Why has my IP address changed?

Updated: 01/24/2018 by Computer Hope

Dial-up modem users

IP address

If you are connecting to the Internet using a modem, each time you connect to the Internet, you'll be assigned an IP address that's available. Although you may get the same IP address as a previous connection, often you'll be assigned a different IP address each time you connect. If you want a static (address that doesn't change) IP address, you'll need to connect to the Internet using a broadband connection.

Broadband users

Unlike a dial-up modem, when connecting to the Internet with broadband, you are given a static IP address that will be the same each time. However, this address can still change, below are some reasons why this may change.

  1. Your DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) lease time given to your IP address has expired.
  2. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) changes their network infrastructure. Causing how IP addresses are assigned to change.
  3. ISP changes the center or router responsible for your address.
  4. ISP has encountered a network failure causing routing tables to rebuild or other network related issues.