Overview of the Microsoft Office Ribbon

Updated: 10/01/2023 by Computer Hopepowerpoint-home-slides.png
Microsoft Office Ribbon

In Microsoft Office applications, the Ribbon is the menu bar at the top of the window. It contains various tools, organized by tabs, that help you edit and format a document.

This page provides an overview of the options and tools on each tab of the Ribbon for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word Ribbon

The following are the different options and tools listed in the Microsoft Word Ribbon for each of the tabs. Each section below is outlined first by the tab name, then by each section on the tab.

Home tab

Undo arrow icon


  • Undo Typing - Removes the last thing you typed.
  • Repeat Typing - If you accidentally hit undo typing, you can re-enter the previous text.
Word home clipboard


  • Paste - Pastes information from the clipboard.
  • Cut - Removes information from the document and puts it in the clipboard.
  • Copy - Copies information from the document for the clipboard.
  • Format Painter - Applies formatting from another section of a document.
Word home font


  • Font - Changes the font.
  • Font Size - Selects the desired font size.
  • Increase Font Size - Makes the font size one size larger.
  • Decrease Font Size - Makes the font size one size smaller.
  • Clear all formatting - Clears all formatting, leaving plain text.
  • Bold - Makes the text bold.
  • Italicize - Makes the text italicized.
  • Underline - Underlines the text.
  • Strikethrough - Crosses out the text.
  • Subscript - Types small letters below the text. e.g., H20
  • Superscript - Types small letters above the text. e.g., X2
  • Text Effects and Typography - Adds effects like outline or shadow to the text.
  • Text Highlight Color - Highlights text. e.g., ComputerHope.com
  • Font Color - Changes the color of the font.
Word home paragraph


  • Bullets - Creates a bulleted list.
  • Numbering - Creates a numbered list.
  • Multilevel List - Creates an outline.
  • Decrease Indent - Moves the indentation of the paragraph closer to the left margin.
  • Increase Indent - Moves the indentation of the paragraph closer to the right margin.
  • Sort - Arranges information in alphabetical order.
  • Show/Hide Paragraph Marks - Shows marks where the paragraphs begin and end.
  • Align Left - Aligns text with the left margin.
  • Center - Centers text in the document.
  • Align Right- Aligns text with the right margin.
  • Line and Paragraph Spacing - Changes the spacing between lines and paragraphs.
  • Shading - Changes the color behind the text.
  • Borders - Creates lines around the text.
Word home styles


Word home editing


  • Find - Finds words in the document.
  • Replace - Searches for text in the document and replaces it.
  • Select - Selects all or some text in the document.
Word Home Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat


The Adobe Acrobat section is only displayed if Adobe Acrobat is installed on your computer.

  • Create and Share Adobe PDF - Saves the document as a PDF (Portable Document Format) and lets you share it with others.
  • Request Signatures - Saves the document as a PDF, and requests others to sign it if necessary.
Word - Dictate voice


  • Dictate - Enables voice-to-text, using Microsoft Speech Services.
Word home editor


  • Editor - Checks for spelling, grammar, and writing suggestions.

Insert tab

Word insert pages


  • Cover Page - Creates a cover page for a document.
  • Blank Page - Inserts a blank page anywhere specified in the document.
  • Page Break - Ends the current page where specified, moving the rest of the text to the next page.
Word insert tables


  • Table - Creates a new table, or inserts a previously-created table in your document.
Word insert illustrations


  • Pictures - Inserts pictures in your document.
  • Shapes - Insert shapes in your document.
  • Icons - Inserts icons in your document.
  • 3D Models - Inserts a 3d model in your document.
  • SmartArt - Inserts a SmartArt graph or list in your document.
  • Chart - Creates a chart to display your data.
  • Screenshot - Inserts a screenshot in your document.
word insert add-ins


  • Get Add-ins - Add additional functionality to Word.
  • My Add-ins - Inserts add-ins obtained from Get Add-ins.
Word insert online media


  • Online Video - Adds a video in your document.
Word insert Links


  • Link - Inserts a link for web pages in your document.
  • Bookmark - Creates a specific spot in your document that can be jumped to without having to scroll.
  • Cross-reference - Refers to a specific place in the document, such as a heading or table.
Word insert comments


  • Comments - Adds notes in specific places in the document.
Word insert header & Footer

Header & Footer

  • Header - Adds repeat content to the top of every page in the document.
  • Footer - Adds repeat content to the bottom of every page in the document.
  • Page Number - Adds page numbers to each page of your document.
Word insert text


  • Text Box - Adds a custom box for text, bringing attention to it.
  • Quick Parts - Inserts pre-saved text or formatting to a document.
  • WordArt - Adds artistic touches to the text in this box.
  • Drop Cap - Creates a large letter at the beginning of each paragraph.
  • Signature Line - Adds a custom signature line to the document.
  • Date & Time - Adds the date and time to the document with different options.
  • Object - Adds another document or chart to the existing document.
word insert symbols


  • Equation - Adds mathematical equations to the document.
  • Symbol - Adds symbols to the document, such as currency and trademark.
Word insert media


  • Insert Media - Inserts Flash media in your document. Flash must be installed for this to work.

