How to allow pop-ups in Chrome

Updated: 07/31/2022 by Computer Hope
Google Chrome logo.

Pop-ups are generally unwanted in web browsers because they often contain advertisements or malware. For this reason, many web browsers disable them by default. However, pop-ups sometimes have legitimate uses and may be necessary on certain websites. Below are the steps to allow pop-ups in Google Chrome.

How to allow pop-ups in Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. In the upper-right of the Chrome window, click the icon.
  3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu.

Settings selector in Chrome.

  1. On the left side of the screen, click Privacy and security.

Privacy and security selector.

  1. Expand the Site Settings option.

Chrome site settings selector.

  1. On the Site Settings page, scroll to the bottom of the screen. Under the Content section, click the Pop-ups and redirects option.

Chrome pop-ups selector.

  1. Click the radio button next to Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects to allow all pop-ups.

Google Chrome pop-up blocker setting.

How to allow pop-ups from specific websites

Under Customized behaviors, you can allow or disallow popups for specific sites by clicking the Add button in Chrome. button. Then, type or paste the website URL (Uniform Resource Locator) for which you'd like to allow pop-ups.

Pop-ups and redirects URL

You can copy and paste the following address into your Chrome browser to directly access the Pop-ups and redirects page.
