Einar Stefferud
Updated: 12/30/2019 by Computer Hope

Name: Einar (Stef) A. Stefferud
Born: January 11, 1930
Death: September 22, 2011 (Age: 81)
Computer-related contributions
- Internet pioneer, entrepreneur, and computer researcher who made many contributions to the development of the Internet. These developments included the areas of the IETF RFCs and standards, secure online payment systems, DNS, and secure e-mail.
- One of the original designers of the MIME protocol for sending multimedia Internet electronic mail.
Significant publications
- RFC 934, "Proposed standard for message encapsulation."
- RFC 1425, "SMTP Service Extensions", later versions as RFC 1651 and RFC 1869.
- RFC 1426, "SMTP Service Extension for 8it-MIMEtransport", later version as RFC 1652.
Honors and awards
- Communications Week Magazine Top 10 Visionaries in the Computer-Communications Industry (1993).