was to reduce the number of trackers that get loaded onto my computer. Your instructions worked perfectly! THANK YOU!. (Louis)
Thank you for your suggestions. It was very helpful. (Anonymous)
Thank you so very much. It helped a lot. I've been struggling with it all day, and then when I came here, I got what I needed. Thank you!. (Ithandiwe)
Thank you for you this page!! I need help and your page helped me after hours of trying everything else. (LLK)
The Catalina specific article on automating a quick action (https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch002051.htm) was super helpful! (Tyler)
I'm sick of Windows overriding my choices and every time there is an update/restart it seems to mess with my settings, so I' looking at the possibility of getting away from Windows OS. I have never used Linux so this was a helpful comparison (https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000575.htm). (B. F.)
I followed your simple advice to remove the cord and replace it again, and when I restarted, I successfully started my laptop. Many thanks. (R. E.)
Thank you. Your examples was very helpful. (Cris)
Simple and to the point on your instructions. Thanks for including directions for different OS. =]. (Alma)
I really like your website. Well put together, informative, and easy to navigate. I really like the links to all the info about specific ideas or terms throughout every page e.g. reading about motherboards and being able to go into ICs. One of my new favorite websites. Good work. (Rafael Q.)
This was amazing! I have spent hours struggling to get my laptop to turn on and I came to this wee site through a Siri request and in 5 minutes my laptop is on! Highly recommend!. (Eleanor Houlder)
I think this is an amazing site, and I love the fact that there is still so much stuff about the computer that we need to learn. (Hunter)
Thank you. A retired green screen guy moving to Linux, and your efforts have made it much easier. (W. B.)
From my days of having to use at least some Windows to my current happy all-linux computer use, Computer Hope has consistently zeroed in on the very problem I'm searching for a solution for (although you probably can't help with grammar tangles). This search for the date format in the reminder utility "calendar", as opposed to the other very useful utility "cal", was no exception. I got the answer I needed right away. Thanks again, ComputerHope!. (Earlynerd)
I wasn't sure why my battery icon had disappeared from my home taskbar. After trying within my device Settings and going through the steps of the Help pages that Windows 10 hosts, I was able to go through the steps provided here and now my battery is visible to me again! Thank you for the simple instruction, it took hardly any time at all and was very easy to follow! I will keep this site in mind if other important icons go missing or if I have other tech issues in the future. (Lex)
Your site is just great and essntial for users, specially the learners. Thanks. (Mardi789)
Excellent information and easy to understand. (Ramesh R.)
As someone who grew up before the era of home computers I found this very easy to follow. (A. P.)
These F keys have been a mystery to me for a very long time. Thank you for supplying this information for me. I had to go threw a few searches before it was layed out as simply as you have provided. (Cathy)
The info you provided was easier for me to understand exactly what to do. Simple and straight to the point. Other places I've used left me more confused than anything. Made everything sound extremely complicated. (Cindy)
Gosh! That was clearly explained and easy to read! Excellent. (Pereznstr)
Keep making these excellent pages and thank you!. (Sue)
These keyboard shortcut tips were great, and I learned a few I did not know. Thanks!. (Justin)
Can't think of anything more at this moment. Everything was great. (Robbo)
I found the explanations very interesting. (J. G.)
From time to time I like to brush up my computer knowledge a bit. Thanks. (Richard T.)
It was really easy for me to find what I was looking for and I'm really satisfied with this website. (Jessica)
I'm very happy to see these steps worked for me. I was worrying if I had to buy another laptop. Thanks for the quick and simple solution. (Obteo)
I found the information comprehensive and thorough. Thank you. (Jorge E. S.)
Thank you for posting this tip! I have no idea how the 'minimize window' option ended up a mere tiny box with no ability to move between monitors at anything less than maximized. It was driving me crazy until I saw this tip; I couldn't think of the right words (restore, size) to search by and was only finding tips to troubleshoot 'snapping' issues, which it wasn't. (Marisa)
Thank you so much! It was helpful! (Mahlet)
Great website - easy to follow layout, and simple language. Thanks! (Ash)
Great reading. I got the answers for what I was looking for and more. (Miggs)
THANK YOU for thoughfully posting the CAPS LOCK alternative (in tip224) - it is much better! (Great article.)
This is a very recommendable site for everyone who wants to be computer literate. Keep in up. (David P.)
I just want to say thank you very much because I found everything I needed. (Owenzi)
Keep it up please...!!! (R. R.)
Answered my obscure question immediately. Thanks. (Michael)
I am an 82 year old retired Doctor and live in a nursing home---thus my Computer knowledge is limited. I complement you for your mountain of info. I will try to make good use of your well-presented help. (C. S.)
It worked for me perfectly. Instructions were easy and got rid of the problem. (Sakib H.)
Thank you for the information, it was really helpful. (Mukhtar)
Detailed and straight forward explanation of potential problems. Two thumbs up. (Ben)
The suggestions to resolve my issue were easy to follow and worked perfectly to fix the issue. (Sean)
Computerhope is always outstanding!. (M H Earp)
I really like the simplicity of your explanations. It's a big help to older people such as myself. Thank you. (Anonymous)
Your solution worked (disabling and re-enabling battery drivers). Thanks. (A. C.)
This site has given me confidence in computer knowledge. (David P.)
Very excellent support.. Thank you. (Raj)
Thank you so much. This helped me understand the differences better. Good job guys. Kudos. (Sandy)
I'm currently trying to learn how to work with computers, I've been studying and studying and studying html, apis, css... Hopefully to find a job :). Your information online will be a valuable resource for me and my family hopefully. Thank you. (Jafar)
This has been bugging me for ages. I wish I'd looked for a solution earlier. Very easy to follow instructions & I'm one happy camper! -Ade
Excellent information and accurate. Thank you. (JJ)
Thank you with your help I fixed my computer. (Ashmita)
I think you guys are doing everything very well and efficiently. I will definitely be using your website more often. Thumbs up for a good job. (Anonymous)
My professor asked me to review how to cite a source with APA 7. I searched the net and I found it explained clearly here. Thanks. (S. M.)
Good. I found what I was looking for in a clear manner. Thank-you. (Priya)
Excellent tutorial (https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch002077.htm), the best of the best among the all I find till now. Thank you. (M. N.)
In trying to get my head around Windows 10 after many years on earlier versions, I have just discovered your site. Thanks very much, it is very useful. (Doug R.)
The steps mentioned were very simple and easy to follow...My battery icon was missing, and this helped me to resolve my issue. Thanks. (S. N.)
Great service, easy to understand website, friendly for people like me, a non-techie. Thank you very much. (Alex)
I reaaly love it, now my laptop can turn on, this is excellent. I'm proud of you. (F. A.)
Great info! I added it to my bookmarks. (P. E.)
Thank you so much for helping!!! Really appreciate it!!! You saved me!!! I was so worried about my laptop battery, but you helped me fix it...Thanks!!! (Bryan)
This is a big help for me. The information was very detailed. (A. T.)
I really liked your article (https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001083.htm) especially because of all the little details you added. (Daniela)
Thank you very much for the explanation. Although I am a novice I can understand all your tutorials because it's elegant and simple. Thank you guys! (Hugo)
Awesome job boys! Computer Hope saved my computer!. (Kevin)
Happy 22 years!!! Congratulations. (Francisco)
Well explained and easy to understand (https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001498.htm). (C. M.)
Thanks. You're the only folks who had a real solution for the Microsoft Edge app screwing up everything on my laptop. (Denisegk)
This is very very good work. It offers a lot of content that many other websites don't offer. God bless you guys, you're the best. (Paul Ainer)
Computerhope.com has become my favorite place for reliable help on the Internet. (Kaiza I.)
I got here via Yahoo search. The info on your web page was concise and well written. (Jeff W)
It was amazing thank you! Solved my problem right away. (Anastasia)
Your tip of removing battery and adapter, the pressing power button for 30 secs worked for me. Excellent! Thanks. (Charles)
Wow, I've been trying to change my profile picture for a long time, when I searched how to change it, I couldn't believe how easy it was. This is the best experience. (Enny x)
Followed your steps and had to do the "hold power button for a minute or more." Then the laptop was able to boot up! Wow, thank you so much! (Genna)
Your instructions were easy to follow and proved to be just what I needed, thanks. (Mary)
The most useful tech site I have found. (Susan S.)
I found the article very exhaustive. I had been looking around for a while without finding the solution and with this article it only took me 1 minute. (R.)
I just came across this Computer Hope page and it is dynamite. It is really helpful. Thank you!. (Brenda J.)
Thank you for your help. I stressed about losing my disk for about a year and you helped me so much. Keep doing a good job. (Jaiken)
The article I referred to on your site was very useful in helping me write my essay on benefits of computers. (Neha)
I wish I knew about this site long before. You're in my favorites and shortcut to desktop! (Mr. Fixit)
I got exactly what I was looking for. (Mahfuz)
I found the reasons for my question quickly. And your service saved me time too. Thank you very much. Good luck. (Lakshitha Dewminda)
Great service so much to see and do in it. Thank you. (Niall P)
I appreciate the articles about basic approach, such as the steps involved in troubleshooting a network problem. While there are individual steps to take in your article there is an ordered progression that cuts out noise and makes the process easier to organize. This is a great resource. (Suzi B.)
Just a big thankyou for keeping old Win95 stuff available for hobbyists like me resurrecting very old machines!. (G. P.)
I'm grateful to the delightful team who make it happen, to make sure that we get the best help we're looking for, especially for our research. It was helpful. (S. H.)
Keep up the good work. An excellent resource that is consistent with keeping a green planet. Fix the problem, not throw it away. (Christopher)
Thank you. All I needed was an explanation for what a drop cap is, and you did it in less than a minute. (Yes)
Thanks for the convenience. Instant teacher. (Reen)
I was searching for the solution to a problem with my function key, but couldn't come to an answer anywhere else. Finally got it from here. Thanks! (Naaji)
I was looking and looking and looking for a symbol (USB cable) and couldn't find what I needed that was understandable. It is getting to be a complicated world. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!! (Gena C.)
Kudos for having the correct answer. Most others don't. Cheers. (Skygh)
I don't know software very well and will study your MS Office pages and come back. But you have enlightened me with the basic computer typing skills. Thanks a lot. Regards. (Govindarajulu N.)
I often heard about CMOS battery and BIOS unfortunately I thought is one and the same thing. I'm grateful that now I know better. I like the way you teach with pictures. It makes things simple to understand. (Ronnie)
Great that you are giving more context to the command, not just throwing random terms around, thank you!. (Anonymous)
An easy site to use with clear, uncluttered information. (J. F.)
It answered my question perfectly.I needed to know how to use a VGA screen from a DVI GPU, and now I know how. Thanks. (Raro)
Would never have figured it out on my own, thanks so much. (Joel)
I like the way you simply consider all the possible problems and give a solution for them. (Bobby)
Best, you're the best, very helpful. (T. A.)
I found more than I was looking for. Pleasantly surprised. (Anonymous)
This saved me from worrying too much about my laptop not turning on. Thank you so much!! (Erica)
I was amaze to Computer Hope I learned a lot very informative site. keep it up!!! and God bless. (Dey)
This is great - just keep it updated!!! Blessings and shalom. (Dee C.)
This was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for providing this information and making it easy to find. (P. H.)
I have exams today and my laptop picked this day to not start. This was the first site I visited and problem solved! Thanks a million. (B. D.)
I suggest following this website for help. (Chris)
Well done. Thanks for taking the time to explain the syntax of the "read" bash built-in command. (John)
Thank you very clear and to the point. (Joe)
The information that I was looking for was quick to find without any problem. Keep it up! Just one request to create dark mode for the page. Thanks!. (Pro)
Thank you for your most detailed and easily understood suggested fixes. Don't know yet whether they helped me with my very slow computer, but I think there is not much more I can do. (Findanamde)
It really is helpful. Thank you!!!. (Y. M.)
My laptop is 12 years old wouldn't power on after a update. I took out the battery, and its all good to go. Thanks team. (Mutley)
I got what I want. Very nicely explained. Thank you. (S. M.)
Let people know when the government remove privacy rights such as end-to-end encryption. Other than that you rock 0.0. (Silenceisavirtue)
It gives the facts and answers and no bologna to wade through. Thanks! (S. A.)
THANK YOU SOO MUCH. I just spilt water on my keyboard and backspace wasn't working, I dried all of the other keys and they all worked fine except for backspace. When I thought nothing would work I stumbled across your website. You recommended I sprayed it with a can of compressed air and voila! Fixed! Thank you so much I'm so grateful! (Jordan)
This helped me to get the vanished battery icon back onto my taskbar, so thank you. :) (T. C.)
Very useful. I mostly checking into terms. There are things we work with everyday yet don't really know what they mean. I was able to find that out and additional information on working with images. Bookmarked the site so I can return and learn more. (James)
I initially thought it might be malware. Virus checking and mouse settings didn't do anything. Thankfully the suggestion on your WEB site to clean the optical scanner did the trick. (Hans de Kok)
I'm extremely thankful !!! I have my computer for 6 months and never used the touchpad, I thought it was broken so I used a mouse. Today I just decided to google this and here It is working beautifully. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! Great work!. (M. H.)
This is my first time and the help was amazing. Found out about many things quickly and easily. I'll be back! Thank you. (L. S.)
Somehow, I'd never hit one of your pages before today (June 2020). I am finding it VERY INTERESTING! (Don W.)
This is amazing continue and a few modifications will fine-tune your endeavor. (Maximiliano)
Very easy directions for problem solving. (J. P.)
It was the first time a tip on the internet worked for me. Thankkkkks. (B. B.)
I can say this web site is very reliable. (Anonymous)
This page was really helpful for me, I'm starting to research to build my new PC. (Gabriel J.)
I will referring back to you very often. I can see that now. (C. G.)
It's very good site Keep it up!. (H.)
Easy to read and follow, well-written. I came to this page not knowing how to create a CSV file from scratch, you have made it simple. Thank you. (Frederick)
I couldn't see my battery icon in the system tray and the power option was greyed in the settings. as per this guide, I disabled and re enabled the drivers in device manager and its all working well again now. Thanks team!!. (Joe)
THANK YOU!!! This was not a major issue but one that annoyed me. How nice to find the solution! (GJH)
Average because I'm not too clever with this stuff. Thank you for providing simple to understand info, that even I can follow. (Cathy)
Good work Computer Hope. God richly bless you. (T.)
Very easy to use and clear answers. (William)
This is good info! I thought I was going to have to call MS and fight with them to get this done, I had to do it many years ago. It seems MS has gotten onboard with home users that know how to do stuff. Now I know ahead of time it should be no problem. My stress level has gone from 10 to 4. Thank You. (Trey)
Thank you very much! Your page helped me very much. Please keep it up your services With regards! (Fikir)
Good. In minutes I found all that I was looking for. Keep up the good work. (A.)
Took me less than 2 minutes to get the power icon to the taskbar without having to restart whereas, Microsoft help took me days and was unsuccessful. Thank you. (MG)
I like how simple and clear the definition was and a perfect example to really clarify the meaning. There are times when I'm surfing the web looking for basic information and I end up getting whole loads of unnecessary info. I was just writing a paper, needed to look up a term, and got exactly what I wanted at your site. Thank you guys. (Brian)
After getting my Toshiba 505NB serviced at some expense, I panicked on finding the laptop would turn on. I followed your advice and bingo, problem solved. Thank you. (Dominic M.)
Good explanations. Clear and easy to grasp and read thank you. (Richard)
Very helpful, easy to understand, and has all of the information I need. Excellent service. (Aphendulwe)
It was good for me to choose codes and change my colours name in any type of software. I found it useful. Thanks. (Wiki)
Computer Hope is my "go-to site" when I need answers. There are other good sites, but CH is my favorite. Thank you. (D.)
