
Bi may refer to any of the following:
1. Short for Business Intelligence, BI is an acronym describing BI software, tools, or other solutions that gather a company's data and turn it into useful information. This intelligence is created by the BI software by gathering all data from databases, DW (Data Warehouses), and other data sources
Once all information is gathered, the software looks for insights and trends that are derived from analyzing all the raw internal data. The BI software also looks for insights by comparing internal data with external sources like market trends and competitive intelligence. Using this intelligence, a company can make informed business decisions, ideally giving them advantages over their competitors.
An example of a BI solution is Power BI from Microsoft. Power BI is a scalable platform for enterprise business intelligence that helps visualize business data and use it in other office programs like Excel.
2. In general, the prefix bi indicates a relationship with the number two. For example, a biped is an animal that uses two legs for walking and a bilingual is someone that speaks two languages fluently.
Analytics, Big data, Binary, Business terms, Computer acronyms, Dashboard, Data mining, Data Warehouse, Intelligence, SaaS BI