How can I help Computer Hope?
Updated: 02/01/2021 by Computer Hope
Computer Hope greatly appreciates any help users are willing to provide. While it's thoughtful for anyone to want to make a financial donation, we would prefer users to help us through one of the below methods.
- Tell your friends, family members, co-workers, and anyone else you know about Computer Hope.
- Report any spelling error, grammatical error, bad link, or suggestion to the webmasters by clicking the "Feedback" link at the bottom of every page.
- If you find an alternate fix for your computer problem, let us know so we can post it for other users.
- Participate and visit our Computer Hope forums. Even if you are not a computer expert you have very likely had experiences that you can rely on to assist other users with similar issues.
- If live help or chat is more your style come and participate in the Computer Hope chat. The chat receives multiple visitors every hour and has many volunteer computer gurus who also hang out and frequently visit.
- Join the Computer Hope Folding@Home team. Not only does this help our team but this helps in finding cures for diseases.
- Join us on Facebook and other social networks.
- Send us additional information you have created. You can send information to our webmasters or submit your information through our online form.