Felt stupid for being in a bit of a panic and not seeing the key and was relieved and delighted to find what I needed to know on this page! Many thanks. :-). (Jennifer)
Wonderful and easy to use! Thanks :). (Betty Kremer)
Searched 4 sites to fix my computer issue. this was the first one that gave a working solution! Thank you! (Hrafenkell)
Hello! I just wanted to say thanks. I mean, it was not rocket science, but I didn't know how to change font in the Word (xD) and now I do and I am very happy about it. It was annoying to do it manually and now I am saved. I was lost and now I am found. Thank you very much guys and girls. God bless. (Sebastian K.)
Given that I had the code from html, I could find a site that would easily confirm that I had the correct color on not. Your site was easy to use and immediately confirmed it for me. Other sites were assuming that I had a color and was looking for the code. Thanks. (Anonymous)
I am learning the computer in full from here. Thank you. (A. K.)
Thank you. Very informative. Keep posting. :) (Sarah)
Keep on keeping on, these pages are extremely helpful. (S. L.)
I had been searching for about 1.5 hrs to try and work out solution to this, and even Microsoft support answers didn't come up with this. It worked. Thanks. (Jan)
Nice to find what these terms mean so quickly. Thanks. (Renee)
I found everything that answered my question and more. Thank you. (J. B.)
This was very helpful. I just needed a reminder for a few things! THANK YOU. (S. B.)
Thanks for supporting us with this kind of information and material. It is really useful for academic interests, as well as for personal learning. Blessings! (Jose T. H.)
Excellent, most impressed. Found site by accident and wished I'd known about it sooner. Thank you. (JD)
Very informative, job well done. Thank you. (Anonymous)
A very useful site that provided the exact steps. Easy to follow. Thank you! (P. J.)
Small steps make it easy to understand. Thanks. (Bill)
This is an amazing website, I could find the info I needed almost immediately. Brilliant content. (Anonymous)
Thanks so much was really frustrated this article just saved my laptop. (Sahin)
Good explanations, from beginner level to advanced. (Tableman)
Computerhope (which I like to call "cohope").. you help a lot and I don't even know how to thank you, you are blessing cohope.. you rock. (Julius P.)
After trying 3 other sites to fix my issue, yours was the only one that worked (and it was the easiest to follow along with)! (Anonymous)
Hey guys, Thanks so much for your quick reply and your suggestion. I didn't know my question could be resolved with such an easy fix. You guys are "terrific" and I really appreciate your effort in helping people with their computer challenges. Keep up the good work! (Ron)
Simple search gave results I was looking for. I like this site and have added it to my favs. (Kaw900)
I searched for my question, Google showed me your answer, and I'm so grateful I opened the page just to say: Thank you! (Hilesha)
Very nice, simple explanation. Good work guys, thank you. (Aaa)
You guys are the best, your info helped a lot. Keep up a good work. (Ronald)
What a treat!! I just so happened to view a list of recent searches of my husband's, you guys have definitely opened a few new "tabs" for me!!. (Tammy)
Thank you very much! I was almost going to send my "arc touch" mouse back to the seller because the double-click wasn't working... thanks to your website now I can double-click and am very satisfied!! (Sonja)
I am not a computer whiz.. your suggestions were easy to understand, without a lot of mumbo jumbo. Great help, thank you. (Becca)
I was looking for battery life in a laptop. I now need to get a new battery. Thx for the info. Much appreciated! (Elayne)
Thank you so much for the invaluable tips! The novice user like me would have taken forever, if not just given up completely, on PC tasks if not for the tips you give. (Sonny)
From now on this page will be my favorite of all the pages that I have used. Computer Hope is not just easy to use, but they answered all the questions brilliantly. (Bashiru B.)
This page helped me SO much. Thank you to whoever made it and helps keep it working. Mine was the F command keys up at the top of my laptop keyboard. <3 I'd been trying to figure out why my touchpad wasn't working and it was driving me nuts. Thanks again and have a good day! (Anonymous)
Continue giving out such free vital information to the public. You are doing a fantastic job. (Gabriel)
I learned some new shortcuts.. and shortcuts make life simpler. :) Thank you. (Anonymous)
Dear Computerhope! Your site looks very interesting, regarding that you give information in a simple language, and on the other hand, no limits for who wants to learn. I really appreciate your efforts to help everyone, who is interested in computer science, or just want a clear path in this topic. For sure, I will bookmark this page right now! Thank you again, Cheers from Budapest, Hungary. (Nicholas)
Evrything was very forthright and explained plainly. (Aldis)
Thank you!! now I can use virtual desktops as in any other operating system. Nice article! (A. M.)
All I can say is thank you. The language was so simple that everyone can understand it. I followed the steps, and just like that my laptop was on. (L. E.)
Problem: Greyed out battery icon setting. Advice was easy to find and worked as described. Many thanks. (David)
Extremely helpful advice! Using an older work laptop and this was driving me crazy!. (Patti)
I was able to "fix" the issue. Thank you for making the directions so easy to follow. My battery icon is no longer grayed out and it is now showing on the taskbar again. Thank you. (Rose)
Thank you for helping me to resolve the issue that my battery icon vanished from my taskbar and would not come back, and was grayed out from my devices options. Your suggestion that I disable then re-enable the battery related devices worked first time. This issue which has plagued me for many months is finally solved! Thank you millions!! (Emmy)
I'm a newbie with laptop and now working from home after working with desktop PC and mouse for many decades. These instructions are the best I've seen and many many thanks for providing it. You've greatly reduced my stress. (Diana)
It. Just. Worked. Thank you!. (Sam M.)
Very helpful suggestions with easy to understand instructions. I loved it. Thank You So Much for the help. (Kimberly F.)
Thank You very much for the valuable information. (SKB)
The site is extremely good and enjoyable to use! (William)
Perfect. Explained the problem and solution. Thanks. (Anonymous)
The answers on your site not only fix the problem, they help me understand. Thanks and regards for helping people like me. (D. A.)
It's the best website ever for learning many computer tips. (S. H.)
I found near enough everything I wanted to know.... I learned quite a bit as well. Really good! I enjoyed my research here. (Alan T. Fitch)
Learned so much. Every topic is a help. The computer knowledge I did have was greatly expanded. Thanks. (Patricia)
This made it incredibly easy for me to figure out keyboard shortcuts on my computer. Thank you. (C. B.)
The recommended steps worked for me. Thank you. (John U)
Super easy and very helpful, thank you. (A. S.)
This site has been my go-to place for a long time. Keep on truckin. :) (G. G.)
Great site. I'll use it a lot. Wish I knew about it sooner. Thanks. (Micheal)
Whoever you are, I love you! All set with laptop. (Amy)
Excellent! I learned new things I did not know. Since I have literally taught classes in the history of computing, I always like finding new information of which I was not aware. Well done!. (Gardoglee)
Loved the diff article after doing a quick google for "how to use diff". Very simple, straightforward, and answered my question(s). I was afraid you wouldn't mention diff'ing two folders but at the end you did that as well. Great job, I can't wait to look around the site for more articles. (A. O.)
This article helped to solve problem and thus saved time. Thanks a lot! Regards - (Dmitry)
I much appreciated this website for their efforts. (Jerry P.)
This page saved me when my computer wasn't working. Thank you so much for your help! (Elena S.)
Very clear and helpful. Thanks. (Derek P.)
Thanks a lot!!! I have ever known a solution to fix this issue. (David)
After looking at several other help pages including from Microsoft, I found yours to be the most helpful. Found exactly what I wanted! (Bill U)
Thank you very much. By showing the screen with the name of each part of the window is excellent! (Mariana)
Thank you for a great tutorial. It would be great to have also some inside on port forwarding, updating Nextcloud, and moving data to a different server. Thanks again. (SL)
Thank you! Enough information was provided for me to make the right choices for my laptop. I had been searching for an alternative source for Windows tutorials, which are often lengthy and confusing. I think I have found the replacement. Thanks again. (N. A.)
Very good website, ask any questions on computers and your answer will be presented to you, "please check out this link." This is very important and useful. Thanks. (Anonymous)
I'm a beginner. and I found everything useful. It exposed me to all the many things I did not know. Thank you. (Y. T.)
Thanks for this beautiful answer, I am very helped by this. (Anonymous)
Perfect information. Thank you. (R. S.)
I know nothing about a computer... Yet I found it easy to follow. Thank you. (Anonymous)
Nice, this page is useful for me. Thanks for your help. (Yashu)
Perfect setup and an easy-to-find-answers web page! Thanks a bundle! (Emily)
The image of the Qwerty keyboard you display was invaluable in helping me to put my keyboard back together after I cleaned it. (I. A.)
The site is very helpful and I am pleased. (Nancy)
Straight to the point. Easy to use. (Jeremy)
I have looked at several sites including the settings on the computer, but I only saw uninstall touchpad. Your method was straight forward and simple. Thank you. (Anonymous)
Really helped me find out how to double space on a Microsoft word document. Thanks. Excellent service, extremely easy to find the information that I was after. (T. N.)
Nice to see an explanation that directly and effectively answers your question! (A. P.)
I am christian missionary and I teach math and coding for children. I hope to take informations for my scope. Thank you! God bless you! (C. K.)
All the information was really simple and well-explained. Very useful. Thanks. (Luis)
Thank youuuuuuuuuu. This was really helpful. Keep up the good work! (Pamela)
Thank you. I am so grateful that you helped me resolve my laptop issue. (Roxanne)
Good info, topical, presented cleanly. (R.)
I just don't know what to say, other than it one of the best. (Muhammed)
It was super simple and very clear! Thank you. (Sara G.)
Very good. Clear, concise instructions. Thanks. (Andy B.)
I just followed the step by step approach and I had my problem solved. Thank you very much. (Dawuda)
What a nice presentation on processors. (Dominic)
Helps me a lot, especially when there are certain things I can't remember off hand, but know I've seen somewhere. Great reference. (Anonymous)
It answered our questions in a clear way. Now we have a better sense of the meaning and values of these terms, such as how many bytes are in a Terabyte. (DRF)
The directions being supported with pictorial example was a helpful feature. Thanks. (L. M.)
I already know Linux commands, but I wanted to learn more. Your examples were perfect for me. (E.)
Searched google for code to rotate an image, found your page, works great. Thanks (D. S.)
Gave me the answers I was looking for. Simple, easy to follow, and great knowledge. (NAE)
It was so easy to set up the mouse settings with your instructions. Thanks. (Adam)
I just loved the way this topic of command line was introduced. I appreciate your advice for learning about the command line if one wants to learn more about computers. (Karan G.)
The info about operating systems was very helpful. I know now more as before about operating systems, software and hardware. Thank you. (Fanie)
Thanks for making it easy for me to get what I want easily. (Lucy)
I had a php webpage that I owned get mistakenly deleted. I needed to recover it but could not find a way. My phone's chrome browser had cached the page and I was able to view it offline, but I could not find a way to view the source code so that I could easily copy all the code back into a new file. I was able to find the answer on your page which was typing "view-source:" behind the URL. I've sent a donation to show my appreciation. (Josh)
I was looking for help on diff unix command. And here I've found what I was looking for. (Fernando)
I love how easy it is to get useful data. This is my go to site when I have a question about computers. (Bob)
Thanks for the information about frozen computers. I couldn't sleep at night because my computer kept freezing. Your website unfroze my computer and restored my happiness. keep up the good work, and thank you for such a wonderful and reliable website. (N. K.)
Fantastic - found a shortcut key I never knew about, and it did what I needed it to do. Thanks ever so much. (Sandra)
Thank you for this dictionary. I am a Grade 3 teacher who suddenly had to teach Grade 7, 8 @ 9 Computer Literacy. It is an amazing source of info and I use it continuously. Excellent!!!! (Ming)
It was very simple to find what I needed and to follow the instructions. It was a quick fix to a problem that bothered me for a long time. Thank you!. (Icer)
Thanks for helping me get the battery icon back on my laptop!. (Katy)
I find the information provided easy to follow and useful. Computer Hope provides powerful knowledge, and I'm very glad to have found it. Thank you! (Christina)
Thanks a lot. This page helps me, I was so confused about my laptop. (Pauline)
I have a Lenovo computer running Windows 10 with a dysfunctional wifi key. I didn't know there was a switch in the BIOS, and I tried everything else I could think of. Thankfully, you have a clear, easy-to-read site that covered everything I needed! This was perfect! Thank you!! (Ian Work)
I love to see terms and topics explained in a way that's easy to understand. My education (Europe) is mechanical engineer (metric system), areas of heating and cryogenics. I enjoy reading your site, it explains terms in a comprehensive way. Thank you! (P. A.)
Thank-you. You answered my question exactly and briefly. Keep up the good work. (T. M.)
I'm so happy the tip worked. Thank you so much. (R. E.)
Really good.. I got the info I am looking for really quickly - thanks for this. (M.)
This worked almost straight away! Thank you. When I went to the microphone settings Audacity wasn't listed so I simply turned on 'Sound Recorder'. It didn't work immediately. I had to close and reopen Audacity and then it worked. Thanks. (M. W.)
I got lost in all the amazing information... I fell in love with this site immediately. Thanks. (Sarah D)
Very much appreciated. Good answers Very happy with the info, and it helps. Thank you. (P.)
Just a quick shout out, this article had pretty much everything I was looking for to check my computer. Good article!. (Anonymous)
A very simple and easy procedure. Thanks for that. (A.)
I was rusty on Unix/bash syntax, and this helped me to access the information I needed. (John)
I've been using your site for 2 months and the experience is best. (M. M.)
Thank you so much, I've been trying to figure this out for a week. (Taebutter)
Thank you for creating this website. (V. S.)
Very helpful in what I needed, and quick. (Anonymous)
It was so nice and easy for me. I will share this with my family and friends. Thanks - (Leah C.)
Google search lead me to "Computer Hope," which efficiently answered my question. Thank you. (Shelby)
I am a senior citizen who is gradually becoming more knowledgeable about technology. I still have lots of questions and by accident I found your site this morning and I can't tell you how excited I am. It answers lots of my questions and concerns. Thank you so much. It's like you read my mind. (Rosalie)
Computer Hope, I will say that among all the websites here on google giving information, you are the best. Keep it up. I really appreciate it. I wish I could just be like you. (bright I.J.)
I find your work just great. Keep it up. I love this website 'cause it provide a lot of good information about computers. Thanks for you Computer Hope team. (Kirollos)
I have been looking for help with my Linux for awhile. I'm glad I got a hold of your site. thank you. (Mike)
My son sent an email with a link to this website as I was having some computer problems. There is plenty of information here about computers. Thanks so much for this website. (Rebecca)
Thank you. Well done. Precise and concise. Now to try your suggestions! (Justin C.)
Great page with nicely organized and clearly explained instructions for giving to family as a guide. Please emphasize to change the administrator password. This is essential for security (though other pages that say this talk a lot about hacking which scares people, so I didn't want to give them a page just about how to keep your router from getting hacked). (Jan)
If more pages were as easy as this I would feel like a professor of IT and be over the moon because I could help myself instead of relying on others. Thank you. (Barnabas)
Fast, reliable and user-friendly. (Daisy L.)
I am currently writing a textbook on basic ICT and your resources have greatly helps me. Thanks. (Ing)
Hope has always helped me. Thank you so much. (Robert)
Thank you for considering persons with allergies and chemical sensitivities when recommending suitable safe materials and products to use when cleaning a computer and keyboard. It is very difficult for those of us with severe chemical sensitivities to find a safe suitable PC keyboard or electronic device due to off-gassing from plastic components... Your cleaning recommendations are greatly appreciated. (Anonymous)
Love this website [they're] very helpful in my assignments. Thanks. (Edward A.)
Just wanted to thank you for providing easy instructions for getting LibreOffice Writer to produce a solid line when I type a few dashes and hit return. I had no idea where the option was in the menu and would never have found it without your help. Cheers! (Mark)
Thank you very much you made it easy for me to access useful info. (JR)
My battery icon on my taskbar on my windows 10 laptop frequently goes missing. I could not find any solution to this problem anywhere on the internet. All I could do was to restart the laptop. Then I found this website. I followed the instructions to restart Windows Explorer in the task manager and it worked like magic! kudos to whoever wrote that tip!. (Mario)
I am 73 yrs old... With your help I have continued to develop my programming skills, which I had not done in a long time. Thank you for getting people interested in programming. (Dennis S.)
