How often should I buy a new computer?
The decision to purchase a new computer depends on many factors ranging from the necessity to improve performance issues to additional functionality features. Most total cost of ownership studies conclude that users should replace their computers at least every four years. Below are some different reasons that may help justify the new purchase, or why you may want to wait.
If you checked three or more of the boxes above, it's likely time to upgrade. If you were unable to check at least three of these boxes, you might want to wait a while to buy a new computer. Until then, certain upgrades may be a good choice.
If you are replacing an existing computer, the monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, printer, and other peripherals can be used with the new computer.
A slow computer can be caused by issues can be fixed without buying a new machine. Before you purchase another computer, we recommend you follow our troubleshooting steps. For more information, see: My computer is running slow, what steps can I do to fix it?