Design tab

Document Formatting

Word design document formatting

  • Themes - Adds custom formatting to the document.
  • Colors - Changes the entire color palette of the document to a color scheme of your choice.
  • Fonts - Changes the font of the document.
  • Paragraph Spacing - Changes the line and paragraph spacing of the document.
  • Effects - Changes the overall look of objects with shading and other options.
  • Set as Default - Sets the current formatting as the default for new documents.
Word design page background

Page background

  • Watermark - Adds a faint image behind the text of your document.
  • Page Color - Changes the background color of the document.
  • Page Borders - Adds a border around the document.

Layout tab

Word layout page setup

Page Setup

  • Margins - Sets the margin sizes for the document.
  • Orientation - Changes the orientation of the document to portrait or landscape mode.
  • Size - Selects the size of paper for printing.
  • Columns - Splits the page into up to 13 columns.
  • Breaks - Ends the current page at your desired location, and starts the remainder of the information on the next page.
  • Line Numbers - Adds numbers to each line for easy reference to a specific location.
  • Hyphenation - Automatically hyphenates words that extend beyond the end of a line. Hyphenation is placed at syllable boundaries.
Word layout paragraph


  • Indent Left - Moves the paragraph away from the left margin.
  • Indent Right - Moves the paragraph away from the right margin.
  • Spacing Before - Changes how much spacing is before the selected paragraph.
  • Spacing After - Changes how much spacing is after the selected paragraph.
Word layout arrange


  • Position - Moves the placement of the selected item to the desired location on the page.
  • Wrap Text - Selects how the text on the page wraps around the object.
  • Bring Forward - Moves the selected object forward in front of other objects.
  • Send backward - Moves the selected object behind other objects.
  • Selection pane - Displays a listing of all objects on the page.
  • Align - Sets the alignment of the object on the page.
  • Group - Joins objects together, making them appear as one object.
  • Rotate - Rotates the selected image.

References tab

Word references table of contents

Table of Contents

  • Table of Contents - Provides an overview of the document's contents.
  • Add Text - Includes an editable heading in the table of contents.
  • Update Table - If changes are made to the document, this refreshes the table of contents to reflect the correct page numbers.
Word references footnotes


  • Insert Footnote - Adds a note to the bottom of the current page.
  • Insert Endnote - Adds a comment or citation to the end of the page. Used with superscript numbers placed in the text.
  • Next Footnote - Moves to the next footnote.
  • Show Notes - Moves to the footnotes or endnotes of the page.
Word references research


  • Smart Lookup - Selects text in the document to search for a definition or more information online.
  • Researcher - Assists in finding information and pictures that you can cite in your document.
Word References citations and Bibliography

Citations & Bibliography

  • Insert Citation - Credits a source of information.
  • Manage Sources - Organizes the sources of the information cited.
  • Style - Choose the citation style from APA, Chicago, or MLA.
  • Bibliography - Displays a list of all cited sources.
Word references captions


  • Insert Caption - Labels your object or picture.
  • Insert Table of Figures - Adds a listing of captions for easy reference.
  • Update Table - If changes are made to the table of figures, this updates the changes.
  • Cross-reference - Refers to a source of information elsewhere in your document, such as a table of figures. If the source information changes, the reference is updated automatically.
Word references index


  • Mark Entry - Adds selected text to the index.
  • Insert Index - Adds a list of keywords and the page number where they appear.
  • Update Index - If any changes are made to the document, this updates it if necessary.
Word References Table of Authorities

Table of Authorities

  • Mark Citation - Adds selected text to the Table of Authorities.
  • Insert Table of Authorities - Adds a list of authorities, cases, or statutes noted in the document.
  • Update Table - If any changes are made to the document, this updates the Table of Authorities if necessary.

Mailings tab

Word mailings create


  • Envelopes - Set up printer for printing envelopes.
  • Labels - Set up printer for printing labels.
Word mailings start mail merge

Start Mail Merge

  • Start Mail Merge - Create one document, and send it to multiple recipients, personalizing it for each person.
  • Select Recipients - Choose the list of people to receive the document.
  • Edit Recipient List - Enables changes to be made to the recipient list.
Word Mailings Write & Insert Fields

Write & Insert Fields

  • Highlight Merge Fields - Highlights specific fields in the document.
  • Address Block - Adds an address block to your document.
  • Greeting Line - Adds a greeting line to your document.
  • Insert Merge Field - Adds a field from the recipient list, such as last name or phone number.
  • Rules - Specifies rules for the merge.
  • Match Fields - Defines the different fields in the recipient list.
  • Update Labels - Uses information from the recipient list to update the label fields.
Word Mailings Preview results

Preview Results

  • Preview Results - Verify the mail merge information is entered correctly before finalizing the document.
  • First Record - Jumps to the first recipient.
  • Previous Record - Jumps to the previous recipient.
  • Next Record - Jumps to the next recipient.
  • Last Record - Jumps to the last recipient.
  • Find Recipient - Searches for a specific recipient.
  • Check for Errors - Checks the mail merge for errors before it is applied.
Word Mailings finish


  • Finish & Merge - Choose how to complete the mail merge.
Word mailings acrobat


  • Merge to Adobe PDF - Merges the document to a PDF file, allowing you to send it digitally.

