Gene Golub
Updated: 03/06/2020 by Computer Hope

Name: Gene Howard Golub
Born: February 29, 1932, in Chicago, Illinois USA
Death: November 16, 2007 (Age: 75)
Computer-related contributions
- One of the renowned numerical analysts of his generation.
- Fletcher Jones Professor of Computer Science.
- President of SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) from 1985 to 1987.
- Founding editor of SISC (SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing) and SIMAX (SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications).
Significant publications
- Recent Advances in Iterative Methods (2011).
- Matrix Computations, Johns Hopkins Studies in the Mathematical Sciences (1989).
- Studies in Numerical Analysis, Studies in Mathematics, Vol 24 (1985).
- Recent Advances in Numerical Analysis: Proceedings of a Symposium Conducted by the Mathematics Research Center (1978).
Honors and awards
- Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (1986).
- Awarded the B. Bolzano Gold Medal for Merits in the Field of Mathematical Sciences (1993).
- Listed as an ISI highly cited researcher.