Just what I was looking for - questions answered before I had to ask. Excellent, mind reader, tremendous. Right on! (Minnie L. W.)
Recently, Microsoft Word has been opening in a smaller screen. I wanted it to go back to opening automatically in a maximized screen. I spent 30 minutes trying various suggestions until I found your easy, PERFECT answer about how to modify the properties of Word itself. Thank you! (Marie P.)
Came top of Google search results for my query and gave exactly the answer I wanted (how to start new line in cell in an Open Office spreadsheet). Thanks. (Anonymous)
Was going to take laptop to engineer but found you and solved problem. Thanks. (Avril)
All information you provided in your website is very useful and easy to understand. (A.)
Fixed my laptop :D Thank you!. (Christine)
The information is presented simply and well-explained. A computer guru or novice can easily grab the knowledge, and every question is given a detailed answer. Thank you for the help. (Judith O.)
Greatly appreciated the concise review!. (Ellie)
I was looking for an example of an alpha numeric character. I received a great answer 1a, 2b, 3c. I have a learning disability & I have always been quite intimidated by computers. I am so very grateful that I found this website. May I ask how do I get some quick tips on being more efficient so that I am not so afraid & intimidated by them. I am 55 years old & I would like to get better a little bit more efficient with them. I really like your Name Computer Hope. Please kindly note: I am going to share this Miracle of a Website with my boyfriend Bob who is in school & learning how to use a computer once again & my 19 nieces & nephews. It is truly a Blessing & a gift that the Holy Spirit lead me to you. Thank you so very much. Blessings, (Noreen B.)
Good website, got exactly what I was after in seconds. (Charlie)
This is the best place to do research. (Bob)
I've scavenged far and wide on the internet looking for what I believed not to exist. The existence of this article has brought a new light to my life, lol. It solved the issue completely. Thank you. (Russell D)
Ctrl "0" restored small font size on the 1 page I had issue with Thank You. (Anonymous)
I love how your website simplifies and explains terms, and also has links to everything that might require further explanation. This helped me out heaps! (Isabel)
Thanks so much. Was online while eating ice cream. A dollop fell on keyboard and when cleaning it, the screen flipped 90 degrees. I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to get it back. Your page had the oh so easy answer for me. (Bob)
Fast and simple explanation and instructions on how my scroll lock key was on. (Athena)
Thanks a lot for your kind teaching methods. I have learned so many important things within few minutes. (Laila Khairun Nahar)
A++ on articles, content, and resources. (Marnae)
This site is very helpful, thank you! (M. O.)
Thank you for such a clean simple easy to understand page and site! (Kim)
It was a very good website, you should be proud of the amazing work placed into this website. (Abbie M.)
Other websites gave confusing or slightly incorrect directions. I fixed my issue in a minute with this page. (EK)
It's really true as named (Computer Hope). This site/page is simple and easy to use, because it improving my skills more about things that I want to know, Thanks to you!! (I. H.)
You guys should keep it up, its great. (Glory ukam)
Thank you! The info your site provided enabled me to fix a laptop which would not boot up. Much appreciated!. (BonnieAMH)
You are a lifesaver!!! Such a simple solution just cut my work time in half! Thank you so much!. (Patricia S.)
It is excellent to use it educational for kids. (Ch45r74i64s54R)
After reaching your site, I will say its a pretty stunning website. (Katherine)
I found myself in a loop after some hardware failures, and windows failing to reinstall. From this I could not erase my hard drive but the help on the command prompt provided was a success, thank you. (Nath)
This site is very good. It is telling me everything I need to know when I am reaserching on something. 100 percentage grade. (Shuwonna D.)
Thank you, I've been looking for this answer a million times now, and was able to find it very quickly today as a result of your message board. Thanks!! (Rebecca M.)
The explanations given were quite clear. (Joe B.)
After reading your solution to my "touch pad not working" problem, and realising I've been turning off my touch pad by accidentally hitting Fn and the command to turn it off... I feel quite stupid. But also very relieved that there never really was an issue with my computer. Thank you very much!. (Caroline)
I'm retired from a career in IT, so I'm familiar with many IT-related acronyms as well as much of the information presented in this piece and all of your other explanations. (I hope I didn't lose you in that long sentence.) I needed a web-related error message explained. I used DuckDuckGo and here I am. I got the information I needed. It was clearly the best explanation of web stuff that I have ever received. I roamed around landing on several more pages. Really good stuff! I'm going to save your url for future reference, and I will attempt to get through to my grandson in college. He is not that open to learning anything from a pre-boomer. He became a genius, not to mention The World's Greatness Authority..., the moment he received his college acceptance letters. But I digress. Take comfort in the fact that I will not copy this and paste it in your other pages. Happy Thanksgiving, if you are in or from the U.S.A. Best wishes to all. This is a great site! Jan. (Jancrawf)
The page is easy to read and the language is simple. Thank you. (Hulan)
You solved my problem when Windows Help and Support was NO help whatsoever !! Thank you SO much!. (Guest)
Thanks a million. Your instructions are the best I have seen anywhere on the Internet. (S. S.)
I just found you guys through my school, I love it so far, it was really helpful, thank you. My homework kept saying open in your terminal, but I just didn't know what that meant, found the answer on your site - so thank you! (Aimee G.)
Good page and I found exactly what I want to learn. Thank you. (Ronit K.)
It is simply good...!! Very easy to use and it's helpful to me because tomorrow is my IT exam...!! (Tanika)
I was worried that I need my printer to be checked by a professional. I am glad to come across this site and I fixed it myself. Thank you!! (Gina)
I stumbled across this site trying to educate Myself on file types. What I have found is quite amazing and I have been "taught" more in this last 1/2 hr -1 hr. than I ever expected to learn! I have been trying to teach myself (which isn't easy when you know almost nothing} about files and opening files. I had become so very frustrated with the whole process. But you have made that so much easier And I thank you sincerely! Now, what can you tell me about converting or decoding these files? Thank you also for doing it for free! Absolutely amazing of you!. (Sam)
HEY! My problem was solved by disabling and re-enabling the battery related devices. Thank you!. (CryptoRealtor)
Good job on the website!!! Hope it will develop more and improve its limitations with time asap!! Thank You for the help Computer Hope! (Arghyasaha69)
The glossary of links really helped me to find what I was looking for for my particular OS. (John S.)
Thanks a lot... I got most of the answers I needed with little or no stress at all. (Hadassa)
It's very annoying to google something and have to open several sites to find the information you're looking for. Thank you for going straight to topics and information. I've saved your site and will definitely use it for my go to. (Keli)
The photo along with explanation made understanding ps/2 crystal clear. Thanks. (Ahat)
Computer Hope is superb. I love the site, very useful. (A. G.)
It was easy to find the answer once I got the correct question. Thank you. (R. E.)
I've had problems with my Internet connection for a while now, and thanks to you and the very easy to understand language and directions I am now able to go and do my own investigations, and check every step to fix it. Thank you so much for all this awesome and free advice! Really, I'm sure I'm not the only one lost soul in this technology age, and people like you make it all easier to keep it going! Thanks! (Adriana)
Just to say thank you. MS Word is so not intuitive - used to use MS Works which was found to be much better. Your guide as to how to make MS Word print all the labels was brilliant. Wishing you a good Christmas + New Year. :) (Penny)
Excellent work people !!! Loved it. Everytime I come here finding any solution for any issue of my laptop and PC ...I never get disappointed...And thank you for keeping it free. (Jayesh)
I quite like the fact that this site/service has been around since 1998. The site layout also has a quaint feel to it, giving the impression that it's being done as a personal interest/hobby by one person or just a couple of buddys. (Dokkasan)
Answered my question with as few words as possible and straight to the point. An excellent experience. (Rich)
Great explanation of the umask usage, with good examples. Thanks! (H. S.)
The trick with removed battery was helpful, thanks a lot!. (Ghalaghor)
Thank you guys! It really worked... My laptop got started easily. I am very very much grateful to you all... (Dinesh)
Great info and very precise! Thank you! (Charlotte)
The explanation does not assume any previous knowledge which makes it easier for beginner to understand. (Isaac)
I am not a laptop expert. I have only had one before. Two days ago I was only handling my computer and whatever ever I did the computer turned off and I could not turn it on. I feared a repair bill for more than the laptop cost BUT first -off to Google and found your page. Had no idea how to get into it to turn off the battery. It turned out to be simple and I followed your instruction and just a few minutes later the laptop was back in business. Many thanks from a very happy guy. (Joe)
I plan on passing along your web site to my husband. He is old school so this should be helpful. And he can always reference it in saved bookmarks on his tablet. Thanks. Keep up the good work!. (L E)
The concept of window is in full detail and always I want every concept in detail so, this was really helpful for understanding the concept. (Kirti)
Thanks. After days of trying to resolve this issue I found you, and your recommendations were just simply awesome. Keep up the great job, organizing training online for free for students like me. (Solomon)
Great article. Spent 5 hours trying to find the problem and your article told me straight away. Excellent stuff. (Chris)
I found this page very informative as I am in the process of installing a Linux OS onto a computer at present. Being my first time with a proper Linux system I found this page helpful as it confirmed a few questions I had. (Terry)
I was directed to this site when I googled "elevated command prompt." This site will be my first go-to when I need any kind of computer info. Thank you. (Sarah V.)
This is good information, and the best way for me to understand. (Anonymous)
I needed to find, via command line, the current drive letter of my main disk, in order to back up a corrupted instance before re-installing. You helped me to identify which drive letters I had and which one to switch to. Thank you <3. (Kylie L)
Thank you for the diagram of where the font dialog launcher box was. This was the only site that was any help, and I looked at a few. Once I understood where the launcher box was, all my frustration was ended!! (T.)
Very user friendly with good examples. (Lynne)
I allways learn something new. Thank you, Computer Hope. (Anonymous)
A complete answer to a newbie question. Thank you. :) (Ian)
I like the way you explain things. It's very simple and to the point. Good job! (Ara)
This was so helpful! Thank you!!!. (Dabbing Meow)
Thank you for telling readers that directory names containing spaces must be put in quotation marks!!! I have entire books on DOS that never mention this "little" requirement, and none of the plethora of other sites I visited noted it, either. I wish that I hadn't had to read almost to the end of the article before finding this info, but you included it-and thus ended two hours of frustration trying to determine why I couldn't list the contents of a subdirectory. (Suzyn M.)
You are doing nice job in internet, may God really inspire you the more because you have touch lives. (Mr Goodluck Ukanwa)
This is a really great, simple, user friendly tool. I didn't have to have any extensive knowledge of computers to use this. I highly recommend! (Svgn)
I would recommend this site to anyone who likes working on their own stuff. What I needed was easy to find & understand. Thanks. (RJ)
Excellent, simple, and informative method of presentation of explanation. (Larry J.)
It was easy to get answers. Please continue to give answers like this. (Liya)
Thank you for the explanation of why I couldn't send a PDF. It was only a 2-page file but the error message was the file was "too large." I Googled "Why is my PDF too big?" and found this article. The easy explanations led me to compress the file, which immediately allowed my PDF to send! Thank you very much for posting this helpful information. (Jennifer)
Excellent work, clear and easy to follow. Well done and keep up!. (Lp)
I generally appreciate your way of expressing things. It is indeed helpful. (Hassan)
Thank you! Thank you! My laptop was not turning on. I followed the very easy steps, and it worked! (Laura)
This is most informative page for my class. (Muhammad)
Thank you, you got mytouchpad working again!!!!. (Yo)
Simple and easy without a lot of clutter. Thank you!. (K)
I don't use terminal commands often so I appreciate your simple explanations. (Chris)
I'm not real techy. But I took the battery off my friend's computer for about 10 minutes. When I put it back on and her wallpaper came up she was thrilled! I told her it was just another miracle. Thank you for the info. (Paula Wiley)
I have been visiting this site since 2014 and gained more skills. Thank you a lot. I appreciate your effort time to provide us useful information. (Anonymous)
Keep up the good work. You guys are really making our research work easier. (Selorm)
Thank-you for the resource - am studying for Linux cert via MCC ITSA online school, and your info really helped. Godspeed. (Kevin N.)
You have explored and explained the generations of computer invention. It was very good. Thanks for the info. (Omeje G.)
It was so simple...I searched a lot online to fix this...Thanks Team !! (Satish)
Tried other sites, but yours gave me the information easily. Thank you. (Nancy)
Congratulations on being able to write such a page! Really, it's really hard to take a simple problem and still drill it down to easy steps to check... You are the best! (Theetaert)
Nice work, keep going and do more stuff. (Lilly)
I think that this site really useful for me. (Chandan)
Educative article, got what I wanted. Nice work admin. (Xavier)
The one question I had was whether the battery continued to charge whole the computer is off, and I got my answer. Thanks from a long-time user who still has a lot to learn. (Nikki G.)
Useful information simply presented. (Jim)
The explanation behind a finite state automata was perfect. I love how you gave an example about it. (Micheal)
This is good work... I love this, thank you very much. (M.)
It was good material; the best I have seen so far in regards to my issue with CD drives. (Anonymous)
Thanks to you so much for your help. (M. I.)
Excellent documentation, easy to follow and with useful examples. (John C.)
Thank you to the creators of this pioneering site. You have provided a treasure of information that you share with kindness, free of charge. An answer to our prayers. (Hamed A.)
Instructions are very clear. All the steps worked exactly as mentioned, and fixed my issue. Thanks to all the contributors. (G. N.)
This is very useful for learning ICT subjects. I will use this page next time for my work.. Thank you. (Sandarekha)
I'm very new at using a Linux computer. After looking through my four books I couldn't find those simple little command words to take my USB out of the computer. I found them on your site. Thanks... very much. (Mike Z.)
I was looking for a way to copy text from a secured PDF. The article on your site just saved me a ton of time. Thanks! (Suyash)
Thanks heaps, found exactly what I needed in just the right amount of detail and in words I (who am no tech-head) can understand. (Anonymous)
As an almost computer illiterate, I found your system the best of the many I have run into, including a memorable title. See you again I'm sure. (Anonymous)
Thanks, information is simple to understand and so useful. (Alsian)
Thanks for the information how to eject a flash drive. And how important it is to eject it. (S. T.)
Thanks for compiling this information. Good work. (Noelwd)
It was exactly what I needed!. (Sinisterman)
Not so tech savvy. Couldn't figure out how to download a video I was tagged to from facebook. Got it done in minutes after reading your tutorial. Helped me to download a memory of my son. Thanks so much. (Memph)
My power icon was grayed out in the system tray. This article provided the solution! THANKS!!! (Ronald)
Your information is solid, easy to understand and reliable. (Joe T.)
Thanks for providing the info on FN keys I tried to get help from Logitech; they are not helping at all I will never again buy their product The Logitech wireless keyboard does not have FN key and caps lock indicator is missing. Logitech did not answer my request. (Soundararajan)
Thank you for being here and, I trust, being honest. (Tom T.)
Clear, concise and best of all, dependable. Thanks! (J. P.
