MSIMN caused an invalid page fault in module MSIMNUI.DLL

Updated: 12/30/2019 by Computer Hope

This issue can be resolved by any of the methods below.

Reinstall Outlook Express from the Internet Explorer download

  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Click the Install/Uninstall tab and then click Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 in the list of installed programs.
  3. Click Add a component to Internet Explorer and click OK.
  4. When prompted for "Active Setup is about to determine what Internet components are installed on your computer" click OK.
  5. Click the Microsoft Outlook Express check box to select it. When you receive the prompt "Microsoft Outlook Express is already installed. Do you want to reinstall this component?" click OK.

Rename the *.idx, *.mbx, and *.nch files

*.idx files

  1. Click Start, Find, and select Files and folders.
  2. In the Name box, type *.idx.
  3. In the "Look in" box, use the C: drive or the drive that Microsoft Outlook Express is installed on.
  4. Right-click the file, select Rename, and rename the file to *.idd, where * is the name of the file.

*.mbx files

  1. Click Start, Find, and select Files and folders.
  2. In the Name box, type *.mbx.
  3. In the "Look in" box, use the C: drive or the drive that Microsoft Outlook Express is installed on.
  4. Right-click the file, select Rename, and rename the file to *.mbd, where * is the name of the file.

*.nch files

  1. Click Start, Find, and select Files and folders.
  2. In the Name box, type *.nch.
  3. In the "Look in" box, use the C: drive or the drive that Microsoft Outlook Express is installed on.
  4. Right-click the file, select Rename, and rename the file to *.ncc, where * is the name of the file.

Delete registry keys from Microsoft Outlook


The below information steps the user through the system registry. If you are unfamiliar with the system registry and the potential risks you take by editing the registry, see the registry help page first.

In the registry, delete the two keys below.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOTWARE\Microsoft\Outlook Express
HKEY_LOCAL_USER\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express