Bluetooth and devices

Updated: 06/22/2024 by Computer Hope

Bluetooth and devices or Bluetooth & devices is a Windows setting area that lets users enable and disable Bluetooth and view and manage connected Bluetooth devices. Below is an example of how the Bluetooth & devices window appears in Windows 11.

Bluetooth and devices in Microsoft Windows 11


In Windows 10, this window is called Bluetooth and other devices.

How to open Bluetooth & devices

The Bluetooth & devices window can be opened through the following methods.

  1. Click Start.
  2. Type Bluetooth and if Bluetooth and other devices is highlighted, press Enter.


  1. Open Settings.
  2. Under Devices, click Bluetooth, printers, and mouse, or click Bluetooth & devices.


The Bluetooth & devices window can also be opened by running the associated .cpl file. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Start.
  2. Type bthprops.cpl and press Enter.

Adapter, Bluetooth, Device, HCI, Operating system terms, Settings