How to configure a modem in MS-DOS
Updated: 01/24/2018 by Computer Hope
With older computers and programs that the modem may need to be configured manually. The below chart lists all the settings that the DB9 serial port.
Serial parameters | Choices | Serial parameters | Choices |
Baud Rate | 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19.2K 38.4K |
Parity | Even Odd Mark Space None |
Data Bits | 7 8 |
Flow Control | XON/XOFF DTR/DSR |
Stop Bits | 1 2 |
By default, your computer would use:
Baud Rate: 9600, Data Bits: 8, Stop Bits: 1, Parity: None, Flow Control: XON/XOFF.
To set values from an MS-DOS prompt, use the mode command. We listed a few examples to give you a general idea how to use this command.
MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1,P - This command would set Communications port COM1 to 9600 Baud, with no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and with XON/XOFF (these are the default settings).
If you are using Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or a newer version of Windows, do not configure your COM port manually. Instead, configure it using the Windows Device Manager.