I'm not good with technology, but after following your steps, I feel brilliant! Thank you!. (Anonymous)
This is my favorite crontab page. (Charles)
Easily Googleable and perfectly helpful towards getting the specific answer to my question. (Gordon)
I am requesting you not to get tired of assisting us in developing nations. (Anonymous)
Know most of the productivity tips thanks for control+tab will have to try actually using the page down keys more ... good reminder for tall excel love the control+ backspace too ... jus' good stuff :-). (Mac)
Thank you for your helpful page. Best Regards. (Amir)
Always has everything I'm looking up with regard to computers. I don't even bother with Google anymore with computer info. (Dylan)
This answered a lot of my current questions. I'm going into cyber security in college, and havent done much of anything beside c++ in school, and thought that learning with hands on experience of making a test virus would be the most helpful. Thank you. (User 69)
I have been unable to resize the Dashlane application (password manager) for months, since a major version release; it does not respond to the mouse to resize at the edge or top/bottom of the window. I searched Google using the following string: "dashlane can't resize application window" A link to your article was the first under the [People also ask] section. This is a simple and elegant solution that took me way back to early Windows days. Thanks for the reminder. I am going to add an FAQ to Dashlane's user forum and link to this article. Thank you. (Gary)
Very good, already recommended your site to a friend, thanks. (Victor)
Greetings, Unfortunately, I opened another sites answer first; obviously it didn't satisfy my question but behold, Computerhope sure did! Where have you been hiding? The platform & presentation are excellent! This is the epitome of a internet search! I stopped using Google years ago. Thank you for a wonderful, educational experience. (Deana)
I got a solution to my problem way faster than I expected. Thank you!. (Amanuel)
I found this web page useful and simple to understand. Thank You. (O.)
I think it is very good and must be told to the whole world because it will make there life much easier you get me. I love this!. (Bob)
THANK YOU REALLY MUCH! Windows updates some things without even saying anything, so it was a relief when it finally worked! Thank you again!. (Ivy)
I am a computer dummy. This was easy to use thank you. (Johnny M.)
Thank you SO MUCH! This was exactly what I needed and it works like a charm! :) Very simple to implement and use (even with a very basic understanding of javascript) Cheers. (Basker)
Genius fix for the no-scrolling Excel issue. (Radders)
I have looked at a freakin' hundred help pages looking for good examples. Your pages are far and away the best. Pages are straight forward and attractive. Well laid out and logical in layout. Easy to follow. I hate to stoop to a colloquialism, but you guys RULE! Thank you. Seriously! Thanks you. (Shoenig369)
The site is excellent, it really helped me. I am glad I saw this site today, it really made my day. (Alias)
This helped me so much! I've tried multiple other websites, but this one gave me a straight answer and it worked! (Joban)
Absolutely fantastic...things never tend to work for me...within 5 minutes my PC was working perfectly. Thank you soooo much from Hornsby Australia. (Margaret)
Page appeared on google search. Clear and concise. Thanks. (Greenewr)
Thanks for the hot tip and tutorial on youtube-dl. 4kdownloader sucks, keeps breaking. (I. M.)
Very good, clear, simple, helpful comments on Microsoft Word on topics I have wanted to know about for ages and could not find in the Word help - thank you! (Gillian N.)
Its very educative. thanks again. (Bianca N.)
Thank you for your labor of love. (Allan)
Taught me something in the easiest way, which I spent weeks trying to figure out. Thank you, keep up the incredible work and explanations. (Leila)
You have a "super-great" site. There are still many items I don't know about computing even though I've been at it since Atari, IBM compatibles, DOS, Windows 3 (I believe it was) and now "7" (for me). You fill the gaps, THANK YOU! (John S.)
Thank you so much. I've looked all over for a solution to this problem and this was easy to understand and worked perfectly. Thank you again!. (Joe)
Frankly, what I would expect an expert site to produce; very helpful information in a straightforward presentation. (John C.)
I suggest to all laptop or computer users to take on this page whenever they get stuck. It was an awesome experience for me. Thumbs up for Computer Hope. (Eric Z.)
Thank you!!!!! With the latest Windows update (# 1903) the laptop battery icon went missing. With your guide I was able to re-instate it. Again, thank you. (Michael)
You have provided a great deal of useful information. Thank you and I hope you continue to add to this site. (R)
I had a very wonderful experience thumbs up to you guys, thank you so much. (OLUEBUBE)
I haven't read all of the information in Computer Hope but, what I have read makes me feel 60 years younger. My first job as a programmer was in 1964(65?) using Autocoder programming language on a IBM 1401. Then to NASA, real-time programming using Control Data Equipment. After leaving NASA contracted to build an real-time operating system for a computer with 16k of memory. Had to write all the integer and floating point math routines, since the computer came with no math chip (multiply, divide, add, subtract, exponential, log, anti-log, sq-route). All would be a challenge for programmers today. (Ed H.)
Consulted many different sites, but this was the only one that actually answered my question. The recommendation worked perfectly. Thank you. (Caroline)
Dude thanks for every drop of knowledge and also for properly guiding. (Akash)
It has been a wonderful experience to learn from your page..keep on helping. (Anonymous)
Today is the first day I found Computer Hope and I loved it. Really well designed landing page and my means of searching is at my fingertips. No avalanche of ADS. I liked the pictures that accompanied my query - great feature. I was looking for a computer dictionary and tested about 10 sites and I liked this the best so, I'm in! Thanks for your thoughtful design it is appreciated. (Dave)
Apparently, I had the idea of taking the battery out and keep it for a week to drain the electricity but didn't know holding down the power button for some times could easily drain the electricity in the PC. thanks much it's very simple. (Nana)
Thank you for your efforts making this the best source of computer information available. You have succeeded making it #1 for me. (Bob)
I am trying to teach myself Python and keep running into commands and terminology I need more information on. Your pages are excellent for filling in the missing gaps, quickly and efficiently. I take quick notes in my notebook and move on. This allows me to build an easy to use database for future reference. Glad you are here. To coin a phrase, "I'll be back." (Shoenig369)
Battery Icon was missing from Taskbar in Windows 10. Used Device Manager to disable and re-enable the two battery entries in Device Manager. Rebooted and battery icon was back. Easy Peasy. Thanks for your guide. (Anonymous)
You're doing great...I'm glad I discovered Computer Hope. (Adeyemo)
Excellent - solved issue with Battery icon not displaying in notification area by disabling/re-enabling devices. MANY THANKS! (Peter M.)
Thanks for intuitive, sequential, and educational prose. Straight to the point - love it! (Geoff)
Great help! Reconnected monitor cables & reset keyboard batteries and 'made sure the keyboard switch was on and it worked! Thanks for your expertise in steps I could understand! (Moxie)
Writing simply, yet effectively, is much harder than it may seem - A+ for this page. Yesterday, I spent over an hour on an issue. Today, your tip to purge Cloudflare cache solved everything in 30 seconds (and will likely continue to do so as this was a regular issue.) BIG THANKS. (Frank S)
There are multiple sites in the directory of my search results, but Computerhope's, although numbered further down the list, stood out among the other links as top attention grabber for the info I sought. Thank you. (Tim)
The information which I was looking for is easy to find. Thank you. (Matt T.)
I recommend this site for beginner programmers. Very helpful. (Wole)
Thank you for helping me to get my touch pad working again! (Alexis)
Nothing to suggest. Just a thank you. (Lee)
This website is good for everyone to find out something about computer. Thank you!. (Ankamah kelvin)
Thank you. I needed the information in a wps document from my old files and with the help of this page, I was able to open the old file in Word. (R. T.)
Continue to help people. A great job!!!! THANK YOU. (Miriam)
Very thorough information and very helpful. This is the most thorough information I've come across and relatively easy to understand. Thanks. (Bobo)
A great work undertaken for the benefit of the general as well as specific people of the world. Congratulations. (Mustafa)
Thanks for the information on why my laptop wouldn't boot up. Did a search for my circumstances and found the answer in 1 try. Thanks for being there. (Lori)
I was very impressed with your website. I have worked with IT/Electronics since 1981, Only 11 years old. And Professionally using Computers and Electronic devices since 1992. I am a Creative, So would classify myself as a User of Computers. That said as both Photographic// Moving Image and extremely passionate about technology my understanding and theory is at a very high standard. I understand in detail what the components of the device are doing and have reasonable level of knowledge with assembly of hardware etc. What is excellent about your website is that it gave me derailed expert guidance that I could easily understand and now put into practice. As a side note, because it's so useful I have Bookmarked your website in Favourites & to endorse what I have just said your website is at the top when I did a Google search and using the feature “Ask Siri” on my iOS device you ŵere one of the 3 suggestions it gave me to solve my problem. With this in mind I presume that a lot of people hold you in the highest regard. Thank you. (M. Emrys)
Just a Thank you! For those of us who do not work IT but do utilize your product to save lives in the health care industry I thank you for your information and resource. (Val)
This is awesome for computer studies. (E. Noah)
It was really great to visit your site It was amazing. (Favour)
Thank you for all the info very easy to use :) (B.
Better than Microsoft's. I followed their instructions and made it worse. But your's were clear! Thanks!. (Dell)
Using this site was very knowledgeable and nice experience while surfing it,while other sites takes to much time to load this site was running smoothly, Thank you for the knowledge, and would accept more genuine but hard to found information about computers. (Manasi)
Your posting offers me a great help in understanding the various Excel keyboard shortcuts. I am really grateful. (O. A.)
I greatly appreciate your help. I was lost in Web for just a very little problem: "select or remove a complete line in Microsoft Office Word short cut." It was easy to reach the site but anyway I will add this to my bookmarks. I hope I will be using this site regularly. (Abdullah)
It is not just information, but a tutorial in itself. It stands up tall to its name, HOPE. Thanks to all the hands who structured this site. (A. S.)
I came looking for a quick recall for the usage of a simple Linux/Unix command. Instead I learned many capabilities of that command with concise and elegant examples. Thanks for being so Awesome!. (Shan D Jay)
It took looking at several pages to find what I was looking for -- an actual person's name linked to the website Computer Hope. Came here looking for lists of Microsoft Office 2016 keyboard shortcuts for all of the programs in the suite. Thank you for all of your efforts, and for you generosity in sharing your knowledge!. (Visitor PM)
This is one of the easiest websites I have ever visited. Thank You!. (Debby)
I tried several other methods to get text to blink that did not work including one method on wiki. Your solution worked. Thanks. (TBone)
I've been using Computer Hope since you started. It's great to see you're still around helping. (Steve)
Computer Hope is a big help for the beginners. Easy to understand. Thank you for your support!. (Fernando)
I use Computer Hope a lot, but have not sent any feedback, ever. This site is a godsend and I give everyone I ever help on a computer a link to this site to further their own knowledge. Thanks for this wonderful site. (Elizabeth23)
Thank you for educating me on what I can do to enjoy the Internet. I really had know interest in using the internet, until I read the things I can look into. Very very interesting. (Anonymous)
I am a completely new computer user and your page was the simplest page to understand and have the information that I wanted without confusing me ever, thank you, Jacky Jackson. (Jacky Jackson)
Thanks, I thought it was something way more serious. Just needed this easy helpful tip. (Jenessy)
Great tips for navigating excel. (Elliott)
Thanks so much. Thought my laptop was toast after a couple lightning strikes. Followed your steps and it came back on. Thanks again. (Ken)
I have worked with computers for over twenty years, at first with only DOS and today mainly DOS (with Win XP) and often found 'error level' in batch files, but never knew what it meant! I simply ignored it. Now I understand it, it is so simple. Many thanks. (A.S.)
I like it. It's so simple to understand. I am a teacher at a small town in Ghana. So I am happy for this website. (R. A.)
How can I have been on the web for a quarter-century and yet never have stumbled across your site until today? What an amazing resource! Thank you for providing it :). (Jenny Howard)
Battery Icon on the task bar (Windows 10) reappeared after disabling and enabling 'steps' as advised above. Thank you so much. (Baw Raw)
Thanks found the solution easy and immediate. I like where you gave all possible problems where other help sites told to straight away uninstall and reinstall where my problem was much simpler. (J)
Thanks you for making the information we need to know more about simple and useful. God bless you. (Umar B.)
The best learning site on the Internet. (Anonymous)
I was able to fully understand each word. It was simple, to the point and easy to understand and remember. (Jessica)
I found a link to general troubleshooting after looking at some specific issues. I followed the sequential troubleshooting steps and liked that I could drill down to detail with links to separate troubleshooting of sub-systems like Device Manager and later CPU temperature. After resolving issues in a sub-system, I could go back to resume the general troubleshooting steps. I eventually got to the end where I concluded my Windows is [screwed up!], which, is kinda what I suspected from the beginning. But the whole process was edifying and I found resolution to some issues along the way, which informs me for the rebuild. Thank you, ComputerHope. (M. C.)
It solved my question about ln command so easy that I loved it :D. Thanks. (Rexxi)
Thank you guys, I have literally the same knowledge about computers of a granny and this really helped me with some troubles I had with my WiFi and spent all my morning trying to Fix by myself, sending love and support :)))) (Marisol G.)
Great, clear and helpful instructions. (Anonymous)
This was easy and simple to follow. Thank you so much. It helped me after I struggled for almost a month. (Etner)
I'm 69 years young and not an expert on computers. Your instructions were simple and very easy to understand. I was able to copy a video my son posted on Facebook on the very first attempt. Thank you for your easy to follow instructions. (Patrick)
I wasn't looking for anything but learned a lot. Incidentally, I loved the following: 'If the computer processor is getting too hot, it can cause the computer to freeze.' Beautiful! Cool down the processor too much and the computer may boil over! (A.S)
I found it by accident & am eternally glad I did. I am a senior with computer experience at work & always had an IT person to train me or help w/problems. The language was always a mystery. I am now learning to edit audio recordings & this site is the answer to my prayers. (Winnie)
I searched google for an answer on how to get the battery icon back but no other websites, even Microsoft, could help me figure it out. I did the method of disabling then enabling the drivers under device management and fixed it right away, no restart required. Thank you so much!!. (Olivia)
Simple question, simple answer. Thanks for making it easy!. (Jill)
If all the 'help' pages I need were as clear as this I could have enjoyed my PC rather than endured it!!. (Plod)
This page was really helpful, please keep up with thr good work. Especially because it is easy to understand even for those that are not computer geeks. Thanks. (Harriet)
I found this website while desperately searching for a solution to a problem with my HP computer(exe files won't open for one thing). I wanted to find a phone number for HP so I used DuckDuckGo to try and find one. Your website was on the 3rd page of search results. I noticed you are a free service so I came right here. I still can't believe you do all of this for free! What's the catch? After all, computer issues like those I have are never solved without someone, including HP, charging a fee. They want $39.95 to answer ONE question. A computer consultant near my home wants $190 to diagnose the problem. A supposed HP service center wants to do a recovery WITHOUT BACKING UP FILES! But he said it would only cost $74.95. Only $74.95 to wipe out everything in our computer! We have nearly 13,000 photos stored in Windows Photo Gallery. And I have some important documents (well, important to me). The "service center" employee told me he couldn't back up the files and photos. We would loose everything. I haven't yet looked at all the information you have available, but I'm sure I will find a better solution here. I'm off to check out your site now. If I don't find what I need I will let you know. The questions above about experience and finding what I'm looking for are just predictions since I haven't looked yet. (Cindy)
ComputerHope is one of a very few places on the web that I have been going to since the beginning to find legitimate, dependable, and easy to understand knowledge about all things pc and internet. If more were like you, this world would be a much greater place. Thanks. (Anonymous)
Oh my god, this is taking me back to when I was a desktop support in the 90's using all these tweaks. I saw PowerToys and I'm like "awwwwwww, I remember powertoys. awwww.". (Anonymous)
Very comprehensive. Links that describe every component of the steps required for a task, are very helpful. Problem solved. Thanks!. (LG)
Your site is extremely helpful. I am a person who does not understand much from computer settings. However, with your help I resolve my problems so fast. Thank you!. (Elena Leparova)
Thank you, the page was clear and straightforward - and gave me the information needed. (Many of your competitors make the mistake of attempting to blind with science, use teenage-techie inspeak, or assume we all sit on our backsides in an office in Silicon Valley drooling over the latest software). Well done. (Jon)
Followed the step by step advice and fixed the problem. Easier and better instructions than I found anywhere else on the internet. Thanks. (Jim)
I am nearly 72 years old. Maths was not my strength. I wanted to know how many kilobytes were in a megabyte. I found out. I've recent bought a tablet with 16 gigabyte and can see I've got a lot of space. Thank you. (David)
I looked all over for an answer to my Windows 7 problem, then found your site and had the solution in 15 seconds. (Bob)
Great information presented in an organized format. (Gg)
This is the first time one of these has immediately fixed my problem. I'm sure it's operator error, but in this case it worked perfect. (Jenni)
Was searching for basic CSV information and found a simply arranged lesson with very helpful information. Thanks. (Anonymous)
I'm going to share the machine language page with my team as an example of using plain language to explain a complex idea simply, completely and compellingly. Nice! (L. F.)
