Can my computer or monitor cause cancer?

Working by a computer and monitor creates worries for many people about health risks with long-term use and exposure. When looking at it, there are two pieces to this puzzle: the computer and the monitor.
With a computer (desktop computer or laptop), many studies were conducted over the years to determine if there are any health risks. To some degree, there is a bit of radiation that a computer releases, but in small amounts (if any). Looking through many research studies, there doesn't appear to be any link between computer use and increases in cancer risk. There are studies regarding laptop use, when the laptop is sitting in the user's lap. Long-term use and exposure is suspected to possibly cause testicular cancer in males, but there is no scientific proof to back up this suspicion or claim.
In terms of monitors, older CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitors could emit X-ray radiation, but in small amounts. The small amount was not considered to be harmful to the human body. Newer LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) and flat-panel monitors do not emit X-ray radiation. Some LCD monitors may emit a small amount of UV (ultraviolet) radiation, but the amounts are so small that there is virtually no risk to the human body.
The biggest risk that computer usage poses is more directed at your eyes. Prolonged usage can cause eye strain and potential long-term issues. When using a computer, it is best to take periodic breaks, to allow your eyes to rest and stretch your body in general.
Something worth noting is that all electronic devices actually emit small amounts of radiation. The types of radiation vary, but the important thing is that the amounts are small. All around us there is radiation, but again in small amounts. The human body can handle small amounts with little to no risk, which is what helps to make the human body so resilient.