Douglas Ross
Updated: 03/06/2020 by Computer Hope

Name: Douglas (Doug) Taylor Ross
Born: December 21, 1929
Death: January 21, 2007 (Age: 78)
Computer-related contributions
- American computer scientist pioneer, and Chairman of SofTech, Inc. a software/consulting company and early supplier of compilers for Pascal.
- Best known for originating the term CAD (computer-aided design).
- Recognized as the father of APT (Automatically Programmed Tools), a language to drive numerically controlled manufacturing.
- Inventor of SADT, Structured Analysis and Design Technique and an early developer of structured analysis methods.
Significant publications
- Computer-aided design (1961).
- A generalized technique for symbol manipulation and numerical calculation (1961).
- Investigations in computer-aided design for numerically controlled production (1968).
- Automatic generation of efficient lexical processors using finite state techniques (1968).
- Software engineering: process, principles, and goals (1975).
- Structured Analysis for Requirements Definition (1976).
- Toward Foundations for the Understanding of type (1976).
- Structured Analysis for Requirements Definition (1977).
- Structured Analysis (SA): A Language for Communicating Ideas (1977).
- Origins of the APT Language for Automatically Programmed Tools (1978).
- Removing the limitations of natural language (with the principles behind the RSA language) (1980).
- Applications and Extensions of SADT (1985).
- SADT Structured Analysis and Design Technique (1988).
- The NATO Conferences form the Perspective of an Active Software Engineer (1989).
Honors and awards
- Joseph Marie Jacquard Memorial Award from the Numerical Control Society (1975).
- Distinguished Contributions Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (1980).
- Honorary Engineer of the Year Award from the San Fernando Valley Engineer's Council (1981).