Review tab

Word review proofing


  • Editor - Checks for spelling, grammar, and writing suggestions.
  • Thesaurus - Suggests another word to use for the selected word.
  • Word Count - Tells you the words, lines, and characters in the document.
Word review speech


  • Read Aloud - Uses text-to-speech software to read the text out loud.
Word Review Accessibility


  • Check Accessibility - Checks your document to make sure it is easily legible.
Word Review Language


  • Translate - Translates your text into another language.
  • Language - Chooses the language for proofing tools like spellcheck.
Word Review Comments


  • New Comment - Adds a note to the document.
  • Delete - Deletes a note from the document.
  • Previous - Skips to the previous note.
  • Next - Skips to the next note.
  • Show Comments - Makes all comments in the document visible.
Word Review Tracking


  • Track Changes - Keeps track of all changes made to the document.
  • Simple Markup - Select how you want to see changes.
  • Show Markup - Choose which types of markup you want to see.
  • Reviewing Pane - Lists all document changes.
Word review changes


  • Accept - Keeps the current change, and advances to the next.
  • Reject - Undoes current change, and advances to the next.
  • Previous - Jumps to the previous tracked change.
  • Next - Jumps to the next tracked change.
Word Review Compare


  • Compare - Compares two documents for differences.
Word review protect


  • Block Authors - Keeps others from making changes to selected text.
  • Restrict Editing - Limits the changes that others can make to the document.
Word review ink


  • Hide Ink - On touch-enabled computers, lets you hide any drawings made with Draw or Ink.
Word review resume


View tab

Word view views


  • Read Mode - Displays the pages in book format for easier reading.
  • Print Layout - Previews how the page looks if printed.
  • Web Layout - Previews how the page would look if it were a website.
  • Outline - Previews your document in an outline form.
  • Draft - Previews your document without any formatting marks, headers, or footers.
Word view immersive


  • Focus - Hides buttons and UI (User Interface) elements so you can focus on the document.
  • Immersive Reader - Helps with reading skills.
Word View page movement

Page Movement

  • Vertical - Scrolls up and down to move between pages.
  • Side to Side - Scrolls from side-to-side to move between pages.
Word view show


word view zoom


  • Zoom - Increases the viewing size of the document.
  • 100% - Displays the document at actual size.
  • One Page - Zooms the document so you can see the entire page.
  • Multiple Pages - Zooms the document so you can see multiple pages at once.
  • Page Width - Zooms the page, so the width matches the window.
Word view window


  • New Window - Opens a window of your document so you can work in multiple places.
  • Arrange All - Stacks your documents so you can see them all at once.
  • Split - Displays two sections of your document at one time.
  • View Side by Side - Displays different documents side-by-side for comparison.
  • Synchronous Scrolling - Displays two documents at the same time.
  • Reset Window Position - Displays two documents side-by-side so they are equally sized on the screen.
  • Switch Windows - Quickly switches to another open document window.
Word view macros


  • Macros - Create custom macros, or choose from predefined macros, to perform a sequence of actions all at once. To run a macro, click the button on the Quick Access Toolbar, press the keyboard shortcut, or run it from the Macros list.
Word view sharepoint


  • Properties - View and edit SharePoint documents.

Help tab

Word help help


  • Help - Gets help with Microsoft Word.
  • Contact Support - Gets help from a Microsoft support agent.
  • Feedback - Provides feedback to Microsoft.
  • Show Training - Shows online training and learning content.
  • What's New - Showcases the latest upgrades from Microsoft.

Acrobat tab


The Acrobat tab is only available if Adobe Acrobat is installed on your computer.

word acrobat create adobe pdf

Create Adobe PDF

  • Create PDF - Turns your document into a PDF format.
  • Preferences - Configures PDF creation settings.
Word Acrobat Create and Share

Create and Share

  • Create and Share - Creates a PDF and lets you share it online.
  • Mail Merge - Merges document to a PDF file and sends it by e-mail.
Word Acrobat review and comment

Review and Comment

  • Create and Send For Review - Creates a PDF and sends it for review.
  • Acrobat Comments - Imports comments from PDF file into the current document.
Excel Acrobat create and run action

Create and Run Action

  • Create PDF and Run Action - Creates a PDF and lets you select an action to run.
Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel Ribbon

The following are the different options and tools listed in the Microsoft Excel Ribbon for each of the tabs. Each section below is outlined first by the tab name, then by each section on the tab.

Home tab

Undo arrow icon


  • Undo Typing - Removes the last thing you typed.
  • Repeat Typing - If you accidentally hit undo typing, you can re-enter the previous text.
Excel home clipboard


  • Paste - Pastes information from the clipboard.
  • Cut - Removes information from the document and puts it in the clipboard.
  • Copy - Copies information from the document for the clipboard.
  • Format Painter - Applies formatting from another section of a document.
Excel Home Font


  • Font - Changes the font.
  • Font Size - Selects the desired font size.
  • Increase Font Size - Makes the font size one size larger.
  • Decrease Font Size - Makes the font size one size smaller.
  • Bold - Makes the text bold.
  • Italicize - Makes the text italicized.
  • Underline - Underlines the text.
  • Borders - Creates lines around cells.
  • Fill Color - Changes the color inside the cell.
  • Font Color - Changes the color of the font.
Excel Home Alignment


