
Black is a color without a hue that absorbs all light. For example, if your device is not in dark mode, the text on this page is black. As an HTML (hypertext markup language) color code, black is represented as #000000 or #000 in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) shorthand, which is hexadecimal for 0 red, 0 green, and 0 blue. The image shows an example of the black color code with the RGB (Red, Green, and Blue), HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness), and that it's a web safe color.
With computers or other electrical device with a display or screen, a black display indicates the device has no power or is in a power-saving sleep mode.
What is Vantablack?
Vantablack is a trademark by Surrey NanoSystems Limited that describes a class of super-black coating material that absorbs around 99.96% of visible light. With color codes, there's no Vantablack color code or a black that's more black than the color code #000000.