Can Computer Hope sponsor my event?
With our limited resources at this time, Computer Hope cannot sponsor any events. If you are hosting a computer-related event, we suggest contacting local computer retail stores. Often, many of them provide some sponsorship. If you're hosting an event with a lot of people, contact other major computer companies, manufacturers, or developers. A listing of computer-related companies and the contact information for each of them is available on our third-party contacts page.
When the time comes that Computer Hope sponsors an event, product or company, it will be mentioned on this page. Otherwise, any company claiming sponsorship from Computer Hope is not officially receiving sponsorship from us.
Finally, any users hosting any computer event that needs free technical support or a resource for free computer information is more than welcome to suggest our site or link to our services. If you need to copy any of our information or use it in presentations, refer to our legal page for Copyright information for additional information.