  • Top Align - Aligns text to the top of the cell.
  • Middle Align - Aligns text to the middle of the cell.
  • Bottom Align - Aligns text to the bottom of the cell.
  • Orientation - Rotates text diagonally or vertically.
  • Wrap Text - Wraps long text into multiple lines so you can see all the text in the cell.
  • Align Left - Aligns the content of the cell to the left.
  • Center - Aligns the content of the cell to the center.
  • Align Right - Aligns the content of the cell to the right.
  • Decrease Indent - Moves the text closer to the left side of the cell.
  • Increase Indent - Moves the text away from the left side of the cell.
  • Merge and Center - Combines two cells, merging them into one, keeping information from the left cell only, then centers the information.
Excel home number


  • Number Format - Choose the format of your numbers, like percent, date, time, or currency.
  • Accounting Number Format - Formats as currency.
  • Percent Style - Formats as a percentage.
  • Comma Style - Formats with a thousands separator.
  • Increase Decimal - Increases the number of decimal places shown.
  • Decrease Decimal - Decreases the number of decimal places shown.
Excel home styles


  • Conditional Formatting - Shows trends and patterns in your data, highlighting important values.
  • Format as Table - Converts a selected range of data to a table.
  • Cell Styles - Uses cell coloring and other formatting to create a cell style.
Excel home cells


  • Insert - Adds new cells, columns, or rows to your worksheet.
  • Delete - Deletes cells, columns, or rows from your worksheet.
  • Format - Offers several formatting options, including adjusting cell height and width, protecting cells, and organizing sheets.
Excel home editing


  • AutoSum - Auto-adds data from selected cells.
  • Fill - Continues a series from to neighboring cells.
  • Clear - Clears the contents of the cell, or clears the formatting of the cell.
  • Sort & Filter - Organizes your data.
  • Find & Select - Displays options for finding text in the worksheet.
Analyze Data option in Excel

Analyze Data

  • Analyze Data, formerly known as Excel Ideas - Provides personalized suggestions based on your data.

Insert tab

Excel insert tables


  • PivotTable - Arranges complex data into a PivotTable.
  • Recommended PivotTables - Lets Excel suggest a PivotTable based on your data.
  • Table - Creates a table to organize your data.
Excel insert illustrations


  • Pictures - Inserts pictures to your document.
  • Shapes - Chooses from different shapes to add to your document.
  • Icons - Inserts icons in your document.
  • 3D Models - Inserts a 3d model in your document.
  • SmartArt - Inserts a SmartArt graph or list in your document.
  • Screenshot - Inserts a screenshot in your document.
word insert add-ins


  • Get Add-ins - Add functionality to Excel.
  • My Add-ins - Inserts add-ins obtained from Get Add-ins.
Excel insert charts


  • Recommended Charts - Excel recommends a chart type to use with your data.
  • Insert Column or Bar Chart - Inserts a column or bar chart using your data.
  • Insert Hierarchy Chart - Inserts a hierarchy chart using your data.
  • Insert Waterfall, Funnel, Stock, Surface, or Radar Chart - Choose from different chart options.
  • Insert Line or Area Chart - Inserts a line or area chart using your data.
  • Insert Statistics Chart - Inserts a statistics chart using your data.
  • Insert Combo Chart - Highlights different types of data.
  • Insert a Pie or Doughnut Chart - Inserts a pie or doughnut chart using your data.
  • Insert Scatter(X, Y) or Bubble Chart - Inserts a scatter or bubble chart using your data.
  • Maps - Shows categories of different geographical data.
  • Pivot Chart - Geographically summarizes data.
Excel Insert tours


  • 3D Map - Shows geographic data on a 3D map.
Excel insert sparklines


  • Line - Inserts a mini line chart in a single cell representing a row of data.
  • Column - Inserts a mini bar chart in a single cell representing a row of data.
  • Win/Loss - Inserts a mini win/loss chart in a single cell representing a row of data.
Excel insert filters


  • Slicer - Filters data visually.
  • Timeline - Filters dates interactively.
Excel Insert links


  • Link - Creates a link to a website.
Excel insert comments


  • Comments - Adds notes in specific places in the document.
Excel insert text


  • Text Box - Draw a text box anywhere in your data.
  • Header & Footer - Provides an editable content area that is presented at the top or bottom of each printed page.
  • WordArt - Inserts WordArt to your worksheet.
  • Signature Line - Adds a signature line to your document.
  • Object - Embeds objects, documents, or other files into the worksheet.
Excel insert symbols


  • Equation - Adds mathematical equations to your worksheet.
  • Symbol - Adds special symbols not found on the keyboard.

Page Layout tab

Excel page layout themes


  • Themes - Adds custom formatting to the document.
  • Colors - Changes the entire color palette of the document to a color scheme of your choosing.
  • Fonts - Changes the font of the document.
  • Effects - Changes the overall look of objects with visual effects, such as shading.
Excel page layout page setup

Page Setup

  • Margins - Sets the margin sizes for the document.
  • Orientation - Changes from portrait to landscape modes.
  • Size - Selects the size of paper for printing.
  • Print Area - Selects the area for printing.
  • Breaks - Ends the current page at the desired location, and starts the remainder of the information on the next page.
  • Backgrounds - Chooses a background for your worksheet.
  • Print Titles - Chooses rows or columns with labels or headers to repeat on each printed page.
Excel page layout scale to fit

Scale to Fit

  • Width - Shrinks the width of the printout to fit a certain number of printed pages.
  • Height - Shrinks the height of the printout to fit a certain number of printed pages.
  • Scale - Stretches or shrinks the size of the printout to a percentage of its size.
Excel page layout sheet options

Sheet options

  • Gridlines View - Shows the lines between rows and columns.
  • Gridlines Print - Prints the gridlines. Gridlines will not print unless this box is checked.
  • Headings View - Shows the column letters (A, B, C, etc.) and row numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.)
  • Headings Print- Prints the column and row headings. These will not print unless this box is checked.
Excel Page layout arrange


  • Bring Forward - Moves the selected object forward in front of other objects.
  • Send backward - Moves the selected object behind other objects.
  • Selection pane - Displays listing of all objects on the page.
  • Align - Sets the alignment of the object on the page.
  • Group - Joins objects together, making them appear as one object.
  • Rotate - Rotates the selected image.

