Feedback may refer to any of the following:

1. With audio, feedback is the noise created by data errors through audio cables or wireless audio systems. Feedback is caused when a signal is sent through the output and received back to its input.
For example, when a microphone is connected to a nearby speaker, the microphone sends noise through the speaker. If the speaker volume is high or the two devices are close, the microphone picks up the sound, creating an infinite loop of unfavorable noise.

2. Feedback is a reaction to a person, product, or service that provides information about how it can be improved.
Feedback may also be an idea, advice, opinion, rating, response, result, or survey.
What makes effective feedback?
When offering feedback to another person or company, it's important to make that feedback effective. Effective feedback or constructive feedback is specific and actionable. For example, if you offered effective negative feedback on this page, you could tell us what you felt was missing from the page and maybe offer ideas on what could be added.
Below are examples of different levels of feedback that could be offered, from the least effective to the most effective.
Least effective feedback
It sucks!
This feedback wastes the time of the person who wrote it and would only result in the recipient deleting the message.
More effective feedback
I couldn't find what I was looking for on the page.
This feedback is more effective. It describes the problem and may result in the page getting updated. However, because it was not specific, it would likely not solve the problem for the person writing the feedback.
Effective feedback
I could not find an example of how I could give my teacher feedback. Can you give an example of how to give a teacher negative feedback without hurting her feelings?
This effective feedback lets the person know what they could not find and offers an example of what they'd like to find.
Is it ok to offer negative feedback?
Yes. Many people and companies appreciate effective negative feedback more than positive feedback because it gives them ideas about improving.
Feedback vs. suggestion
Although similar, feedback is a reaction to a person, product, or service that provides information about how it can be improved. A suggestion is a new idea that can be added or considered.
How to provide Computer Hope with feedback
At the bottom of every page (including this one), click the "Yes" or "No" buttons to provide us with feedback. If you click "No," you can give us your feedback and recommendations on how we can improve that page. You can also click the "Feedback" link at the bottom of every page to provide feedback with the option to provide us with your e-mail for a reply.
Business terms, Comment, Customer service, Input, Sound terms, Suggestion