How to create or delete a Discord chat server

Updated: 07/13/2023 by Computer Hope
Discord logo

Discord is an excellent chat service with many uses. It is especially popular amongst the gaming community. This page shows you how you can create a Discord chat server for free and how to delete it after it's created.

How to create a Discord server

  1. Navigate to the Discord website.
  2. Click the Open Discord in your browser button.
  3. On the far-left side of the screen near the bottom, click the Add a Server icon.

Plus sign on Discord.

  1. Choose whether you want to create your own server or start from a template.

Server creation prompt.

  1. You are then presented with options to help with the setup process. If you're unsure, click the skip this question link.

Discord server creation options.

  1. If desired, you can upload an image for your server by clicking Upload in the middle of the screen (A).
  2. Enter a name for your server (B) and click the Create button (C).

Customize Discord server

How to delete a Discord server


To delete a server, you must be the owner; having administrator rights is not sufficient.

  1. Navigate to the Discord website.
  2. Click the Open Discord in your browser button.
  3. Find the server you want to delete on the left side of the screen, and then click the down arrow next to its name.

Discord server options

  1. Choose Server Settings from the drop-down menu.

Discord Server Settings.

  1. On the next screen, on the bottom-left side, click Delete Server.

Delete Server from Discord.

  1. Type the server's name to confirm deletion, and then click the Delete Server button.

Confirming deletion of a Discord server.