Excellent explanations thank you. (Kate)
I Appreciate Everything About Computer Hope, Please Keep Up The Good Work #ThumbsUp. (Bob Kush)
I am so grateful for the highlighted links to get you to the correct sites instead of just instructions on the "how to find or do" something in the computer world. I never even knew there was a site with a link to show you the exact information about the phone, tablet, laptop, etc... that you have. This gave me a great deal of insight. Thank you so much for all of the information provided. (Lauriesjames)
I was looking for data on older processors, thought I'd give your site a shot. Been a while since I had the data in front of me and it was good to have some again. Look forward to coming back in the future and recommending it to others. (Martin)
Surprised that it was so easy to recognize and remove the battery. Followed instructions and there you are. Thank you. (Cora T.)
I finally found this page and was so happy to see the simple solution was to use the mouse. Thank you so so much. I have wasted so much time. (Mad)
I have been waiting for an hour to no avail. Thankfully I came across your page and followed your suggestion to remove the battery and it worked! Thanks a heap! (Vivers)
Excellent site to use for problem solving... Also a great reference source for all the intricacies of MS. (Paddy)
The info about environment variables has ended a 6-month mystery for me! (SolihullRog)
I can't thank you enough for posting the solution to getting my plugged in mouse to use instead of the built in mouse on my laptop. Simply turning it off, unplugging the cord and replugging it back in worked. I was SO frustrated. It was an easy peasy solution. (S. P.)
Thank you it's refreshing to just be able to get the answers your needing, then to have it actually work! Thank you. (Amber)
Very, very, very helpful tip. I was going to restart my laptop, etc., which wouldn't have solved the problem. This tip saved a lot of time and taught me something new. (Shohel)
Difficult subject since it requires additional manipulation. Computer Hope is best help souce available!. (Harvey)
Its so educative and interesting reading on this site, the language used is easy and all steps of the practicals are clearly stated. (D. K.)
I just stumbled across this site and it's wonderful. I can now find most everything in one place and it's very comprehensive. It has made my life so much easier. Thank you so much! (Kbland)
Just want to say that I appreciate the effort put into this site and the thorough information. So incredibly helpful! I am a teacher, ok on day-to-day school related software, but limited knowledge of software/hardware/programming languages otherwise. Beginning professional development on basics in all these areas. Passing on your site resource to fellow teachers. (Gen)
Am greatful I got the help I needed from your site, without a hustle. Thanks. (Raymond)
My laptop wasn't turning on. Your instructions for draining the laptop of electricity did the trick on the first try. Thanks a lot! (Alyssa)
I found it very useful and accurate. An all round, easy to work and highly effective website. (Bean)
Wow I am so pleased with this info. I didn't realize these packages existed and 123, boom. NT Auth enabled on my windows 10 home IIS server. Thanks! (Pismyre)
Instructions were very detailed for what I was looking for--awesome reference site. (Ruby)
I was searching on how to make a movie DVD from an ISO file. The explanation was easy and accurate and the suggested links to use for this process were appreciated. Thank you. (Lee W.)
Thank you so much for the tips. When my laptop wouldn't turn on, I panicked. Your instructions enabled me to get it working again. Thank you!!!! (Lindsey)
An educative web page, I strongly recommend it to Teachers as well to students. (AMINU)
I was able to get my question answered and was given additional helpful information. (Anonymous)
Thank you so much. It works like magic! (Isaiah)
Answered all questions about my monitor not working, covered every scenario and verified what I had tried. Came to same conclusions that I did. (Bob)
Verdict: VERY GOOD. I particularly like the simple straightforward way the explanation is given: that's the sure way to spread knowledge. Thank you and congratulations!. (Joe)
I love you SOOOOO MUUUCH!!!! You people are GREAT! Computerhope.com is so useful and valuable to me. I was born in 1975 and got my first computer at age 43. Your website has helped me so much, especially in my computer class at my university. Thank you so much!!! (JC Martinez)
I studied comp Tia network + 10-006 for 6 months. It helped me understand a lot of the information listed above. For the life of me I couldn't understand subnet masks/ IP addresses. After reading your article it FINALLY CLICKED. THANK YOU!. (Skeepola)
Thank you for all this help. I stumbled across it using a search for computer buying tips. Your site is so informative. I have bookmarked it and backed up the website address for future reference. I wish I could afford to print the whole website. LOL I love it! Thanks again!! (Charlotte)
My Samsung laptop wasn't turning on so I googled the phrase "why isn't my laptop turning on?" and this website popped up. I followed the steps and then it turned on. I am pleasantly surprised because I didn't think it would work. (Beth)
I recommend everyone to use this page should they want answers on difficult questions. (Bianca)
Much thanks...my menu bar disappeared in Textpad and this was the ONLY site that solved it. (Alf)
Just wanted to say thank you for helping me fix my 'R' key!! It's on a 2017-18 Samsung Notebook. So, yet again, thank you. (Amber)
I'm so glad I have everything back to normal. Thank you thank you thank you. (Grateful)
I googled a question, and found your site, needed to center an image in html...done! I have added your site to my favorites! Grateful. (Ana S)
I liked it a lot. Thank you so much for the information. (V)
It was cool, one of the best answers I have received in my whole life. (Alex)
Never knew this site existed.I am a 60 year old woman who's husband died 2 yrs ago, he knew about computers, so I would just ask him. You guys are great, ill be on this site alot, im quite sure lol. thanks again. (Cat)
I direct about 2,000 students to your site each year. Keep up the great work. (Jeff)
Thank you for taking the time to help. I think I have the problem narrowed down. Thanks a million. (Sandra L.)
At least one of the solutions worked. Great to have more than one choice. Well thought out. Thanks. (Jerry)
Thankyouuuu so much ...I didnt take even a minute to solve my problem...thanku...I just found the fn key for the first time...thankyou...with lots of love. (A user)
Great tips on how to learn to type. (Jolene)
Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very good. (S.MANJESWARI)
Very simple and easy way to find answers here and that's what I like! Congrats Computer Hope! (Cosmorex)
Great educational website. Very helpful and informative. Thank you! (A. Rogers)
Very helpful. No other page could help me find a solution to my query but this page did. Thanks a lot. (Ankita S)
Found necessary info ASAP. Thank you for your well organized website. (BJ)
Somehow I got introduced to Computer Hope many years back. Throughout the years I have seen many pages that explain how theirs is the best ever(whatever they are doing). In comparison to most other websites, I always feel comfortable when I am on one of your pages. Thanks so much. (Bubba)
I appreciate the info that I got from the site, it was extremely helpful and detailed!. (Imran)
Everything is described perfectly. Great website! (Samika)
Amazinggg! It is really helpful in our research. All the things I need to know is here. Thankyou ^_^. (Simy)
I was already giving up on internet, but when I opened dis one I got exactly what I wanted. I am really HAPPY :). Keep up you good work. (Marshal Destiny)
I was actually very annoyed with this scroll lock feature enabled by mistake. This article was really helpful for me. (Anshul)
Thank you so much for your detailed information on robocopy. It was a tremendous help!!!(Christian)
The information provided helped to clarify differences that seemed to be trivial at first; I now am confident in my understanding. (Anonymous)
Highly recommended, bookmarked for sure. (Paulochromis)
I found exactly what I was looking for straight away. (Some One)
Excellent presentation. Someone has put a great deal of work into the VIM article and it is very well done. I will read it from start to finish many times to absorb as much as I can. (Abennefeld)
I'm building a computer out of spare parts as a hobby and a learning experience and I have run into all sorts of problems. But your information is excellent. I'm hoping to get it up and running so I can brag about it when I'm done. Thank you. (Anonymous)
As I am older then IBM's first computers and Greyer then MS-Dos. I was trained in MS-DOS when it was the next big thing. Having this site as a resource to help a friend try and salvage his info on his damaged Hard drive is a great help to me. I am ever so appreciative to of found your site. As I am quite rusty with MS-DOS and your site is helping me greatly in trying to help a dear friend out. Thank You. (R. E. R.)
The instructions were clear how to change the files to auto download in PDF formant in each of the internet browsers well done and thank you, Rolf. (Rolf)
I just want to say thank you for this website. I tying to be more literate about computers and the internet world. I'm a professional "non techie"! I didn't even know google was a search engine. I've heard the term search engine quite often but no clue what it was. I use a computer and an iPad but the use of doesn't automatically impart all the knowledge about computers and the internet world. Just want you to know how much I appreciate this website that is well written in an easy to understand format for me. (Diane)
Actually I was searching for definition of File Descriptor in Unix like systems, and luckily landed on this page. It's a very nice website. Keep doing the good work! (Deepak Pathak)
Very helpful, well-written articles on your website. Thank you. (RD)
I was very annoyed before finding this web page. This was extremely helpful and I'm very, very, very, very thankful. Bless you! (Crystal)
You're a life saver! I was getting super angry at my new 'upgrade', Googled for a fix, you were the first hit, so simple to understand & fixed on my own in 30 seconds, even saved the info to share with my co-workers, so none of our new laptops get tossed out the window. My hero! (Vicki)
Nice to see that Computerhope is still going strong and relevant! (LongTimeUser)
All I wanted to do was stop the banner notifications filling my phone screen daily after a facebook update...after being directed to Facebook customer support nearly 20 times and being told they can not answer my question, your website answered me in 10 seconds. thank you very very much :). (Jenna)
Solved my problem. Eternally grateful for advice :-). (Ralph)
What I needed came up immediately without hassle, and it worked perfectly. I was sure there was a simple answer, and this site provided it simply. Thanks. (Munro)
Want to thank you Guys For this Perfect Website :) Thank you very much From : Afghanistan. (JABER)
I like this page very much this is very useful for school students just like me. My blessings are with you keep it up. You can make more easier answers better than the cpare of vedantu.c site. (Mehakpreet)
I accidentally spilled chocolate milk on my keyboard and my "b" button just stopped working normally, and would either not type itself or keep clicking like mad endlessly when I connected the keyboard. I tried using ethyl alcohol (don't have isopropyl) and cleaned it and then let it draw with a blow-dryer for 10 mins, it works like a charm! Thank you and I save the money to need to buy another keyboard!!. (Rie)
This site helped me in my school project and thanks to this site I won. So I'm very grateful. (Anonymous)
I am programmer trying to understand networking. Wowee, you explained NET MASK in 3 minutes. Thank you!. (Programmer)
The page is very helpful, well spelled out, precise, detailed, brief to the point and clear. Also, easy language is used. Thank you! (Eric)
Thank you so much for your time. A few thoughts of spending time to help me, all the way from Anchorage AK. (Anonymous)
Helpful, precise content. Presented in a summarized form. Purely delighting and informative. (Paul)
To the point with the info provided and no endless link-to-link links. (JohnR)
Thank you I've looked for the definitions for a while in a simple way and yours was it. I've seen Microsofts 900 and some odd pages but I like yours best. Again thank you. (Glen)
The crontab command help and examples was a picture-perfect reference. It was very easy to skim through to the parts I needed a refresher on. Thank you very much for compiling and hosting this resource. (Serena)
Oh, my gosh - SO helpful. Perfectly designed site, Imo. I esp love the way it sprang to the highlighted sections when clicked on. Thanks!. (Aao)
Clean menus, no distracting adds and specific instructions for each brand. Very helpful. (Davido)
Answered my questions succinctly and completely. (R. C. M.)
This is the best ever tutorial for explaining how to write protect a USB key without messing with the registry. A+ Thank you. (Cage)
Oh my Gosh. This laptop is my father's not mine so my heart stopped beating when it could not turn on. By immediately I browsed about it and I tried your solution. It was like miracle.. Thanks.. So much. (S. E.)
It is very helpful and easy to study. I would like to thank all of your team. (Santosh K.)
Your MS Word shortcut key list is the most comprehensive one I have found to date. Thank you very much for making it available in a Google search! (JMC)
Thanks! Went through the 4 steps, worked on step 3 (disable/enable device drivers). Simple to follow instructions. Kudos! (Nik)
Wonderful to finally find all this wonderful information. It takes some of the mystery out of how this machine actually works which is really helpful when you are well over 70... Thank you. (Mary Braden)
I am a first year middle aged student doing computer systems and network course, I find this site extremely helpful for finding information I may need to help me along. Thank you. (Kat)
Your website is awesome and I can find almost all the answers of my questions perfectly describe. May God show you the right path. (Oais)
Was helpful. Thanks, I was searching for the solution to TouchPad problem for so long and I got it from this page Thanks. (Danny)
Nice instructions, they really work... Thank you. (Chipayeni M.)
Excellent examples made everything extremely clear and answered all of my questions. I found this page through Google and it was so helpful that next time I have a similar question I will be referring to this site first before I even try Google. (T. W.)
I like every knowledge that u can gave us :). (Sumbal Y.)
Simple ui, but elegant and easy to use. (MR M)
Very Helpful. I am very grateful that this page was available it is refreshing to know that you are here to help us with these type of problems without having it cost a small fortune. Many thanks. VB. (Bishop)
Thank you... As a former research medical technologist, I try to rely on information which appears well researched and appears less biased than other sources. (Alice)
Article I used was very detailed, yet easy to follow. I will undoubtedly return to "Computer Hope" in the future. (Jack)
Too bad I didn't find your site first. The others did not actually go through all of the steps of such a simple procedure, of which, I was making one mistake. Thank you for the detail. (BlarneyTalker)
I really like the experience in learning how to do spreadsheets. Thank you!. (Doreatha)
Thank you, thank you, thank you! So easy to do. I looked at other how to's and I couldn't get it to work. Yours was so easy!. (LMH)
FINALLY...I COULDN'T find just the standard keyboard shortcut keys! DON'T know WHY I didn't just look for "Computer Hope"LOL. COULDN'T even find this SIMPLE answer on the Chrome Support page. THANK YOU VEEEEERRRRYYYY MUCH! (Patrick)
My mouse wasn't working, I searched up possible solutions and found this site. I did exactly what it said to do and it was fixed immediately. I think more people should know about this site. (Nick)
You have the clearest, and most understandable explainations. Thanks. (Peter B.)
Very nice it just took 2 mins to solve my problem. Thanks. (Anonymous)
Finally found the answer to what I thought was a simple question, and after a search found your site. Thanks a bunch. (Lou)
Best git tutorial out there by far! Many thanks! (O.)
Fantastic answers, easy to find and very helpful. (N.)
This article is quick and to the point. The answers were REAL answers in Beginner's Technology terms!. (O. T.)
This was the best article I have ever read! OMG. Thank you! I love you! Okay, I'm going a little overboard, but seriously, this was great. A HUGE weight lifted off me. My cat pulled out a audio cable and I didn't remember where they went and I spent searching internet and finally figured out from a google image of my speaker where the other cable. But no! That didn't fix it. I tried every connection possible. I went through my filing cabinet and went through old manual. As far as I could tell, I had reconnected correctly (which took hours to figure out because I couldn't see the extra hole/jack in the active speaker till I found a google image), long story short, it was a simple fix of having to reconfigure audio settings in the computer, having to reselect the speakers in the manage audio devices, or something. Anyway, I had lost hope and was thinking I'd have to take it to computer shop and do without sound etc. This article saved me! I'm printing it out and saving for future reference. Godsend for those not computer savvy. (Paula)
Finally, to-the-point, precise info, not dumbed down to the point of uselessness. Thank you!. (Daniel B.)
