Why are keys on my computer keyboard repeating?
If your keyboard repeats one or more characters when you press keys, typing double, triple, or more letters on the screen, it could be due to one of the following reasons.
Spilled liquid or food
If food or liquid has ever been spilled into the keyboard, it can cause the keys to stick and be repeated. Spilled liquid can also cause the circuit board in the keyboard to short out, causing keys to be repeated. Use canned air to blow out any food material and dry out any spilled liquid to see if that fixes the repeating keys issue.
Food and some liquids may also leave behind a sticky residue, which could cause the keys to continue sticking and repeating. The sticky residue can be difficult to remove and may require you to pull keys off the keyboard and clean underneath them with rubbing alcohol.
Loose or bad connection
Make sure the connection between the keyboard and computer is not loose by disconnecting and reconnecting the keyboard. When disconnecting, keep these suggestions in mind.
- When disconnecting, make sure nothing connects between the keyboard and the computer. Keyloggers and other devices may cause keys to repeat.
- If your keyboard is a PS/2 connection keyboard, make sure to shut down the computer before disconnecting and reconnecting.
- If you're using a USB (universal serial bus) keyboard, make sure it is directly connected to the computer and not a USB hub.
Sticking keys
As keyboards get used and wear down over time, some keys can begin to stick during a keystroke. Sometimes it's a physical sticking, where the keys don't release back to their normal position after you press them, causing the keyboard to repeat those keys.
Other times the keys may release back to their normal position, but the circuit board in the keyboard may be sticking, causing the keys to be repeated. When this occurs, it usually is a sign the keyboard needs to be replaced.
Software bug or glitch
A program may have a bug or glitch that is causing one or more keys to repeat. It may not be a fault of the keyboard, but rather the software's receiving and interpretation of the inputs from the keyboard. Restarting the computer may resolve this issue. If you continue to experience the problem in the same program, make sure you have all the latest updates for that program.
It is also possible for a virus or malware infection to cause keys to repeat. Viruses and malware can interfere with a software's ability to receive and interpret inputs from the keyboard, resulting in the software thinking a key was pressed multiple times. Ensure you have an updated antivirus and anti-malware program installed in case a virus or malware infection is causing problems.
While it's uncommon, there's also a possibility the keyboard requires software to be installed. This software may be necessary for the computer to accurately interpret inputs from the keyboard, especially if it's a keyboard with programmable function keys. In most cases, this type of software comes with the keyboard when purchased and is available on the keyboard manufacturer's website.
Low battery power
If you are using a wireless keyboard, low battery power can cause users to experience glitches, including keys repeating or specific keys not working at all. If the keyboard has a non-removeable battery, connect it to a power source to charge it. If the batteries are removable, charge them if they are rechargeable, or replace them if not.
Bad keyboard
The reasons above are the most common causes of keys being repeated. It's also possible an older keyboard may no longer functioning correctly. If the suggestions above did not resolve the issue or the sticking keys are caused by spilled food or liquid, we suggest replacing the keyboard. Keyboards are rather inexpensive and considered a throwaway device, so it's not likely worth trying to find a computer repair shop to fix it.