How to fix a device attached to the system that's not functioning

Updated: 07/13/2023 by Computer Hope

Error when trying to start an MS-DOS session

MS-DOS logo

If you are experiencing errors when starting an MS-DOS session, follow the steps below.

  1. Extract the file from the Windows cabinets to the Windows\System directory. Depending on what operating system you are using, the location of this file may vary on the CD (Compact Disc). Below is a listing of cabinets that hold this file, based on the operating system.
  • Windows 98 CD =
  • Windows 95 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) CD =
  • Windows 95 DMF (Distribution Media Format) floppy diskettes = (Disk 3)
  • Windows 95 non-DMF floppy diskettes = (Disk 4)
  1. Boot to a bootable floppy diskette or boot the computer to MS-DOS.
  2. Once at the MS-DOS prompt, run the following commands:
ren winoa386.mod
ren winoa386.mod
  1. Reboot the computer.

Error when trying to run a Visual Basic 3.0 program in Windows

If this issue occurs when running a Visual Basic 3.0 program, delete vbrun300.dll from the C:\Windows\System directory, and copy a new version of this file to the directory.

For download links related to vbrun300.dll, see the Windows DLL (Dynamic-Link Library) section of our downloads index.