Doom, Doom 2, Ultimate Doom, and Final Doom games
Doom overview

Type: Action
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: 12/10/1993
Developer: id Software
Publisher: id Software, GT Interactive
Released December 1993, Doom was one of the most stunning revolutions in PC gaming. Doom, like Wolfenstein 3D, is a 3D shooting game. Unlike Wolfenstein, Doom had support for both Single player and Multiplayer, allowing millions of players to challenge each other over phone lines.
Doom is and will be remembered as the first fully recognized 3D game in the computer industry and has been awarded several awards, such as the Game of the Year in 1994 by PC Magazine.
Doom was featured as a top term of 1993.
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows - Apple - Linux
Windows System Requirements | |
Operating System: | MS-DOS 5.0 |
Processor: | Intel 386DX 33 MHz |
Memory: | 4MB RAM |
Graphics Card: | VGA graphics capable |
Sound Card: | Sound Blaster compatible sound card |
Hard Drive Space: | |
Drives: | 3.5" or 5.25" floppy drive |
Controls: | Keyboard |
Multiplayer: | 1-4 players for modem and LAN games IPX compatible network card needed for LAN play |
Doom 2 overview

Type: Action
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: 09/30/1994
Developer: id Software
Publisher: GT Interactive
Doom II brought back the same excitement and joy of its predecessor with an even smoother game engine, new levels, new enemies and a new double barrel shotgun.
Like Doom, Doom II offers Multiplayer support, but with a whole new set of maps and support for new weapons.
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows - Apple - Linux
Windows System Requirements | |
Operating System: | MS-DOS 5.0 |
Processor: | Intel 386DX 33 MHz |
Memory: | 4MB RAM |
Graphics Card: | VGA graphics capable |
Sound Card: | Sound Blaster compatible sound card |
Hard Drive Space: | 20 MB |
Drives: | 3.5" or 5.25" floppy drive 1x CD-ROM |
Controls: | Keyboard & Mouse Joystick optional |
Multiplayer: | 1-4 players for modem and LAN games IPX compatible network card needed for LAN play |
Doom parameters
When you want to run a Network game, you use IPXSETUP.EXE, which is the device driver for DOOM2's network mode. The parameters are as follows:
- -NODES starts DOOM2 as a network game and sets the number of players who are going to play. If you don't specify the number of nodes, the default is 2. -nodes <# of players>.
- -PORT sets the port to play DOOM2 Multiplayer on the network. By setting a different port, more than one group of players can play DOOM2 on a single network. -port <# of the port>.
When you want to play a modem or null-modem game, you need to run SERSETUP.EXE, which is the device driver for DOOM2's serial communications mode. The parameters are as follows:
- -DIAL tells the program what number to dial, if you're going to do the calling. -dial <phone number>.
- -ANSWER puts your modem into Answer mode so someone can call you and play DOOM2. -answer.
- -COM1, -COM2, -COM3, -COM4 specifies what COM port your modem or serial cable is using.
- -8250 tells SERSETUP to set the UART to 8250. Just in case your 16550 UART is acting up at the higher speed. -8250.
- -IRQ sets the IRQ for the COM port. -irq <irq number>.
- -PORT sets the COM I/O port that SERSETUP uses to communicate with your modem. To use hexadecimal, such as the number 0x3f8, you would type "-port 0x3f8" -port <port number>.
- -<#> sets the baud rate of your COM port, overriding the value in the MODEM.CFG if you're running a modem game. Legal values are 9600, 14400, 38400, 57600. Example: -14400.
These parameters can be passed straight to DOOM II, or passed to IPXSETUP or SERSETUP, which then passes them to DOOM II.
- -LOADGAME allows you to start DOOM II from a specified save game. Instead of using the saved game name, enter the number that corresponds to the slot you saved the game to on the SAVE GAME screen (0-5).
- -loadgame <# of the game>.
- -DEATHMATCH starts DOOM II as a DeathMatch game. If you don't enter DEATHMATCH as a command line parameter, DOOM II will default to the Cooperative mode. -DeathMatch.
- -ALTDEATH specifies respawning items during DEATHMATCH. NOTE: Invulnerability and Invisibility do not respawn. -deathmatch -altdeath.
- -SKILL sets the skill level (1-5) you want to play. Only useful with -warp -- see below. -skill # of skill level.
- -CONFIG allows you to use your configuration file from any directory you choose. This option is primarily for diskless workstations that don't have a C: drive to save config information to. You need to rename the default.cfg file created by the SETUP program to a directory and name of your choosing to avoid conflicts. -config <pathname> ex. -config f:\DOOM2\data\myconfig.cfg.
- -NOMONSTERS allows you to start playing with NO MONSTERS running around! Good for DeathMatch where, really, the monsters just get in the way. Only useful with -warp -- see below. -nomonsters.
- -NOJOY Disables your joystick. -nojoy.
- -NOMOUSE Disables your mouse. -nomouse.
- -NOSOUND Turns off the sound while DOOM II is playing. -nosound.
- -NOMUSIC Turns off the music while DOOM II is playing. -nomusic.
- -NOSFX Turns off special effects sounds (like monsters growling, guns firing, etc.) while DOOM II is playing. -nosfx.
- -PLAYDEMO runs a demo you've previously recorded, using -RECORD. -playdemo filename.
- -RECORD tells DOOM II to record as a demo the game you are starting. Demo files will be saved as <filename>.lmp. -record <filename>.
- -MAXDEMO xxx To record a demo bigger than 128 k, use this option. xxx will be the size (in kilobytes) of the demo. example -MAXDEMO 1024 will record a 1 megabyte demo. -record <filename> -maxdemo xxx.
- -RESPAWN tells DOOM II that, yes, you are Bad, and yes, you want all the monsters to respawn around 8 seconds after you kill them. The NIGHTMARE skill level already does this. Note that using -respawn and -nomonsters at the same time is a dumb thing to do. Only useful with -warp -- see below. -respawn.
- -TURBO xxx gives you a speed boost. Great in DeathMatch! The value xxx can be from 0 to 250. The other player(s) will be notified of your speed increase! THIS IS CONSIDERED CHEATING IN SINGLE PLAYER MODE! -turbo xxx.
- -@filename> allows you to specify a Response file that DOOM II will read additional command-line parameters. For example, typing 'DOOM2 @MYPARMS' will tell DOOM II to look in the MYPARMS file for additional command-line parameters. The file format is one parameter per line with a carriage return to terminate the line. Each parameter is typed exactly as you would type it on the DOS command-line.
- -FAST makes the monsters move and shoot up to 3 times faster, just as if you were playing in Nightmare mode, but without the respawning. Only useful with -warp -- see below. -fast.
- -TIMER # of minutes makes DOOM II exit the current level after the specified amount of minutes, when it goes to the intermission. This option is only useful in DeathMatch mode. -timer xxx.
- -WARP # of level starts DOOM II out right at the level you specify. For instance, to start at the first level, you'd type -warp 1. The following command-line parameters are ONLY available while using the -WARP parameter: -fast, -nomonsters, -skill, -respawn. -warp xx.
An example line for entering the above information would be:
DOOM2 -loadgame 3 -deathmatch -skill 4 -timer 10
Ultimate Doom overview