Formulas tab

Excel formulas function library

Function Library

  • Insert Function - Pulls up a formula selection box to insert a function into the current cell.
  • AutoSum - Automatically adds up selected cells.
  • Recently Used - Selects recently used functions to add to your cell.
  • Financial - Adds a financial function to the current cell.
  • Logical - Adds a logical function to the current cell.
  • Text - Adds a text function to the current cell.
  • Date & Time - Adds a date or time function to the current cell.
  • Lookup & Reference - Adds a financial function to the current cell.
  • Math & Trig - Adds a mathematical function to the current cell.
  • More Functions - Browse and select from predefined functions.
Excel formulas defined names

Defined Names

  • Name Manager - Creates, edits, deletes, or finds names used in the workbook.
  • Define Name - Defines and applies names.
  • Use in Formula - Chooses a name from the workbook, and inserts it into a formula.
  • Create from Selection - Automatically generates names from the selected cells.
Excel formulas formula auditing

Formula Auditing

  • Trace Precedents - Shows which cells affect the current cell value.
  • Trace Dependents - Displays arrows indicating the cells that affect the value of the current cell.
  • Remove Arrows - Removes the arrows from Trace Precedents or Trace Dependents.
  • Show Formulas - Displays the formula instead of the resulting value of the formula.
  • Error Checking - Checks for common errors in formulas.
  • Evaluate Formula - Steps through complex formulas to verify it is calculating correctly.
  • Watch Window - Displays the values of selected cells as you update other parts of the worksheet.
Excel Formulas calculation


  • Calculation Options - Toggle between automatic and manual formula calculation.
  • Calculate Now - Calculates the entire workbook.
  • Calculate Sheet - Calculates the current worksheet.

Data tab

Excel data Get & transform data

Get & Transform Data

  • Get Data - Discovers, connects, and combines data from other sources, and refine it to meet your needs.
  • From Text/CSV - Imports data from an existing text or CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file.
  • From Web - Imports data from a web page.
  • From Table/Range - Creates a new query linked to the selected Excel table or named range.
  • Recent Sources - Manages and connects to recent sources.
  • Existing Connections - Imports data from common sources.
Excel data Queries & connections

Queries & Connections

  • Refresh All - Gets the latest data by refreshing all sources in the workbook.
  • Queries & Connections - Displays and manages the queries and connections in this workbook.
  • Properties - Specifies how cells connected to a data source are updated and shown.
  • Edit Links - Displays all files linked to the spreadsheet, so you can update or remove the links.
Excel Data Sort & Filter

Sort & Filter

  • Sort A to Z - Sorts from lowest to highest.
  • Sort Z to A - Sorts from highest to lowest.
  • Sort - Specifies which cells to sort, and choose different sorting options.
  • Filter - Creates a filter of one or more columns to sort items quickly.
  • Clear - Clears the filter for the current range of data.
  • Reapply - Reapplies the filter for the current range of data.
  • Advanced - Displays options for advanced filtering.
Excel data data tools

Data Tools

  • Text to Columns - Splits a single column of text into multiple columns.
  • Flash Fill - Automatically fills cells with values based on what is entered.
  • Remove Duplicates - Removes duplicate cells from selected columns.
  • Data Validation - Select from a list of rules that limit the types of data that can be entered in a cell.
  • Consolidate - Summarizes data from separate ranges, consolidating the results in a single output range.
  • Relationships - Creates or edits relationships between tables to show related data from different tables on the same report.
  • Manage Data Model - Adds and prepares data, or lets you continue working on data already in the workbook.
Excel Data forecast


  • What-if Analysis - Try out different values for the formulas in your sheet.
  • Forecast Sheet - Creates a new worksheet to predict data trends.
Excel data Outline


  • Group - Groups rows or columns, or automatically creates an outline.
  • Ungroup - Ungroups a range of cells previously grouped.
  • Subtotal - Quickly calculates rows of related data by inserting totals and subtotals.
  • Show Detail - Expands a collapsed group of cells.
  • Hide Detail - Collapses a group of cells.

Review tab

Excel review proofing


  • Spelling - Spellchecker.
  • Thesaurus - Checks for alternate words.
  • Workbook Statistics - Counts cells, formulas, sheets, and tables.
Excel review accessibility


  • Check Accessibility - Checks your document to make sure it is easily legible.
Excel review insights


  • Smart Lookup - Selects text in the document to search for a definition or more information online.
Excel language button


  • Translate - Translates your text into another language.
Excel Review comments


  • New Comment - Adds a note to the document.
  • Delete - Deletes a note from the document.
  • Previous - Skips to the previous note.
  • Next - Skips to the next note.
  • Show Comments - Displays all comments in the document.
Excel review notes


  • Notes - Adds a note about this part of the document.
Excel review protect


  • Protect Sheet - Limits others from editing the worksheet.
  • Protect Workbook - Keeps others from deleting, moving, or adding sheets to the current workbook.
  • Allow Edit Ranges - Sets up password protection on a selection of cells, and select who can make changes to those cells.
  • Unshare Workbook - Unshares a workbook.

