Ben Shneiderman

Updated: 12/01/2019 by Computer Hope
Ben Shneiderman

Name: Ben Shneiderman

Born: August 21, 1947, New York, NY

Computer-related contributions

  • American computer scientist, and professor for computer science at the University of Maryland Human-Computer Interaction Lab.
  • Conducted fundamental research in the field of human-computer interaction, developing new ideas, methods, and tools such as the direct manipulation interface, and his eight rules of design.

Significant publications

  • Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights from a Connected World. With D. Hansen and M. Smith. Morgan Kaufmann. (2011).
  • Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, 5th edition. With C. Plaisant. Addison-Wesley. (2010).
  • Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies; MIT Press. (2002).
  • Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think. With Stuart K. Card and Jock D. Mackinlay. Morgan Kaufmann. (1999).
  • Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, 1st edition. Addison-Wesley. (1987).
  • Software Psychology: Human Factors in Computer and Information Systems; Little, Brown and Co. (1980).

Honors and awards

  • Member, NAE (National Academy of Engineering).
  • Fellow, ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) (1997).
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, ACM SIGCHI (Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction) (2001).
  • Fellow, AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (2001).
  • Miles Conrad Award, NFAIS (National Federation of Advanced Information Services) (2011).
  • Fellow, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (2011).


"A picture is worth a thousand words. An interface is worth a thousand pictures."