Type: Action
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: 04/30/1995
Developer: id Software
Publisher: id Software, GT Interactive
Ultimate Doom continues the Doom legend by offering the original three episodes and as an added bonus, Thy Flesh Consumed episode, which is a total of 36 levels.
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows - Apple - Linux
Windows System Requirements | |
Operating System: | MS-DOS 5.0, Windows 95 |
Processor: | Intel 386SX 33 MHz |
Memory: | 4MB RAM |
Graphics Card: | VGA graphics, 256-colors capable |
Sound Card: | Sound Blaster compatible sound card |
Hard Drive Space: | 20 MB |
Drives: | 3.5" floppy drive 1x CD-ROM |
Controls: | Keyboard & Mouse |
Multiplayer: | 1-4 players for modem and LAN games IPX compatible network card needed for LAN play |
Final Doom overview

Type: Action
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: 04/31/1996
Developer: id Software
Publisher: GT Interactive
Final Doom was released for Windows 95 users with support for higher graphic support and even more difficult monsters.
Unfortunately, unless you are an avid Doom player or have never played Doom in the past, Final Doom will seem like all of the predecessors as no new weapons have been added.
System Requirements: Microsoft Windows - Apple - Linux
Windows System Requirements | |
Operating System: | Windows 95 |
Processor: | Intel 486 66 MHz |
Memory: | 8MB RAM |
Graphics Card: | VGA graphics card with 512KB memory, 256-colors capable |
Sound Card: | true 16-bit sound card Sound Blaster compatible sound card recommended |
Hard Drive Space: | 40 MB (plus 100 MB for Windows swap file) |
CD/DVD Drive: | 1x CD-ROM |
Controls: | Keyboard & Mouse \ Joystick optional |
Multiplayer: | 1-4 players for modem and LAN games IPX compatible network card needed for LAN play |
The below passwords can be used in all versions of Doom.
- IDDQD - God Mode
- IDDT x1 - All Map
- IDDT x2 - All Map & Monsters
- IDKFA - All Ammo, Keys, And Weapons
- IDCLEV## - ##=Level Number
- IDCHOPPERS - Chainsaw
- --I-- - Invisibility
- --V-- - Invulnerability
- --S-- - Berserker Pack
- --R-- - Radiation Suit
- --A-- - Area Map
- --L-- - Light Amp
- IDCLIP - No Clipping Mode - Walk Through Walls.
Technical support
- Full listing of computer game terms.
- All general computer game related Q&A's.
- Microsoft DirectX help and support.
- Sound card help and support.
- Video card help and support.
- GT Interactive company and contact information.
- id Software company and contact information.
- Help and support for Doom games.
- Basic computer game troubleshooting.
- Where can I find cheat codes for my game?
- How to get a new unique identification number if lost.
- Why is there no sound in new game, but it works elsewhere?
- How to find information about computer products.
- How to get old MS-DOS games to run in Windows.
- Why is my online game so slow?
- How to play a game over the Internet.
- If your question is not listed here try our computer help forum.