D-Wave Systems

Updated: 11/12/2023 by Computer Hope
D-Wave Systems

Founded in 1999 by Haig Farris, Geordie Rose, Bob Wiens, and Alexandre Zagoskin. D-Wave Systems, Inc. is a quantum computing company, headquartered in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Designer of "the world's first commercially available quantum computer," operating on a 128-qubit chipset.

Contact information

Support: (604) 630-1428
Fax: (604) 630-1434
TDD/TTY: Unknown
Website: D-Wave Systems official website
FTP: Unknown
E-mail: inquiry@dwavesys.com
Address: D-Wave Systems
3033 Beta Avenue
Burnaby, British Columbia
Canada, V5G 4M9
Stock: Private Company

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