Right on point. Made me appear a genius to my friends... Thanx! (Cathy)
Keep up the good work. Spent absolutely ages to find the simple command to find out if my old computer had 32 or 64 bit. But you solved it for me in a few seconds. Many thanks. (L. S.)
Thanks for posting this information! I Was stumped trying to figure out the types of file extensions that are in existence. Once again thanks for the info!!! Happy New Year! (R. B.)
Thanks very much I tried the technique 3 times and worked out!!. (Prabjyot)
Your shutdown shortcut worked perfectly. (Lucy)
First time visit pleasantly surprised, very well done. I plan to visit again! (L. G.)
I have used Computer Hope a few times and find it a very good starting place or everything you need to get the job done. Thanks... (J. D.)
Dear Computer Hope, The year is now 2019 and I have now been using your site for literally the last 20 years. You have seen me through Windows to Linux and always given clear, concise information when I've needed it fast. Thank you so much for your hard work and, if I may be so bold, here's to the next 20 years! (Ziggy)
I was freaking out because my laptop wouldn't switch back on when I was halfway through an important document with a deadline... I am now looking at a switched on machine ready to work and sorted in less than ten minutes!!! For free!!! :) THANK YOU!!!. (Hellcat)
It was very easy to find what I was looking for. Thank you such much for creating this website. (Sarah S.)
You are so awesome for posting this!!!! I've been trying all sorts of shady questionable plugins and extensions with shoddy success. Doing it all myself == GENIUS! This is an amazing solution. Thank you! (M. A.)
Thank you for this and all the other help. It makes things very clear. (June)
This is the first webpage that showed me how to use wmic. Thanks! (Buster108)
I found everything I needed for my research. (Young)
I liked the clarity and simplicity of your article. (Anonymous)
Battery icon not showing up, the very last option of enabling and disabling worked, which made my day! It was so annoying not knowing what percentage my laptop was on!. (J)
Thank you so much! I'm a senior & have basic computer knowledge. I was very frustrated. Tried many times not knowing what to do when different menus would appear. I followed your instructions & the speakers work! Thank you! Thank you! (Carole)
Laconic and very useful article. Thanks, man! (Hennadii)
Best spot I found for totally non-geek access to the simple info I needed... THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!. (HockeyGal)
That was driving me nuts for months. Never thought to search. After trying the steps on many other pages and having no success, you fixed it! Thank you!. (Buster's Mom)
Your info is easy to understand. I like to read it even if it doesn't pertain to anything I'm interested in. I might learn something new. thank you. (Grace)
The solution was so simple...lost the icon that allowed me to run a monitor simultaneously with my laptop and other sites made it so complicated... This fix took 10 seconds! Thank you! (Greg)
A simple answer to a simple question - but when one doesn't know the answer, that simple question can be a stumper. So, a simple answer, that works, is much appreciated!. (Ben)
Your service has been so informative for me over the past twelve years or so that at times I reckon I actually know what I'm talking about re: IT. Many thanks Computer Hope. Best wishes. (Brian)
It worked, I lost my battery icon after an update, turning the icon on and off didnt work and the icon itself was grayed out. It is now working and functioning as normal. Thanks. (Alan)
Exact points makes this one of my best references.Good job guys. (Aswin P.)
Computer Hope is very good and helpful. is easy to find whatever you are looking for and also gives you exactly what you want. I will therefore recommend it to everybody around the globe. I have already recommended it to all my classmates and students. Thank you very much. (Eric)
I love this website! Extremely informative and simple to understand. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!. (Vadim)
The best email service I had in the last 15 yrs. (Jim)
I have been using your site for about 13 years & Love it. I have been using the Batch Command details and writing my own. TY. (Eagle)
I am finding answers to questions that I wasn't even looking for. I don't want to quit reading this! (Yvonne)
Found site easy to use. Information clear & easy to follow. Will certainly recommend it to colleagues & friends. (Joe)
I was told by one of the sites I visit on a daily basis that some of my plugins were either out of date, it somehow missing. They also sent me the link to your site. Thankfully, I was able to update my plugins and get the ones I needed without a lot of searching. I plan on keeping you folks on my phone and a new laptop and doing a checkup on both systems at least monthly. Thank you for being there!!!. (Julia)
My wireless mouse was not working like it should. I never thought about cleaning the little optical thing. (That is the technical name. I'm sure of it.) I used the cloth that I clean my eyeglasses with and it works like a dream again. Thank you for making your information available for free. You all are fantastic!. (Teacher Laura)
Thank you so much!! This fixed my battery life not being visible on toolbar problem. Great instructions.. Very grateful! (Laurie)
I rarely leave comments. However, I had to. The steps were perfectly outlined. It was so easy to follow. Thank you!. (803soccermom)
I needed to write a simple parser, this was excellent starter point, and nearly sufficient itself. (Radable)
Excellent little script! I'm a meteorologist and really appreciate little shortcuts like this. JavaScript can be so useful... I really should try to learn some of it. As an aside I have found lots of useful information on your site over time. Thanks, again. (Stone)
Thank you for this service. I'd lost my Menu Bar, spent half hour + looking for a way to restore it, tried googling it in a question - found your answer and it restored immediately! THANK YOU! (JoAnne)
Got more information from your site than I did from my pc repair shop when I enquired, so thank you! (Anonymous)
This website is very helpful to a student like me... Thanks and God bless. (Fil)
This site was very useful. It was also very easy for me to find all kinds of great information. (Kishev)
Appreciate this site a lot! Out of hundreds, you guys are in the top 10% in my opinion. (Anonymous)
Greetings and thank you for offering up all the different knowledge you all do for the people like myself, who come to this site. ive been here before and saved it on my iPads (all of them) and sure enough I am back here to look up some info and it's nice to find help that's easy to follow. Thanks again and have a great day, night, or otherwise, Sincerely, Michelle in Fairbanks, Alaska. (Chelle)
My battery icon was grayed out. The device manager fixed it by following your steps. This was so annoying. Thank you. (Raj)
This is the first and the only thing that I have seen on this website so far. However, it did give me all the details that I wanted down to a t, answering all of my questions. I will use this site in the future in Hopes of finding more answers. (Demetrius)
At age 70 yrs this was by far the easiest, most encouraging search I've ever done. (Ralph)
Wow, THANK YOU!!!!! I was getting ready to drive 30 miles to replace my mouse. Your free service just literally saved the day!!!!! (Portola P.)
Thanks for the simple guides, your site is extremely helpful for someone who is a bit overwhelmed by all the complicated info out there, a person can go in circles forever without a satisfactory answer! Your site is great. (Susan Taylor)
Thank you! Finally, a "help" site that actually helps. Microsoft and Google should hire you. (Anonymous)
GREAT information. Thank you and keep up the great work! (Bart)
Hello there, I have found this site very much helpful to me. I'm a newbie "Linux Basics" professor at my college. I really appreciate your content and way of explanation. Thanks a lot, cheers :). (Ankit Vyas)
Amazingly helpful, very good outline format & sections listing the critical features I needed to clarify to make an informed purchase. looking to buy new laptop in <2 mos. more sites should follow your example of providing clear and direct information, consider yourself bookmarked. (R.)
Computerhope is becoming one of my go to sites for windows and linux. (Meirion)
Thank you for the very simple and easy walk through on the bash builtin "shift" command. (Tom)
This site has helped me (a very "moderately", well maybe that's too much) skilled computer user, with much to learn. I rely on your site for definitions of words and terms I don't know mostly. Thank you so much!! Keep up the good work. (Lisa)
I've actually got more knowledge about the computer using this site; it's amazing and I just love it. (Shadiah)
Fantastic website. so clearly explained. so logically laid out. so kind. (Simon)
I was frustrated because my computer was not ripping my CD, but all I had to do was clean the CD like you instructed and everything was fixed! (Nina)
You present your material in simple straight forward English and that's really helpful!!(Osahene)
Wow, just came across you folks...love it!!. (LoveYa)
Wowzers, I'm so impressed, this website is my dream come true. (Shellybean)
Thanks so much for such a detailed tutorial on printer paper jam. I copied it into a document, printed it and now have it handy because it sits on top of my ream of paper! The tutorial is very clearly detailed and in sequence. No computer jargon either. Kudos are in order. (Steverino)
Did a duckduckgo search, chose you because I encountered this before with much good info. What would I do without you???. (Jayb)
Very good advice to restore battery icon on taskbar by disabling then re-enabling ACAdapter and ACPI-Compliant Method Battery in Device Manager. Worked without a reboot! Thanks. (Jo)
This was totally helpful. Keep up the good work! (Antonio B.)
Simple instructions. my problem got solved. (S. S.)
Thanks for making things easy with your precise explanations. I just suggested it to my 11yr old son who loves IT so so much. I discovered this site by chance and I am ever so grateful to its founders or creators. Don't stop educating people like me and my son. Kudos to team Computer Hope. (Vidal S. D.)
Please keep what you are doing. This is a great site for computer help. (Jonathan)
Thanks,it was easy and informative. Learning about the shorthand. (Dulce)
I really like the website...really would like to see more stuff. (Sankarsan D.)
Thanks for the step-by-step python tutorial and the extensive explanations!. (CR)
This site has helped a budding coder (me) several times now. Thanks so much. (Anonymous)
Thank you for the tip, it worked perfectly! I have an exam tomorrow, and I was worried I would have to take the laptop to a service centre now, because it wasn't charging. So thanks for saving me the trouble :). (Disha)
Please keep this site up forever! Publish your site info in a hard copy for the sake of posterity! I LOVE your site! You folks explain stuff in non-arcane fashion which keeps simple things simple. Other IT/CS sites and texts find your approach/success in this difficult or unnecessary. I'm not interested in some windbag preening to exhibit how much they know with pretzel logic; I want to learn! Thank you!!!. (Greg)
I went through many other sites but on your website I found for what I was looking for.. (Shreyan)
Found an answer. And it worked! Thanks!. (L)
I was hoping for info on hard reset for router. I had forgotten this simple step. Thank you very much. (J. M.)
Thank you Computer Hope, would have been lost without you. (Bill)
I googled my problem (laptop suddenly not turning on) and your site was one of the search results at the top of the list. I tried your solution without much hope -- and lo and behold, it worked! Many many thanks. (Linda)
Thanks for your support for helping me to find what I was looking for. (Damian)
Very good site, keep up the good work. helped achieve my 9 in computing gcse. thanks. (Alex)
Excellent resource and easy to use. (A. M.)
A benchmark for ease-of-use, very well done! Even this 77 year old crumbly managed to find what he needed. (Anonymous)
Really good format, and easy-to-understand description of the problem. Keep up the good work!! (Leo)
It was so simple and straight to the point.. (AJ)
Simplest, no jargons amazing website, keep it up! (Sujeet)
Excellent reference-to-typical wiring diagram-with typical internal computer device-example: fan installation, etc. thank you for your work!. (Scott)
Great job guys, the explanation is easy to understand and the example just makes it all perfect. Thumbs up. (Nkweti)
Excellent material and concise. I don't usually write feedback but this short article deserved it. (CompEnthusiast)
Well written article covering all the possible troubleshooting that a user could perform. One of the solutions provided solved my problem. Thanks a lot. (Bibasu)
This is are very helpful tips, it has 100% worked for me, especially removing and fixing back the NIC. You guys keep up the good work. (Apai)
Great advice. Thanks for the help! (Randy)
Thank you. This helped me a lot. My laptop turn on again. Kudos. (John Paul)
Helped me with my laptop when I thought it was fried for good. Started back up with a few simple steps and now everything back to normal. Really helped me out. (Ab)
Search brought up your site on the first page, and that page listed all my answers. Love being right for a change. (R. A.)
I am decidedly non-gizmodic and found your tips, and their links to further information, extremely helpful, so far. This is the polar opposite of my usual experience, and for that - I THANK YOU!! (Anonymous)
Finally someone who could answer a simple question with a simple answer. Not seen very much nowadays. (Anonymous)
Simple explanation how to save an Excel spreadsheet as a CSV comma delimited file, worked perfectly. Thanks. (Wkuehne1)
Good job :) Easy to understand. (John)
I was a Computer Hope user since 2001 (yes ! 2001 !) Thanks a lot! (Ari)
For once I understand without having to look elsewhere - thanks. (Anonymous)
Nice experience, we want more updates like this.... (J. I.)
Thank you Computer Hope. Keep putting smiles on our face. (A.)
Your step by step help allowed me to find out that something is wrong with my laptop touchpad not the system. Thanks. (BigHornDave)
It was the exact solution I was looking for. Thank you! (Trina)
The website content is very simple to read, understand and non-technical for non-programmers to use different knowledge. Thanks for providing this awesome info! Keep it up! (Dan)
I wanted to know why my computer would shut off unexpectedly and I found the answer I needed. (Ed)
Thank you so much! Not having the battery life icon is pretty inconvenient. I woke up this morning to my computer having done updates overnight and the battery icon was missing. So dumb. Thanks for your suggestions! Super easy! (Nicole)
Great job! The PC started downloading PDFs and all I wanted to do is open them. The instructions were clear. It worked. THANK YOU! (Dayton)
Went to homepage, did a search and went directly to info I wanted. Thanks! (Bill)
This worked well! I have tried another site but no luck with that. This was indeed helpful!! (Ash)
Thank you so much! I had to complete a school project of our own choices, and I selected the history of Windows computers. This helped me so much! Thank you! =). (Samantha)
I'am a new beginner on the computer I needed this skill to completed my goals in medical field think you for this Information on Keyboard shortcut. So now lets get started learning my keys!!!!!THINKS AGAIN!!!. (Anonymous)
Thank you. You just helped me solve a problem with the numerous options you provided. Thank you very much. (Temi)
Good morning! Thank you very much for the very complete explanations and articles. Cheers! Gracias!! (Renato)
Better, more straightforward explanation than my children could give! Thanks. (H Green)
I just thank you so much for such useful information I was able to solve my issue. Thank you so much again. (Musa)
Thank you very much. The steps defined for getting the internet access after enabling the DHCP really proved beneficial to me. I shall be very thankful to you. This is the site I recommend everyone to search on when problems occur in their pcs. (Nauman)
Yeah! this information is very useful for me Thank you so much... (Muhammad)
Those two words, excellent and simple say it all. (Bedanta)
Only just started looking (used b4 a few years ago d just saw you referenced on a Y. T. Vid, & remembered using you then, pleased that your still about, nice to have some honesty, non-clickbait, all round Genuine purpose site/people) nice one!. (Jak)
This was the single most informative series of pages I can recall accessing with a computer-related question. It was well-written, comprehensive, properly sequenced and successfully anticipated the questions of the reader. Well done, and thank you. (Charlotte Anderson)
Thanks for your expertise and effort. (Anonymous)
I appreciate the information I got here, I learnt some few things which made my work easier. I can confidently refer a friend to you. (Diks01)
Made for the average user. No long winded jargon filled detail. Just straight to the point and clear instruction. Thank you. (Anonymous)
The steps were very simple and unnecessary detail was not given. I find that in other websites, a lot of unnecessary detail is given but this website was straight and to the point. Thank you. (Ally)
The site was full of the exact information I was after, it was quick and easy to find, and my problem (hostname in this case) has been completely solved, so thanks for that. (B)
My touch pad was not responding. There was no new driver to update, however, I did not realize that there was a FN key combo which would enable/disable my touchpad. I pressed the combo and now my touchpad works! Thanks for the detailed troubleshooting. (S.)
Thanks for all. I use yours pages many, many years. Thanks again. (Arilson)
Great advice, easy to follow, even for the 'technologically challenged', such as myself. Thanks! (T)
Search brought me to your page, page clearly told me what I needed to know, no problem. Frankly I don't think it needs improvement. (Cricket)
It was so easy for me to find what I was researching on, thanks a lot. (Marvin)
Thank you for creating this helpful website. (Justin)
Thank you for creating this helpful website. (Justin)
I found it very difficult to find the necessary information on forums and youtube. Once I came across this document everything became so simple. There was no need to worry for the uncertainty of the problem disappeared. Thank you Computer Hope. (Chris)
I feel this site can and will teach me so much more about a computer than I already thought I knew. (J.)
