Winoldap and Winoa386.mod errors
Updated: 12/09/2018 by Computer Hope

If you are receiving an error about Winoldap and Winoa386.mod, continue reading for steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
Winoldap and Winoa386.mod
Winoldap is a part of the file winoa386.mod file located in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder. Winoldap is a non-Windows application component for 386 enhanced mode.
WINOLDAP caused a general protection fault in module USER.EXE at 0004:00001d43.
This issue can occur if the improper monitor driver was installed. Verify the correct monitor driver is installed correctly in Windows Device Manager.
- Open the Device Manager.
- Check if any conflicts are present, and if so, resolve those conflicts before continuing.
- Under Monitors, ensure the correct monitor or monitor manufacturer is listed and that only one monitor is present.
This issue can also occur if System Agent attempts to shut down a second MS-DOS session before the first MS-DOS session is not closed.
Other Winoldap or Winoa386.mod errors
If you are encountering an issue related to Winoldap or Winoa386.mod that are not listed above, try the below recommendations.
- Verify no conflicts or errors are present in Device Manager. Also, make sure no devices are listed under Other devices.
- Close all TSRs and open programs on the computer, and see if the issue persists. If the issue does not persist, it is likely an application running in the background that is causing this issue.
- Verify the latest drivers are installed for your video card and sound card.