Updated: 05/06/2024 by Computer Hope
Alternatively called GWPM (Gross Words Per Minute), GWAM is short for Gross Words A Minute and is similar to WPM (Words Per Minute), except it does not account for any errors. GWAM is the overall typing speed regardless of how many errors you make. GWAM is used as a measurement for users learning to type and later replaced by WPM.
GWAM can be calculated by typing text from an alternate source for 3-5 minutes and taking the number of words divided by the minutes. For example, if you type 400 words in five minutes, GWAM is calculated by dividing 400 by 5, resulting in 80GWAM.
Computer acronyms, Keyboard terms, Keystroke, Measurement, Skill, Speed, TLA, Typing, Word, WPM