What is the Windows phqghume.exe file and process?

Updated: 01/18/2023 by Computer Hope

What is phqghume.exe?

Windows phqghume.exe file

In Microsoft Windows, phqghume.exe is a process often in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. It is listed as malware and is not an essential Windows file. Usually about 6.2 KB in size, the program has no visible window when running. If run, it allows attackers to remotely access the computer to take sensitive data including passwords and banking information.

Is this file a spyware, trojan, or virus?

The file phqghume.exe is listed as a trojan — an executable file that carries a malicious payload. If present, it should be removed promptly using an antivirus program, Windows Defender, or an online virus scanning tool.

How to see if the phqghume.exe process is currently running

If you suspect the phqghume.exe process is running on your computer, you can check by opening the Windows Task Manager.

  1. Press the Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys on your computer's keyboard.
  2. In the upper-left corner, click the Processes tab.

Processes tab in Windows Task Manager.

  1. On the left, look for the phqghume.exe process.
  2. If you locate phqghume.exe, click it once to select it, then click the End task button in the lower-right corner to stop it from running.

After stopping the process, run an anti-malware scanner, such as Malwarebytes or TrendMicro HouseCall, to fully remove it.