Top 10 most frequently asked computer questions

Listing the top 10 most frequently asked computer questions is difficult because everyone has different computer setups, experiences, and needs. Therefore, we've created this list based on our experience supporting primarily new computer users for over 20 years. In addition, we've listed links to related pages where you can find more information about each question.
For help setting up a computer, see: How to set up a new computer.
See our computer questions and answers page if you're interested in viewing the top 10 questions based on the number of visitors viewing the pages.
1. How do I fix a slow computer?
Nobody likes a slow computer, and because there are so many ways a computer can be slow, this is a commonly-asked computer question. Below are related pages that help answer why a computer isn't performing optimally.
2. How do I connect to the Internet?
After purchasing and setting up a new computer, connecting to the Internet is often one of the first steps. Unfortunately, setting up a network, router, and Wi-Fi can be difficult for new users. Below are pages that help with establishing an Internet connection.
3. How do I install a program?

After setting up a computer and sometimes even before connecting to the Internet, you may want to install a program. For example, you may want to install a word processor to help you create documents, or a graphics program like Photoshop to create and edit pictures. Below are links to help with installing software on your computer.
How to uninstall software
If you've installed software you no longer want or use, it should be uninstalled to ensure you don't run out of disk space. Below are links to help with uninstalling software.
4. How to stay safe on a computer

Security-related issues are important to all types of computer users. The following links are to pages to help answer many of the questions we've received about computer security over the years.
5. How to create a new file or folder?

While working on a computer, you may find the need or desire to start creating files (e.g., pictures, documents, etc.) and folders. The following links are to pages to help get you started with creating files and folders on a computer.
6. How to back up my data?

After creating and adding files to your computer, it's essential to back up that data. If something happened to your computer, and the data was not backed up, it'd be lost permanently. Below are pages that assist you with backing up important data.
7. How to update and upgrade a computer

As you use your computer, the operating system, software, and drivers that are installed often require updates. Updates help fix problems that may exist and can also help improve security if vulnerabilities are found. In addition to updating the software, you may want to upgrade the hardware in the computer to improve performance. The links below help with these questions.
8. How to connect computer peripherals
Computer peripherals, like a printer, webcam, etc., can give a computer additional functionality. Below are useful pages for help with installing peripheral devices.
9. How to recover lost or deleted files
Sometimes you or someone else who uses your computer may accidentally delete files. Thankfully, it may be possible to recover erased data or undo mistakes. See the following pages for further help.
10. How to troubleshoot computer problems
Regardless of your computer type, it eventually encounters problems; unfortunately, there's no such thing as a problem-free computer. See our troubleshooting page for help with basics when fixing computer issues.
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