Excel review ink


  • Hide Ink - On touch-enabled computers, lets you hide any drawings made with Draw or Ink.

View tab

excel view sheet view

Sheet View

  • Default - Switches sheet view.
  • Keep - Keeps sheet view.
  • Exit - Exits sheet view.
  • New - New sheet view.
  • Options - Sheet view options.
Excel view workbook views

Workbook Views

  • Normal - Displays your document in a standard view.
  • Page Break Preview - Reveals where the page breaks would be if the document were printed.
  • Page Layout - Displays how the printed document looks.
  • Custom Views - Saves your current display and print settings as a custom view that you can apply in the future.
Excel view show


  • Ruler - Shows rulers next to your document.
  • Gridlines - Shows gridlines over the document.
  • Formula Bar - Displays and hides the formula bar.
  • Headings - Displays and hides column letters and row numbers.
Excel view zoom


  • Zoom - Increases the viewing size of the document.
  • 100% - Displays the document at actual size.
  • Zoom to Selection - Zooms the sheet so the entire selected area fills the window.

Excel view window


  • New Window - Opens a window of your document so you can work in multiple places.
  • Arrange All - Stacks your documents so you can see them all at once.
  • Freeze Panes - Freezes selected rows or columns to keep them visible when scrolling.
  • Split - Displays two sections of your document at one time.
  • Hide - Hides the current window.
  • Unhide - Unhides any windows currently hidden.
  • View Side by Side - Displays different documents side-by-side for comparison.
  • Synchronous Scrolling - Scrolls two documents at the same time.
  • Reset Window Position - Displays two documents side-by-side, so they are equally sized on the screen.
  • Switch Windows - Quickly switches to another open document window.
Excel view macros


  • Macros - Create custom macros, or choose from predefined macros, to perform a sequence of actions all at once. To run a macro, click the button on the Quick Access Toolbar, press the keyboard shortcut, or run it from the Macros list.

Help tab

Excel help


  • Help - Open help for Microsoft Excel.
  • Contact Support - Get help from a Microsoft support agent.
  • Feedback - Provide feedback to Microsoft.
  • Show Training - Shows online training and learning content.
  • What's New - Showcases the latest upgrades from Microsoft.
Excel help community


  • Community - Connects you with experts and other users of the software.
  • Excel Blog - Displays the Excel blog, where you can find news and content related to Excel.
  • Suggest a Feature - Provide suggestions for features you'd like to see in future versions of Excel.

Acrobat tab


The Acrobat tab is only available if Adobe Acrobat is installed on your computer.

Excel Acrobat create adobe pdf

Create Adobe PDF

  • Create PDF - Turns your document into a PDF format.
  • Preferences - Configures PDF creation settings.
Excel Acrobat create and share

Create and Share

  • Create and Share - Creates a PDF and lets you share it with others.
Excel Acrobat review and comment

Review and Comment

  • Create and Send For Review - Creates a PDF and sends it for review.
Excel Acrobat create and run action

Create and Run Action

  • Create PDF and Run Action - Creates a PDF and selects an action to run.
Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint Ribbon

The following are the different options and tools listed in the Microsoft PowerPoint Ribbon for each of the tabs. Each section below is outlined first by the tab name, then by each section on the tab.

Home tab

Undo arrow icon


  • Undo Typing - Removes the last thing you typed.
  • Repeat Typing - If you accidentally hit undo typing, you can re-enter the previous text.
powerpoint home clipboard


  • Paste - Pastes information to the slide from the clipboard.
  • Cut - Removes information from the slide and puts it in the clipboard.
  • Copy - Copies information from the slide.
  • Format Painter - Applies formatting from another section of the presentation.
powerpoint home slides


  • New Slide - Adds a slide to the presentation.
  • Layout - Changes the slide layout.
  • Reset - Resets the position, size, and formatting of the slide placeholders to the default settings.
  • Section - Organizes your slides into sections.
powerpoint home font


  • Font - Changes the font.
  • Font Size - Select the desired font size.
  • Increase Font Size - Makes the font size one size larger.
  • Decrease Font Size - Makes the font size one size smaller.
  • Clear all formatting - Clears all formatting, leaving plain text.
  • Bold - Makes the text bold.
  • Italicize - Makes the text italicized.
  • Underline - Underlines the text.
  • Text Shadow - Adds a shadow behind the selected text.
  • Strikethrough - Crosses out the text.
  • Character Spacing - Adjusts the spacing between characters.
  • Change Case - Changes the text to uppercase or lowercase.
  • Text Highlight Color - Highlights text. e.g., ComputerHope.com
  • Font Color - Changes the color of the font.
powerpoint home paragraph


