Doskey command

Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
doskey command

Doskey is an MS-DOS utility that allows the user to keep a history of all commands used on a computer. Doskey allows frequently used commands to be executed without having to type them each time they are needed.


Doskey is an external command and is available for the following Microsoft operating systems as doskey.exe.

Doskey syntax

Windows Vista and later syntax

DOSKEY [/REINSTALL] [/LISTSIZE=size] [/MACROS[:ALL | :exename]] [/HISTORY] [/INSERT | /OVERSTRIKE] [/EXENAME=exename] [/MACROFILE=filename] [macroname=[text]]
/REINSTALL Installs a new copy of Doskey.
/LISTSIZE=size Sets the size of command history buffer.
/MACROS Displays all Doskey macros.
/MACROS:ALL Displays all Doskey macros for all executables which have Doskey macros.
/MACROS:exename Displays all Doskey macros for the given executable.
/HISTORY Displays all commands stored in memory.
/INSERT Specifies that new text you type is inserted in the old text.
/OVERSTRIKE Specifies that new text overwrites old text.
/EXENAME=exename Specifies the executable.
/MACROFILE=filename Specifies a file of macros to install.
macroname Specifies a name for a macro you create.
text Specifies commands you want to record.

Option keys

UP, DOWN The up and down arrows recall commands.
Esc Clears current command.
F7 Displays command history.
Alt+F7 Clears command history.
[chars]F8 Searches for command beginning with [chars].
F9 Selects a command by number.
Alt+F10 Clears macro definitions.

The following are some special codes in Doskey macro definitions:

$T Command separator. Allows multiple commands in a macro.
$1-$9 Batch parameters. Equivalent to %1-%9 in batch programs.
$* Symbol replaced by everything following macro name on the command line.

Windows XP and earlier syntax

DOSKEY [/switch ...] [macroname=[text]]
/BUFSIZE:size Sets the size of macro and command buffer. (default:512)
/ECHO:on|off Enables/disables echo of macro expansions. (default:on)
/FILE:file Specifies file containing a list of macros.
/HISTORY Displays all commands stored in memory.
/INSERT Inserts new characters into line when typing.
/KEYSIZE:size Sets the size of keyboard type-ahead buffer. (default:15)
/LINE:size Sets the maximum size of line edit buffer. (default:128)
/MACROS Displays all Doskey macros.
/OVERSTRIKE Overwrites new characters onto the line when typing. (default)
/REINSTALL Installs a new copy of Doskey.
macroname Specifies a name for a macro you create.
text Specifies commands you want to assign to the macro.

Option keys

UP, DOWN Arrows recall commands.
Esc Clears current command.
F7 Displays command history.
Alt+F7 Clears command history.
[chars]F8 Searches for command beginning with [chars].
F9 Selects a command by number.
Alt+F10 Clears macro definitions.

Below are special codes to use in Doskey macro definitions.

$T Command separator: allows multiple commands in a macro.
$1-$9 Batch parameters: equivalent to %1-%9 in batch programs.
$* Symbol replaced by everything following macro name on the command line.

Doskey examples


All recent versions of Windows already have doskey loaded and don't require it to be loaded again by typing the following command. This command is shown for users with older versions of MS-DOS who want to know how to load the command to memory.


Starts doskey and lets you press the up or down arrow keys to see history, or right or left to retype the previous command.

doskey /history

Show the history of commands run at the command prompt. Since doskey is loaded by default with recent versions of Windows, it's an easy way to determine what commands were run on any open Windows command line window.

Technical support

Specifying a buffer size larger than 61900 for doskey causes the computer to freeze.

Doskey only supports approximately 61900 bytes due to an error in the doskey program.