David Huffman
Updated: 12/30/2019 by Computer Hope

Name: David Albert Huffman
Born: August 9, 1925, in Ohio
Death: October 7, 1999 (Age: 74)
Computer-related contributions
- Programmer and pioneer in computer science, known for his work on developing Huffman coding in 1952.
Honors and awards
- The IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal (1999).
- A Golden Jubilee Award for Technological Innovation from the IEEE Information Theory Society, for "the invention of the Huffman minimum-length lossless data-compression code" (1998).
- Charter recipient of the Computer Pioneer Award from the IEEE Computer Society (1981).
- The W. Wallace McDowell Award from the IEEE Computer Society (1973).
- The Louis E. Levy Medal from the Franklin Institute for his doctoral thesis on sequential switching circuits (1955).