Where can I find a list of any nearby sex offenders?

There are a few locations online where you can search and find any nearby sex offenders that are near your home.
United States State Offender Registries
On March 5, 2003, the Supreme Court ruled that states in the United States can publish lists of state sex offenders with pictures and additional information about each individual. We recommend Family Watch Dog, as it lists offenders and their locations on a map. Another resource for finding nearby sex offenders, and other convicted criminals, is the NSOPW (national sex offender public website).
Canada Registry
On December 15, 2004, the Minister of Public and Safety and Emergency Preparedness announced Canada would maintain its National Sex Offender Registry. Although the National Sex Offender Registry can only be accessed by law officials, additional information about the Canadian Registry is available through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
UK Registry
The Sexual Offences Act was passed into parliament in 2003. A listing of sex offenders in Ireland and the UK is available on the UK database website.