Can a web page get my e-mail address or personal information?

Updated: 11/13/2018 by Computer Hope
Notification of new e-mail.

A web page cannot copy or log your e-mail address, or most of your PII (Personally Identifiable Information), unless you voluntarily enter that information into a form on the page. Many Internet ads deceive users by claiming that all their information could be copied when visiting a web page.

Although your IP address can be collected, it does not reveal your precise physical location and information. Your IP address can be traced to your ISP (Internet Service Provider), and possibly to the town or region where you live. Therefore it may be possible for a website operator to know your general geographical area. In fact, always assume that they do, unless you are concealing your true IP address using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), or the anonymizing Tor Browser. Generally, a website cannot obtain your name, home street address, phone number, bank account information, social security number, etc. unless you volunteer the information.


A member of law enforcement or government can contact an ISP who controls the IP address and request your contact and personal information with a warrant. There are also services that provide a more exact address look up on an IP address. However, even these services cannot always provide exact address information.

What kind of information can a web page get about me?

A web page may get the following information from you when you visit their page.


Sites like Google and Facebook can gather more general information about you as you post information on their pages, perform searches, and like a page. Also, because these sites ask for personal information like phone numbers, e-mail address, and credit card information, they have this information on record if you've shared it with them.


Use our online system information tool to see the type of information that a web page can gather from your computer.