How to download or save a Vimeo video to your computer
Vimeo is a collection of high-quality films, videos, and animations from people all around the world. You may want to save your favorite videos to your computer so you can watch them without being connected to the Internet or mobile devices. Below are the steps required for downloading and watching Vimeo videos on your computer for free.
You cannot download and save streaming videos from Vimeo using the download options below.
Download within Vimeo
Unlike most video services, some content on Vimeo can be downloaded to a computer. If the option is available, click the Download button underneath the video, as shown in the picture below. After clicking the Download button, a list of available formats is displayed. The most common video format available for download is the SD (Standard Definition) format.
The download option is not available for all videos. Users must have a Business, Plus, or Pro account to enable their videos for download by other users.
Saving a Vimeo video using another service
In the past, websites like were available to make downloading videos to your computer or another device easy. Unfortunately, today there are no sites available we've found that offer this service. However, you can still use YouTube-dl to download most online videos. Help with using this utility is found through the following link:
Alternatively, try installing another utility to download videos on Windows, Linux, and macOS computers.
Vimeo bookmarklet, browser add-ons, and extensions
If you plan on downloading several videos, you can also use the Computer Hope bookmarklet. See our bookmarklet page for more information about bookmarklets. There are also browser add-ons for Firefox and extensions for Google Chrome to download videos from video sites.