
Updated: 12/10/2023 by Computer Hope
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Short for Google mail, Gmail is a free service provided by Google that enables users to send and receive e-mail over the Internet. Gmail was initially considered a joke because it was announced on April 1st, 2004 (April Fools).

Gmail is unique because it provides several gigabytes of e-mail data storage, which means most users don't have to worry about not getting e-mail due to exceeding their available storage. Another defining trait of the Gmail service is allowing users to be inactive for up to nine months. Many similar services require a login at least once every 30 days to keep an account active. Finally, Gmail has the best spam detection capabilities available, meaning almost all spam is filtered into the trash, so you don't have to read it.

Do I have to pay for a Gmail account?

Gmail is free and doesn't require any payment.


If you'd like to have a custom e-mail address (e.g., managed by Google through Google Workspace, it has a small fee.

How do I install Gmail?

On a computer, Gmail is an online service accessed through your web browser and not a program to install.

On a smartphone, if you want the Gmail app, it can be installed through the app store. The name of the app is "Gmail."

How do I access or sign into Gmail?

On a computer, Gmail is accessed by visiting the official Gmail website with your browser and then signing into your associated Google account.

On a smartphone with the Gmail app installed, Gmail is accessed by opening the Gmail app.

How can I change my Gmail address?

You cannot change your Gmail address, account name, or username. However, you can create another Gmail address.

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