Commercial software

Commercial software is any software that must be purchased to be used on the computer. For example, users must purchase the Microsoft Windows operating system to install and use it on their computer.
For businesses that require commercial software to be installed on more than one computer, a software license must be purchased to install that software on multiple computers legally.
Commercial software may also be called retail software or shrink-wrapped software.
What is feeware and payware?
In contrast to freeware, payware and feeware is any software that requires a one-time or monthly fee to use. Commercial software is a good example of feeware and payware.
What if I don't pay for commercial software?
Installing and using commercial software without paying for it or a license may be possible. However, this is considered software piracy and is illegal.
Closed-source, EULA, Proprietary software, Retail, Software, Software terms, Ware