What is the rthdcpl.exe file?
What is rthdcpl.exe?
The rthdcpl.exe is a file associated with the Realtek audio Control Panel. It is included with many of the Realtek sound cards and computers with Realtek sound cards installed within them.
This file is often located in the c:\windows or c:\winnt directory.
Is this file a security threat?
Is this file a spyware, trojan, or virus?
The rthdcpl.exe file included with the Realtek sound card drivers is not spyware, a trojan, or a virus. However, like any file on your computer it can become corrupted by a virus or trojan. Antivirus programs can detect and clean this file if it has become infected. Because this file is associated with the Realtek sound drivers, deleting the file will not cause any issues with Windows. However, it may cause your sound card to no longer function.
Why is this file showing in the Task Manager?
This file is associated with the audio Control Panel, which enables users with the Realtek sound cards to customize their audio properties. The rthdcpl.exe shows in the Windows Task Manager processes each time the computer starts and can be End Tasked but will re-appear the next time Windows restarts.
Can I delete this file?
Because this file is associated with the Realtek sound drivers deleting the file will not cause any issues with Windows. However, it may cause your sound card to no longer function.