Brad Templeton
Updated: 03/06/2020 by Computer Hope
Name: Brad Templeton
Born: April 20, 1960, near Toronto, Canada
Computer-related contributions
- Software architect and known as one of the early leaders of Usenet.
- Founded ClariNet Communications Corporation, which used Usenet protocols to distribute news articles (1989).
- Founded Looking Glass Software.
- Former chairman of the board of the Electronic Frontier Foundation for ten years until February 2010.
- Created the Usenet newsgroup rec.humor.funny.
- Recognized for Power (a compiler for the C programming language) and PAL, an assembler, for Commodore users.
Significant publications
- The Internet Joke Book (1995).
- TeleJoke Book - Vol. III: The Best of 1990 (1990).
- Rec.Humor.Funny - Computer Network Humor Annual (1988).
"When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl!"