  • Bullets - Creates a bulleted list.
  • Numbering - Creates a numbered list.
  • Decrease List Level - Decreases the indent level.
  • Increase List Level - Increases the indent level.
  • Line spacing - Changes how much spacing appears between rows of text.
  • Align Left - Aligns text with the left margin.
  • Center - Centers text in the document.
  • Align Right- Aligns text with the right margin.
  • Justify - Distributes the text evenly between margins.
  • Add or Remove Columns - Splits text into two or more columns, up to 16.
  • Text Direction - Changes the text orientation to vertical, stacked, or rotated.
  • Align Text - Changes how your text is aligned in the text box.
  • Convert to SmartArt - Changes your text into a chart or graphic.
PowerPoint home drawing


  • Insert Shapes - Inserts pre-existing shapes.
  • Arrange - Arranges objects by changing their positions and shapes.
  • Quick Styles - Adds styling to the selected shape or line.
  • Shape Fill - Fills in the shape with coloring.
  • Shape Outline - Changes the line thickness and color of the outline of the selected shape.
  • Shape Effects - Applies a visual effect to the shape, such as shadowing or 3D rotation.
powerpoint home editing


  • Find - Finds words in the presentation.
  • Replace - Searches for text in the presentation and replaces it.
  • Select - Selects all or some text in the presentation.
powerpoint home adobe acrobat

Adobe Acrobat


The Adobe Acrobat section is only displayed if Adobe Acrobat is installed on your computer.

  • Create and Share Adobe PDF - Saves the presentation as a PDF and lets you share it with others.
powerpoint home voice


  • Dictate - Enables voice-to-text, using Microsoft Speech Services.

Insert tab

powerpoint insert slides


  • New Slide - Adds a slide to your presentation.
powerpoint insert tables


  • Table - Adds a table to your presentation.
PowerPoint insert images


  • Pictures - Inserts pictures in the slide.
  • Screenshot - Inserts a screenshot in the slide.
  • Photo Album - Creates a presentation for your photo collection.
powerpoint insert illustrations


  • Shapes - Inserts shapes in the slide.
  • Icons - Inserts icons in the slide.
  • 3D Models - Inserts a 3D model in the slide.
  • SmartArt - Inserts a SmartArt graph or list in the slide.
  • Chart - Creates a chart using your information.
powerpoint insert add-ins


  • Get Add-ins - Add functionality to PowerPoint.
  • My Add-ins - Inserts add-ins obtained from Get Add-ins.
powerpoint insert links


  • Zoom - Creatively presents your content in a non-linear way.
  • Link - Creates a link to a web page.
  • Action - Gives the object an action to perform when the mouse hovers over it.
powerpoint insert comments


  • Comment - Adds notes in specific places in the presentation.
powerpoint insert text


  • Text Box - Adds a custom box for text, bringing attention to it.
  • Header & Footer - Provides an editable content area that is presented at the top or bottom of each printed page.
  • WordArt - Adds artistic touches to the text in this box.
  • Date & Time - Adds the date and time to the document with different options.
  • Slide Number - Numbers the slides in your presentation.
  • Object - Adds another document or chart to the existing slide.
powerpoint insert symbols


  • Equation - Adds mathematical equations to the slide.
  • Symbol - Adds symbols to the slide, such as currency and trademark.
powerpoint insert media


  • Video - Adds a video to your slide.
  • Audio - Inserts audio to your slide.
  • Screen Recording - Records your computer screen as a video and adds it to the slide.
PowerPoint insert media Ribbon option


  • Insert Media - Inserts media.

Design tab


PowerPoint Design Themes

  • Themes - Choose from pre-made themes for the slide.


Powerpoint Design variants

  • Variants - Choose a variant of the selected theme for the slide.
Powerpoint Design customize


  • Slide Size - Changes the size of the slides in the current presentation.
  • Format Background - Fine-tunes the formatting for the background, or hides design elements from the current design.
Powerpoint Design designer


  • Design Ideas - Suggests designs to use in the slide.

Transitions tab

Powerpoint Transitions Preview


  • Preview - Plays the transition to this slide.

PowerPoint transitions

Transition to This Slide

  • Transitions - Select from several transitions to use in the presentation.
Powerpoint Transitions Timing


  • Sound - Choose a sound to use during the transition from the previous slide to the current slide.
  • Duration - Specifies the length of the transition.
  • Apply To All - Applies the current slide's transition and settings to the entire presentation.
  • Advance Slide - Choose how to advance each slide of the presentation.
  • On Mouse Click - Choose to advance each slide with a mouse click.
  • After - Moves to the next slide after a specified time frame.

Animations tab

Powerpoint Animations Preview


  • Preview - Plays the animations on the current slide.

PowerPoint animations tab


  • Animations - Choose from several animations to use in the slide.
Powerpoint Animations Advanced Animation

Advanced Animation

  • Add Animation - Specify an animation effect for the slide.
  • Animation Pane - View or edit the animation timeline for the slide.
  • Trigger - Sets a particular start condition for an animation.
  • Animation Painter - Applies the animation of one object to another.
Powerpoint Animations Timing


  • Start - Choose when the animation should play.
  • Duration - Specify the length of the selected animation.
  • Delay - Plays the animation after a certain number of seconds.
  • Reorder Animation - Choose from the following where the animation should appear.
  • Move Earlier - Moves the current animation to play earlier.
  • Move Later - Moves the current animation to play later.

Slide Show tab

Powerpoint Slide Show

Start Slide Show

  • From Beginning - Displays the slides beginning with the first.
  • From Current Slide - Plays the presentation from the current slide.
  • Present Online - Selects a service to show the presentation online.
  • Custom Slide Show - Tailors your presentation to show only the slides you choose.