This website is very handy in case you have any issues. Keep up the good work :p. (Ryan M.)
This article made my day as beginner pythoneer searching how to scrape sub-content within whole file given search criteria. Thank you! (J. S.)
I like the use of the simple language used to explain and define the terms applied. (Emmanuel A.)
Thank you so much - you guys are heroes lol! Didn't realize that the speaker had to be attach to the "line out" port. Thanks again. (Bill)
Can't improve it. Concise and to the point. Cheers. (Ian)
CLEAR, EXACT, VERY SIMPLE EXPLANATION,doesnt need too much explanation, direct to the point, very easy to understand because of the summarazation, thnkz so much, well appreciated. (Nihin)
Used your suggestion to utilize the Device Manager to fix the battery power icon option which was grayed out.. and it worked like a charm! On the first try! Moreover, I learned new things about my computer. Mahalo! (H. R.)
The information was logical, easy to follow, well set out and useful in assisting me to decide whether to purchase a desktop or laptop computer. Thanks. (Anonymous)
Many thanks for the advice to get my battery icon back on my task bar. (Clare)
Plz continue with the great work of keeping us updated. (N. Hellen)
I just want to thank you very much. (A. M.)
Computerhope.com was suggested to me quite some time ago. I love this website because the information is easy to understand. And it's a safe place to come for the kind of computer information I'm looking for because I know I do not need to buy something, or won't be hit with a bunch of ads and so on. Thank you for this service. (Laurie)
Thank you very much. You guys made it simple and easy to find what I was looking for after so long of searching everywhere!. (Daniel)
Thank you so much for the help, I was panicking because this is my dad's computer and the touchpad wasn't working so I thought it was broken but it wasn't! Thank you so, so much for posting solutions like these :). (Lilly)
Thank you for the informative information you provide here. (M.)
I love it beecause I learned so many things about storage devices. (John)
I love it because I learned so many things about storage devices. (John)
Easy and simple info, Keep the good work up!. (Harsh)
It was simple and fast. Good job. (Emmanuel)
It's a definitely clear, understandable discription about computer devices, so I would like to say thank you, and I hope to get another lesson like this. Appreciate. (Sami)
I am not a computer person and "Computer Hope" has been a big help! I appreciate the practical topics with solutions offered even for the small stuff, like deleting the auto fill in my work place email account. Its the little things that count that I was able to find in this website that I have not seen elsewhere. From Hawaii, a big thank you to Computer Hope staff! (Kim)
I appreciate the direct and simple answer. (Xia)
Very well done. Compact, clear, with minimum tech jargon. (C. S.)
I was looking for general information about personal storage devices for a class assignment. This covered the highlights of what I was hoping to find, and gave me additional history. Very easy reading for a non-techy. Many thanx - (Rachel)
I really like using Computer Hope link. There are plenty of relevant examples in the website and the content is well structured. I suggested the link to my college Professor too. Thank you for helping our studies with the free and valuable content. (Anonymous)
Thanks for the help. It was really easy to repeat the steps on my computer. Got what I wanted. Amazing site. Keep it up. (Sheel)
This is a great site.. I will use it in the future. (H. B.)
I was in dire need of this info as my mouse had suddenly stopped working and I had to complete my work urgently. Thanks a lot for keeping the info simple and easy to comprehend. (Philip)
Links worked fine, and information was easy to digest and informative. (L. S.)
This site is the best, as far as computer history is concerned. (E.)
I was looking to sort a long list of PDF files, and I needed something just like the tree command so I could check if there wasn't anything out of place, and by a quick Google search I found your article and it helped me so much, thanks! (David)
I really love the tips you posted, illuminating and understandable. Tanxs. (Michael)
Computer Hope always delivers excellent information. Thank you and your team for your help. (Alex)
Accurate information provided. I felt it was much better than Wikipedia. Well done. Good job. (Mathew)
I learned more than I originally looked up. Great job, thank you!. (Sage)
I have been working on my mouse problem for 2 weeks and happened by your website and after following your instructions, the problem was fixed!! Thank You Computer Hope! (F. W.)
I always want this type of site and finally I got it.. It is amazing. (R. C.)
I messed with Microsoft Media Player for awhile trying to rip a CD to my laptop and kept getting the error so I googled it and found your page. I was able to fix the problem in minutes! I had not chosen a folder to rip the files to! Thanks! Too bad Microsoft can't come up with an 'error message' that actually tells you what the problem is!??? I mean it's Microsoft for God's sake!??. (Sheila)
Great!! Your method worked to restore battery charging icon!! (Morgan)
This website is amazing and really helped with my Homework. Thank You. (V.)
Informative and easy to use site. Very helpful to noobies like me. (P. H.)
You are really working hard here. I really am very impressed. Thank you. (Mr. N. G.)
Thanks. Facebook its driving people crazy for little things like download a simple video. Thanks again for the tutorial. (Alin)
My laptop wouldn't power on. I followed each suggestion. When I tried the 'drain power' (disconnect AC, remove battery, hold power button 15 secs, reconnect AC, power on!) Worked! Thank you! (Anne)
I want to create a database, and while I adore Microsoft Access (extreme novice here,) it's just not robust enough for the project I have in mind. This was the perfect quick intro to what I need to do in order to move forward and educate myself on the languages to determine which is best for my needs. (Linzee)
It was very helpful and wasnt very complicated. (Sam)
Good examples, nice to have lots of them. (JMF)
Thank u 4 the detailed step by step. (Anonymous)
Thank you so much... You saved my mental life... I was freaking out... Thank you thank you thank you. (Sasha)
I'm glad I found this website. My computer wouldn't start and I found exactly how to make it work again. Thank you. (Yahya)
Full of knowledge, time saving, interesting. (Vaishnav)
I highly recommend the tools and information to assist you if you are learning computers. (Melody)
Following your instructions I was able to do in minutes what I had been trying to do for hours. (COTiger)
Thank you for your post to help me organize and protect files on a public-shared computer. (Anonymous)
One of the best written explanations/walk-throughs I've seen. Thank you!!. (TJ)
I was in a dilemma about first time charge for the new battery. I found this info in web search and it resolved my dilemma. (M. S.)
I am personally so glad I found this website. I will continue to use it pretty frequently. Just by glancing at some of the information provided here I can tell there is a lot of information I would like to read about. (Marie D.)
Quick and easy, well written!. (Kevin)
I really LOVE your site, it has helped me and taught me many things about computer use that I needed to know as a non-professional user. Thank you!. (Lisa)
Really appreciate this tutorial. I had never done Mail Merging before, and your instructions were easy to follow!. (Kevin)
I just wanted to say thanks for this awesome site. I have found help on dozens of commands that I coulnd't find anywhere else. Thanks!!. (CarterCox)
Clear, simple and good instruction. The examples help a lot! Thank you. (Anonymous)
I easily got the thing I was looking for.. This page is really helpful. (Ayesha)
This website is awesome... many of my doubts are clear now! (RKP)
This site is 100% the best and most helpful I've found! Very easy to follow the steps and it's helpful with the links too! Keep it up. :) (Lani)
Very straight and to the point, no chance of screwing this up at all! (Shari)
Everything you should know about computer is right here, simple to find, simple to understand! (Andy)
This site had just what I needed. (H.)
Computerhope is one of the best help and informative site's I've used. (Toyota88)
Thanks for providing this kind of service. We "computer dumb" persons needs this... Thanks. (Angel R.)
My laptop refused to boot up, so I Googled the problem and your page was the first one I clicked on. The fix was simple and in just a couple of minutes I had my laptop running again. Thank you very much. (K. R.)
Awesome quality of answers I found here with just a few simple steps. Thank you for making my BCA successfull. (Kashish)
Nicely done! Direct and concise with clear examples and links to related items. (B. D.)
Great answer to my question. Didn't leave me wondering "what about scenario A or B" because the answer was stated so simply and succinctly. (Alyssa)
Love the information it gave me about my operating system. (Anonymous)
It's very helpful. straight to the point. (Kaosiso)
Good work. Enjoyed how the work has been framed and accompanied with pictorials. (Bundi)
This hope forum explaining what I was looking for and to my surprise for the first time I saw a possibility that makes me believe that I could understand something of what up to now seems impossible THANK U. (Anonymous)
Great help, clearly written instruction. Thanks. (Jay)
Was not able to scroll excel across cells. The scroll-lock key was pressed. Came to know through this your article. Simple and really helpful. Thanks. (P.K.)
Fantastic advice thank you. My laptop is up and running. (Tara)
I had a wonderful experience with your site. I'll use it again in the future!. (Sherri McDaniel)
You saved my day and money. Thanks. (Somu)
Plane, simple and to the point. all should be like this. (Joe)
Thank you for the information... I was searching for these types of answers. (P. S.)
THANK YOU!! YOU FIXED MY TOUCHPAD!!!!!! You just made a human happy. (Bella)
Just got Iphone and was a little confused on how to download videos from youtube. But this link was very very helpful. The steps were very simple to follow and was able to download in just 2 mins. Thank you and keep up the good work. (Adam Noah)
The suggestions for reboot worked first time, saving a trip to the computer repair shop. Thank-you for the tips. (Anonymous)
I was using my Dell Inspiron N7110 normally as I had for years, when it turned off and would not turn back on. I followed all the steps and when I followed the instructions of taking the battery out and holding for 15 seconds it turned back on. Thank you so much, I thought my computer had finally died for good. (Jsethh)
Very helpful for Desktop support Engineer. I like it. (Kishan)
This tip worked. Thanks a ton. (I.M.)
Thank you so much. I consider myself tech savvy but sometimes I get frustrated with situations where excel just becomes an enemy to solve a simple scroll lock type of option. Your article was helpful and I am happy as you guys are helping all of us. (Ranjit)
Oh my god... Thank you for the info ...my computer is working again. (Emily)
Powerful information in a nut shell.(K BLACK)
Great site, easy to understand. (Al)
THANK YOU! Worked perfectly, like a charm, immediately! (Dom)
The page that I visited was very thorough and got my new (old) xbox 360 drive working easily. (Bailey W.)
Simple and easy to follow. Lists all possible solutions. (Artem)
Brilliant site! Solved my problem immediately! Many thanks. (A. C.)
It gave me the answer I needed on the first try. Thanks!. (Bonnie)
Good, clear instructions - helped me correct issue in seconds. (J)
This article was exquisitely simple and your website aptly name. Many thanks. (Sue)
I wish I had this concise, useful source of information many years ago. Will pass it along. (Bailer)
Many thanks for your clear step-by-step instructions! I got my problem (which was very irritating) solved. Battery icon is visible again. (Sampsa)
I searched for an hour to find information about wiping my computer. Finally I found this and it was CLEAR and easy. Thank you. (Justin)
Hi, your computer teaching is excellent always, makes it easy to learn and understand. Thank you computer Hope. (Susan)
It is good site...! It helped a lot in completion of my project...! I got the info I needed...! Keep it up. (Aanah)
Excellent website. Thank you so much. (N. G.)
Very well laid out info, easy to follow directions, step by step was very good. Thank you for sharing the info freely. (Kerri L)
I thank u with my heart. I am in class 7 and I got the highest marks in computer subject with the help of you. It was very helpful. Thanks. (Haris)
This is the best written article on what makes a computer fast or slow I've ever read. I finally "get it" now. You wrote it as if I was stupid but didn't treat me that way. Thank you so so much. (Jeff)
This is the only site that explained that the Home version of Windows 10 will not let one encrypt a file. KUDOS to you for the thoroughness of your information! I had spend over an hour searching for this information on other sites. (Dathi)
To the point. You did avoid redundancies. Well explained. (C.)
Worked. I tried the steps listed to correct the power icon being grayed out on the taskbar. I went thru the disable and enable steps that were listed and the power icon is now visible. Thanks!. (BB)
Right to the spot... I like that. problem solved within a minute. thank you. (Ahmad)
Excellent explanation, and navigation assistance. Was thoroughly able to accomplish what I wanted. Thank you much!. (Deveaux)
It's wonderful when someone makes your life a little easier... You did! The instructions were so easy to follow. Thanks. (Donna)
This is the best & most helpful site ever!!!. (Fred)
Very useful information. Yet again, Computer Hope delivers!. (P. W.)
First time on this website. Got the answer I was looking for. (Anonymous)
The best help I've run into in a long time. Thank You. (T. P.)
I've been looking for a page like this for some time. Thanks. (L. S.)
Thank you so much! it took me one day and a half to find the right help! Especially when you are someone not good with computers!. (Vanessa)
Wonderful. Just keep up the good work. God bless you. (Effat M.)
I have really benefited from this. Thanks. (Sheri)
The most useful service I have ever found out while browsing for computer-related information and knowledge. Keep it up. Thanks. (Hafiz I.)
Thank you so much for being the first page (first reliable page) on Google that answered my google Question simple, flawless and sweet. I hope you keep on giving out information like this. (Dilutd)
Thanks it's the first time I understood computer language. (Deb)
I love this site, just wanted you to know. (Lia)
It was very helpful to my research. (Wendy)
Looking for some command syntaxes and I found it here on your web site. Thank you. (Anonymous)
Thank you very much! The last time this happened, I reset my computer and lost everything that was saved on it. So I am very glad that I found this and did not have to go though the reset process again. (Lindsey)
The definition was very explicit. The site arrangement is friendly. (Malik)
Computerhope is so helpful. My best site. (Shubham)
Each section answered all the questions I had and those I didn't know I needed answered! The links to separate sites are easy to follow and gave me the ability to pick and chose which sites I needed to read in more detail. Please keep up the great work!. (Julie)
Where have you been? Just discovered you and can't thank you enough At 83 and now handicapped, trying to write my last two manuscripts following my journal's instructions and ready to give up,and discovered you. What a blessing- clear, simple enough for me to understand Holy Wow! So many thanks. (Rick)
Beautiful, Plain and simple I strongly recommend it... Thanx. (Ronson)
I thank you so much for this fix!!!. (David)
Great information. My issues was one that I was able to quickly find. Function button turned off my touchpad Thanks!. (Steve)
Great website. Helped me a lot. (Harshit)
Managed to copy FB video clip to my PC. Wouldn't work with Internet Explorer but simple when using Firefox. Many thanks. Now got my son's wedding speech to keep. (Bunny)
I resolve my problem with the help of your site, navigate and read few links. Thanx. (Vedrana)
I found it hard to find what I wanted on other sites. But on this site it was easy and very helpful. (Cindy)
Quite helpful and informative! Thank you for providing this wonderful resource to the public. Well done! (Kathleen)
My problem got solved. very detailed explanantion was provided. thanks. (Sabyasachi P.)
This is the best webpage in the world when it comes to ICT. (Denzel)
Found your site via a google search... Instructions were perfect and fixed my audio problem! (D)
Thank you for making this so easy. The other two sites I landed on first were very confusing. I couldn't understand what they were suggesting I should do. (Carmen)
Thanks, this was the unique place where I found a solution for my PC problem. Thanks so much again. (Ramos)
Keep up the good work. It's hard to find a website that is as good as this one is. (Juan)
I just fixed my laptop in less than 2 minutes!! Thanks. (A.)
I use these notes to teach my students. Thank you. (M.J.)
Easy to understand the meaning of that I want to know with example and picture... I like it... (Anonymous)
I needed/wanted to identify my motherboard without opening anything up. Your information was spot on, and I identified my model. Thanks for the easy solution. (Null Terra)
Glad I've found you; have saved your URL for future reference...and learned some things I've never known before...nice. (P. A.)
Thank you so much for making this information available. It really saved my day!. (Alexis)
I accidently put my computer into full screen mode and didn't like it. Problem solved. Thanks. (Doug)
It was super easy to follow the steps, and it works perfectly. (Ellen)
It was easy to find what I have been looking for. Also it has given me great information. (Rose)
Could not operate the touchpad. Your article told me exactly what to do to turn it on. THANK YOU!!!!. (Anonymous)
I am a senior citizen trying to learn again. This is very readable and simple to follow. Thank you. (N.)
