Updated: 11/13/2018 by Computer Hope

The FileZilla program is a free-to-use, open source FTP (file transfer protocol) utility, allowing users to transfer files from a local to a remote computer. FileZilla is available as a client version and a server version.
FileZilla features
FileZilla has many features; here are a few:
- Site Manager - create and store a list of FTP servers and associated connection data.
- Directory Comparison - allows a user to compare local and remote directory contents.
- File and Folder View - similar to a file manager, allowing users to modify files and folders and providing a drag-and-drop capability between local and remote directories.
- Transfer Queue - displays the status of file transfers in progress or waiting to process.
FileZilla can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It supports FTP, SFTP (secure file transfer protocol), and FTPS (file transfer protocol secure) protocols.