Set up

PowerPoint Slide Show Set Up

  • Set Up Slide Show - Shows advanced options for setting up the slide show.
  • Hide Slide - Hides the current slide from showing in the presentation.
  • Rehearse Timings - Plays the current slide show to practice the delivery timing.
  • Record Slide Show - Decide where to start recording the slide show.
  • Keep Slides Updated -Decide whether to synchronize changes that occur when you're presenting.
  • Play Narrations - Choose whether to playback audio narrations and laser pointer gestures during the slide show.
  • Use Timings - Decide whether to play animation timings during the slide show.
  • Show Media Controls - Choose whether to show the controls for playing audio and video clips when you hover over the clips during the slide show.
Powerpoint Slide Show monitors


  • Monitor - Choose which monitor shows the presentation.
  • Use Presenter View - Shows the full-screen slide show on one monitor and the "speaker view" on another monitor. If you only have one monitor, you can use Alt+F5 to try out Presenter View.
Powerpoint Slide Show Captions & Subtitles

Captions & Subtitles

  • Always Use Subtitles - Decide whether to allow subtitles.
  • Subtitle Settings - Choose settings for the captions and subtitles, like language, microphone, position, and style.

Review tab

Powerpoint Review Proofing


Powerpoint Review accessibility


  • Check Accessibility - Checks the presentation to make sure it is easily legible.
Powerpoint Review insights


  • Smart Lookup - Selects text in the slide to search for a definition or more information online.
Powerpoint Review language


  • Translate - Translates text into another language.
  • Language - Choose the language for proofing tools, like spellcheck.
Powerpoint Review Comments


  • New Comment - Adds a note to the slide.
  • Delete - Deletes a note from the slide.
  • Previous - Skips to the previous note.
  • Next - Skips to the next note.
  • Show Comments - Displays all comments in the slide.
Powerpoint Review Compare


  • Compare - Compares and combines another presentation with yours.
  • Accept - Accepts the changes.
  • Reject - Rejects the current change.
  • Previous - Jumps to the previous tracked change.
  • Next - Jumps to the next tracked change.
  • Reviewing Pane - Shows the reviewing pane when reviewing changes.
  • End Review - Ends the presentation review, applying the current accept and reject decisions.
Powerpoint Review ink


  • Hide Ink - On touch-enabled computers, lets you hide any drawings made with Draw or Ink.

View tab

Powerpoint View Presentation Views

Presentation Views

  • Normal - Edits your presentation slide-by-slide in the default view.
  • Outline View - Edits and jumps between slides in the outline pane.
  • Slide Sorter - Displays thumbnails of the slides in the presentation to rearrange them quickly.
  • Notes Page - Shows how the presentation looks when printed with notes.
  • Reading View - Plays the slide show in the PowerPoint window to see animations and transitions without switching to a full-screen view.
Powerpoint View Master Views

Master Views

  • Slide Master - Controls the look of the entire presentation.
  • Handout Master - Customizes how the presentation looks as a handout.
  • Notes Master - Customizes how the presentation looks printed with notes.
Powerpoint View show


  • Ruler - Shows a ruler on the top and left side of the slide.
  • Gridlines - Shows gridlines over the slide.
  • Guides - Shows adjustable drawing guides to align objects on the slide.
  • Notes - Adds speaker notes to the slides for a quick reference during a presentation.
Powerpoint View zoom


  • Zoom - Zooms the presentation interactively.
  • Fit to Window - Zooms the presentation so the slide fills the entire window.
Powerpoint View Color/Grayscale


  • Color - Displays the presentation in color.
  • Grayscale - Displays the presentation in shades of gray.
  • Black and White - Displays the presentation in black and white.
Powerpoint View Window


  • New Window - Opens a second window of the current presentation so you can work in different places simultaneously.
  • Arrange All - Stacks the open windows you can see them all at once.
  • Cascade - Shows all open windows overlapped on the screen.
  • Move Split - Adjust the border line between different panes of the window.
  • Switch Windows - Quickly switches to another open window.
Powerpoint View Macros


  • Macros - Create custom macros, or choose from predefined macros, to perform a sequence of actions all at once. To run a macro, click the button on the Quick Access Toolbar, press the keyboard shortcut, or run it from the Macros list.

Help tab

Powerpoint Help Help


  • Help - Get help with Microsoft PowerPoint.
  • Contact Support - Request help from a Microsoft support agent.
  • Feedback - Provide feedback to Microsoft.
  • Show Training - Shows online training and learning content.
  • What's New - Showcases the latest upgrades from Microsoft.

Acrobat tab


The Acrobat tab is only available if Adobe Acrobat is installed on your computer.

Powerpoint Acrobat Create Adobe PDF

Create Adobe PDF

  • Create PDF - Turns the presentation into a PDF format.
  • Preferences - Configures PDF creation settings.
Powerpoint Acrobat Create and Share

Create and Share

  • Create and Share - Creates a PDF and lets you share it online.
Powerpoint Acrobat Review and Comment

Review And Comment

  • Create and Send For Review - Creates a PDF and sends it for review.
Powerpoint Acrobat Create and Run Action

Create and Run Action

  • Create PDF and Run Action - Creates a PDF and lets you select an action to run.
Powerpoint Acrobat Media


  • Insert Media - Inserts media.