Today in computer history: June 27th
Below are technology and computer-related events that happened on June 27th of every year during the evolution of computers. June 27th is the 179th day of 2024, which is a leap year. There are 187 days left in the year from this day.

129 years ago
Paul Galvin was born, one of the two founders of the telecommunications company Motorola. Died November 5, 1959 (Age: 64).

113 years ago
Louis Ridenour was born, an American physicist instrumental in U.S. development of radar. Died May 21, 1959 (Age: 47).

94 years ago
Henry Perot was born, the founder of EDS and Perot Systems. Died July 9, 2019 (Age: 89).

70 years ago
The USSR's Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant opens and becomes the first Nuclear power plant to generate electricity.

52 years ago
Syzygy Engineering was renamed to Atari.

48 years ago
Amber MacArthur was born, a Canadian television and netcasting personality well known for the Call for Help series.

24 years ago
Indeo was acquired from Intel by Ligos Technology.
Computer pioneers
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Atari, Call for Help, Electricity, Engineering, Founder, Indeo, Intel, Ligos, Motorola, Telecommunications, Television, Two