Your site is very helpful and very, very easy to use. (S.)
Thanks for the excellent help. (B.)
Thank you so much! My key retainer was stuck to the keycap and I used one step to fix my problem. Thank you so much!. (AJ)
Nice tutorial for those who are already know the Linux basics. Beginners also learn easily... Thanks to Computer Hope. (Murali)
Thank you for your awesome help. Your information is so helpful! I will come back again. I thank you great people so much. (Eli M.)
This really helped me fix the issue my computer was having. Now it works completely fine. (Tobi)
This really helped, My mousepad wasn't working before Thanks. :D. (Anonymus)
I am doing a research essay and all the information I need to find is easily accessible with the simple click of a hyperlink. Thanks for making everything so accessible! (Caleb)
Very helpful. It made frustrated when I could not fix the issue using other sites. This one definitely helped!! (Arasi)
Thank you for your help, it worked for me. (Janie)
Extremely simple, yet effective way to find computer related search results. (Seb)
My pc was freezing up badly until I found your site after two frustrating days. Two clicks and all fixed. Thank you so much!!!. (Dick)
Helped my computer get back up, I almost lost all hope for a few weeks, Thank you so much!. (Ambasseder)
Just love these pages... they simply solve my excel problems. (Rizu Agarwal)
So glad I found this page so much great information and its free !!!!. (Juan)
Really not even a single code helped me from anywhere. But I was stuck in my website to add space between icons. So I follow your first step from this post. Thank you so much for your work and suggestions. (Shan)
For many years I have found "just what I need" to help me solve a problem by visiting your web site. Great job, people. (Gil)
Brilliant, quick and easy resolution - thank you. (Clare Taylor)
Just wanted to drop a positive feedback and thanks for getting my laptop started up. honestly expected the laptop circuits to be fried after the recent thunderstorms/power trips, so it was a very pleasant surprise to get my laptop starting up after trying some of the suggestions here. thanks again!. (Leo)
Simple, precise, amd complete explanation; easy to understand for non-techies as myself ;). (Guy)
To the point answers. No useless rubbish. And it mentions the methods which work,even giving the cautions for the cases when things do not work out. (Amogh)
Wonderful! Amazing work... Great Work Developer. Thanks :). (Usman Said)
Very simple and to the point details that is very easy to understand. (Khan)
Awesome... thank you. It helped me a lot. (Priyanka)
This help finally fixed my problem after trying 4 others. (Eva)
Thank you for the quick and easy answer. I didn't have to search out the answer. The page design made it easy. :). (Robi)
Their was nothing bad about the site from what I had seen. The site was quick and helpful when I needed to find a solution to the problem I've been having. Thank you for the help. (Robert)
This is my first time visiting your website and I can say I'm amazed! Sometimes I find understanding Linux commands hard, but this article made me swallow that up with ease. Keep up with good work and thanks! :). (Marko)
Simple to navigate, explaination clear and concise. marked your website as a favourite... (Alan)
Thank you so much, I about had a panic attack over my laptop not working, but there were multiple solutions so if one didn't work I had a few backups to keep me calm. (Pamela)
I'm a doing a computer course so this page is helping me to understand things I didnt understand from the classroom so I find this page very helpful. (Noziphozakhe)
I thought I would need to get a new laptop when my laptop wasn't powering on, but I followed the steps here and my laptop is working fine now. Thanks. (Mary)
Got my question answered,it was very helpful thank you!. (Marie)
Really appreciated the Area Code lookup feature and explanation about spammers using "unassigned" area codes. That was what I needed to learn. Perfect!. (TedinSC)
Every thing that I wold like to know is just here and simple to look for. Thanks for that... (Anita)
Wow, I'm no experienced techie but when I followed these instructions it worked like a charm. Thanks!!!. (Nina)
The answer was so clear to me thank for your answer. (TITUS)
It was very useful for my IT project. Thank you Computer Hope founders and editors for such a beautiful website. (Karan)
Thank you so much! I was so afraid a document was lost forever and MS was no help. Thanks and God bless you. (SFA)
It's really nice and easy to use I have found what I'm looking for in seconds!. (E.N.D.)
This page very helpful and it has help me soo mush to solve my problem about networking. (Peace boy)
Answered my question perfectly Thanks. (Anonymous)
Good thing. Really useful For computer students. (Swetha)
Googled problem opened your site and answer was there, solved problem easily.. Thanks. (Wightbri)
The pages are really very helpful. (Arup Sarkar)
This page was excellent! Exactly what I was looking for though I did not know how to look for it! All I wrote was: Operating Systems and "voila"! Thank you!. (Adele)
I just want to say you, thank you soo much for creating an awesome website like this. It is my first time that I am using this website and I am really very happy to get this platform. I hope to use this website on my daily basis. Thank you again. (Nawal S.)
Thank you Computer Hope for the updated information you deliver. (Muhumza P.)
I am starting to practice transcribing and I searched how to pause, rewind, and fast forward with a keyboard and this came up first. Thank you for your time and effort in creating this piece. (H. W. W.)
For a new user, your site is great. (N. E.)
Learned how to remove spyware and malware with little or no problem. (Juanito)
Thank you so much I have been able to restart my computer after 5 days of being dead locked. Wonderful (Sammysign)
Simple instructions that worked first try - what more could I want Thanks. (Bruce)
I like that your definitions are linked to other definitions. That is helpful. (R. D.)
This is awesome, I have a test coming up, and this helped a lot. I give this website 15 trillion stars. (Timothy)
I wasn't sure what to purchase, desktop or laptop. Your site answered all my questions. (Trixie)
I really appreciate this website, it really helps me out during school and for leisure purposes. All the information is accurate, interesting,easy to understand and easy to find thank you so much. (Ab)
Thank you so much for the great help! I spent few days trying to figure out why my computer's keyboard is not functioning and making sounds each time I press a key. I found the solution here finally. (Manar)
So simple and easy, and it worked. (DebO)
I think your website has great info and was easy to follow and my computer didn't go slow trying to read it. Keep up the good work. (Pastor)
It was useful and short. Giving out the information that was needed. The example made it easy for me, since I'm more of a visual learner. (R. A.)
Thanks. Totally answered my question :-). (M. R.)
This site, is really good, I didnt feel any kind of difficuilty to find my question. (Ayaz)
You guys are doing a great job educating us! Keep up the good work ;). (Jimmy)
I needed to change my screen saver, was uncertain how to do it; your information was clear and I achieved the change immediately. Thanks. (Rufus)
I've used your site three times, and you have helped me solve each issue. Thank you, Eddie Haskel. (Eddie H.)
WOW!, I was able to get some questions answered very quickly and able to understand the explanation/definition. (Bonnie)
Its a useful service and the most amazing thing is that it's free. (David)
Very glad to have acquired new knowledge through you. (Steve)
Computer Hope helps make the learning curve of computer use, so much easier. thanks!. (Karen G)
Well put together information, and it flowed easily from one topic to the next. (Walter)
It was really easy to find the information and I use this site frequently. Thank you. (T. P.)
This is a very good site. I love it. (K. A.)
Very nice article. My mouse stopped working, thus I was looking for keyboard shortcuts to navigate on the web page and this helped me a lot. Thanks :). (Vijay)
I have tried for two days to resolve the issue of the touchpad not responding with help from various sources. It took less than 2 mins with your help! Thankyou. (Scragatha)
You guys have the most simple and well explained definitions. (Gabriel)
I love how easy it was to understand each run level, and how to use telnet. My textbook was very confusing, and now I actually understand it. (DataMoose)
I think this website was very well set out and it contains a lot of important and relevant information. :). (Anonymous)
Thank you so much for the info on using the Windows command I was searching for. I was looking all over and luckily found this web page. Your explanation and example told me everything I needed!. (William)
Not sure what I was looking for and/or meanings-it gave definitions and explanations of what I was looking at. I feel confident, and I will be doing some more researching again! Thank you!. (Lorrie)
Nice one, the informations are simple and easy to understand. (Joe)
Was able to follow and save the video... thanks!! Simple even for someone with limited knowledge. (Cemeterybird)
This information is extremely useful and in-depth. I now really know what I'm looking for when I decide which laptop to buy. Thank you very much. (K. S.)
Excellent explanation to save Facebook Video. Thank You. (Ryan)
No suggestions. That's the easiest I've ever done something I had no clue how to do. (Madman)
Thanks for the tutorial and helpful information. (Anonymous)
You guys have a great site and thank you so much!! I had searched for hours for some Word info, and then found your site, and had understood and implemented within under a minute. One can't ask for more than that! Thank you again!! Cheers. (Simon)
In fact this info is very good.It has provided more than what I expected. Thanks. (Seraphina)
It is simple and lovely that it was so easy to get the answer I was looking for, thank you so much for your help. (Dwayne)
Great help. Worked like a charm. Thank you. (Anonymous)
Site has solved problems for me many times. Thanks. (Jack88)
It is simple to find what you are looking for. Excellent work. (Afua)
It is very easy to find terms for all computer related topics. Thank Computer Hope. (Bhasker R.)
It didn't take me one minute to get what I want. Nice one. (Yung_S.)
For a non-techie, many easy and useful suggestions. Thanks. (Richard F.)
Found exactly what I needed with ease very helpful. (Dave)
THANK YOU. After 2 hours of frustration your site showed me what I did not know! (Margaret)
Thank you for the most easy to understand, best step by step help I found for my computer problem. I am not a computer geek, yet I was able to follow your steps and fix the problem, so happy! (Margie)
Thanks a lot for the information and the way they were presented. Was very useful for me. Thanks guys. (Amar)
Thank you so much. Your tips helped me a lot. (Tawana)
This page was really helpful to me. Thanks. (Ali)
Excellent work. Simple and meaningful definition. (Rana A.)
The articles are nice, nicer than other websites I've looked at. It is presented in a way that uses understandable language. (M. M.)
You're doing a good job and really you've been of great help to us. Thanks. (M. B.)
Answered my question! Thanks! (Constance)
I was able to find what I was looking for easily and the language is simple. So thank you. (Abhay)
Explanation was clear, succinct. (T. J.)
I am old, and could not understand everything my granddaughter texts me. Now I can Thank you. (Anonymous)
Yay... super easy instructions to an annoying problem... Thanks. (Jo)
Great job.. You have presented the information in a simplified way, in addition to important information. (Gheyah)
Thanks to the team behind this. Well done! (Vera H.)
The page has what I do not know and what I thought I was the only one who knew. (Lee G.)
Helpful website, it is easy to search and provide the details about the specific topic. (Menj)
I am excited and grateful for discovering this site. Just in a short time I am able have a better knowledge about computers. I am eager to know more. (A. G.)
Setting up app for printing from iPhone and setup required the printer's IP address. Your page gave very good directions for accessing it. Thanks. (Bill)
It is very useful for people like me. helps a lot. Regards. (Curt)
Great job. I'm very happy to find this website. (Kota)
It was useful for me because I was making a project by hand and this was so helpful. (Elliz)
Thank you so much. Saved a photo I desperately wanted and had no idea how to do it. Great service. (Trinny)
Nice information provided in very unambiguous way. (Anonymous)
Great page for what I was looking for... Thank you. (Shepthangkha)
Computer Hope is an amazing tool to have, especially when you're in a bind and can't seem to be able to iron out a problem. This is an amazing site, with clear cut logical and accurate information. I am learning a lot of very important applications that I had no idea would make my computer experience a lot more efficient and exciting to say the least. It doesn't seem to be as intimidating now because I have a direct line of information here to help me maneuver my way through most any problem that I encounter. (Anonymous)
Outstanding website!!! I've viewed others, but yours is BY FAR the easiest to come close to understanding what these terms mean (equivalents). My 10-year-old grandson was asking me what the various computer terms meant. Well, in looking up the answer, I came across your site. FINALLY, a way to put these words into use with common everyday items with which both he and I were able to grasp. I can't tell you how much more meaningful this makes these terms! First thing I'm going to do is to save a link to this site, because I know my other grandchildren will eventually be interested in knowing this too! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!. (CLDR)
I appreciate Computer Hope starting from the beginning, assuming we know nothing about a subject. If a reader knows something, a review is beneficial to anyone. (Crook)
I love your site, very informative, easy to reference, and user friendly. (Dponce)
Good checklist for computer cleaning. (Dave)
It was easier than I thought. Thank you so much. Being of an age when computers were not used in the work place and therefore not computer literate I found the instructions simple and to the point - wish everyone could do the same. Thank you again. F. (Fresita)
Well explained. Gonna send to my teacher. (Pascal Junior LUC)
I've never had anyone suggest that I might need to drain the electricity from my laptop to get it to work before. You guys brought my laptop back to life! Many thanks. (Anonymous)
Thank you SO MUCH. I learned quite a bit from your site, and also found the answer to the problem I was having. (Greatjoy)
I'm glad the site is still around. 20 yrs ago, This site and a really old ibm dos manual helped me better understand dos editor, commands, paths & syntax. I was able to bring 4 pc's back to factory from blue screen and no power at all, thanks to the motherboard and hdd info through serial numbers on your user friendly site of shared knowledge, Thanks!. (Ro)
I just wanted to say thanks for replacing confusion with a simple answer (unlike some other websites). (Taras)
Hi, what a pleasant experience reading your help items, written so well, making everything very clear and easy to understand. You're my number one site now for my PC technical queries. Tx Dave. (Sirdave)
I needed administrator powers to format a partition and your info enabled a very easy process, thank you. (Plantop)
Thank you all for doing this wonderful job because after reading some information from this I got best marks in the class. (Vysnavi)
As a consultant in an educational institution it makes it easy for me to explain the actual functions of the programme to someone who is not computer literate. Thank you and well done!!. (Kenneth)
I found everything easily explained and the tutorials were great. (Theresa)
Hi, The nicest and easiest information site I've visited. Using Avira Search you were near the bottom of the first page. Certainly glad I scrolled to the bottom. Now you're book marked for the future. I have only searched "how to stop spam" and "who you are" Results: excellent experience. Thank You! for such a wonderful site and your contribution efforts to everyone without a cost. Wish I had found you sooner. I look forward to exploring more of your site. You certainly must get great satisfaction from what you've accomplished. I'm sure I am not the only one giving you/your site "Kudos". (Eugenia)
The difficulty was that I did not follow the directions to a T in the beginning. I had spent quite some time trying to repost a video from Facebook until your excellent instructions showed me how. Thank you! (Rita)
I found the information I was looking for and it was easy to read and took little effort to understand. Thank you! (Dennis P)
Enjoyed the section on a keyboard that repeats keys incessantly. That's what I'm looking for help on at the moment, and your page gave me some advice to consider that I hadn't thought of. It was easy to read and well-written with helpful suggestions and some links. (Runosai)
For people like me who is not so familiar with computers, the definitions are clear and easy to understand, providing examples to reinforce those definitions makes it even easier. (Jjmore)
I searched several other sites looking for a solution to this, but only found the answer here. Thanks very much. (Lionel)
It was a very annoying error until I read how to fix it (non-bootable hard drive). Thanks for the help. I'm trying to set up 2 different versions of Windows in 2 partitions on my hard drive so I've no doubt I'll be back for more help soon:) Kind regards Matthew. (Matthew)
I just found your website accidentally yesterday and find it to be excellent and very helpful. I hope to use your site every day and put it in my "favorites" bookmark. (Jack)
I have now appreciated Computer Hope for 15 years. Thank you for the excellent service. (John)
This was WONDERFUL! Your site was easy to find using Google. You gave the correct diagnosis based on what I observed (3 beeps and then no POST). You gave some recommendations of things to try, and one of them (swapping the memory sticks around) actually resolved the issue. I don't know why, but I just booted my computer, ran linux on it for about 45 minutes, and then shut it down and I am going to run MEMTEST+86 on it all night. Thank you. (Jeff)